Event Planning & Management: Business Strategies for Creating Exceptional Experiences

Author(s): Rayven Crisafulli

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2024

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ISBN 9781792417986

Details Electronic Delivery EBOOK 180 days

Module 1
CHAPTER 1 History of Events & Event Studies 
CHAPTER 2 Business & Trade Events 
CHAPTER 3 Careers in the Event Industry 

Module 2
CHAPTER 4 Transforming Events into Experiences: Theoretical Foundations for Planning 
CHAPTER 5 The Planning Process 
CHAPTER 6 Event Design 

Module 3
CHAPTER 7 Managing Clients & Teams: Effective Communication and Leadership in Event Management 

Module 4
CHAPTER 8 Event Finance 

Module 5
CHAPTER 9 Food & Beverage Services 
CHAPTER 10 Venue Layout & AV 
CHAPTER 11 Event Contracts 

Module 6
CHAPTER 12 Marketing Events 

Module 7
CHAPTER 13 Risk Management

Rayven Crisafulli

Module 1
CHAPTER 1 History of Events & Event Studies 
CHAPTER 2 Business & Trade Events 
CHAPTER 3 Careers in the Event Industry 

Module 2
CHAPTER 4 Transforming Events into Experiences: Theoretical Foundations for Planning 
CHAPTER 5 The Planning Process 
CHAPTER 6 Event Design 

Module 3
CHAPTER 7 Managing Clients & Teams: Effective Communication and Leadership in Event Management 

Module 4
CHAPTER 8 Event Finance 

Module 5
CHAPTER 9 Food & Beverage Services 
CHAPTER 10 Venue Layout & AV 
CHAPTER 11 Event Contracts 

Module 6
CHAPTER 12 Marketing Events 

Module 7
CHAPTER 13 Risk Management

Rayven Crisafulli