Welcome to General Botany
Understanding Lab Safety
Lab 1 Using the Compound Light Microscope and Making Wet Mounts
Lab 2 Observing Cells in Action
Lab 3 Taking a Closer Look at Roots
Lab 4 Taking a Closer Look at Stems
Lab 5 Taking a Closer Look at Leaves
Lab 6 Exploring Flowers and Constructing Floral Formula
Lab 7 Testing for Essential Organic Molecules
Lab 8 Investigating Photosynthesis
Lab 9 Investigating Aerobic Respiration, Fermentation, and Enzyme Action
Lab 10 Observing Diffusion and Osmosis in Action
Lab 11 Solving Mendelian Genetics Problems
Lab 12 Isolating DNA
Lab 13 Surveying Autotrophic Protists
Lab 14 Surveying Other Autotrophs: Cyanobacteria and Lichens
Lab 15 Taking a Closer Look at Mitosis and Meiosis
Lab 16 Comparing Nonvascular Plants: The Bryophytes
Lab 17 Comparing Seedless Vascular Plants: Lycophytes, Ferns and Their Allies
Lab 18 Taking a Closer Look at Seed Vascular Plants: The Gymnosperms
Lab 19 Taking a Closer Look at Seed Vascular Plants: The Angiosperms
Appendix I: Using the Dissecting Microscope
Appendix II: Guidelines for Scientific Drawing
Appendix III: Guidelines for Plant Collection and Identification