Foundations of Geometry and Measurement for Teachers

Author(s): Kurt Killion

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2019

Pages: 360

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ISBN 9798765713921

Details Electronic Delivery EBOOK 180 days

Foundations of Geometry and Measurement for Teachers is an activity-based, problem based, manipulative-based, and technology-based laboratory manual that can be used in a mathematics course in geometry and measurement for elementary and middle school preservice teachers. Most activities are organized around the key areas of area, perimeter, symmetry, similarity, properties and calcification, Pythagorean Theorem, and algebraic connections. Some of the labs have a PowerPoint presentation designed to accompany the questions in the lab so that instructors who may not have used the class activity extensively have some guidance for developing the key concepts of the lab. This laboratory manual is designed as loose leaf with hole punches so that students can easily organize their mathematical explorations into a notebook that is a detailed record of what has been done in class along with any supplemental materials. This expected organization is integral to the author’s approach of requiring significant depth of understanding on assessments. Because there is also an explicit focus on the child’s perspective, the questions in each activity and on the assessments are meant to elicit responses that would match the language of teachers as they are interacting with a child in that mathematical/social context our match the language that a child with deep understanding would use.

Big Ideas
Geometry Talks
Vocabulary Word Sort
Venn Diagrams
Painted Cube
Quadrilateral Quandary
Area of Squares, Rectangles, Parallelograms, and Triangles
Area of Trapezoids
Area of a Circle
Common Core Mathematical Practices
Calculator Triangle Area
Triangle Area Lab with GeoGebra
Spatial Visualization with Tangrams
Area with Tangrams
Perimeter with Tangrams
Tangram Efficiency (Area to Perimeter Ratio)
Patterns in Special Right Triangles
Medians and Centroid with GeoGebra
Geoboard Familiarization
Geoboard Symmetry
Geoboard Perimeter and Semi-perimeter
Geoboard Area of Parallelograms and Triangles
Geoboard Advanced Area Strategies
Geoboard Reasoning
Ratio of Similarity
Area and Perimeter Using Color Tiles
Area and Perimeter Extensions
Area and Perimeter Efficiency Extension
Pythagorean Theorem
Triangle Properties, Constructions, and Proofs
Triangle Centers
Polygon Angle Relationships
Introduction to van Hiele Levels
Journal Reflection Prompts
Children’s Literature and Mathematics

Kurt Killion

Foundations of Geometry and Measurement for Teachers is an activity-based, problem based, manipulative-based, and technology-based laboratory manual that can be used in a mathematics course in geometry and measurement for elementary and middle school preservice teachers. Most activities are organized around the key areas of area, perimeter, symmetry, similarity, properties and calcification, Pythagorean Theorem, and algebraic connections. Some of the labs have a PowerPoint presentation designed to accompany the questions in the lab so that instructors who may not have used the class activity extensively have some guidance for developing the key concepts of the lab. This laboratory manual is designed as loose leaf with hole punches so that students can easily organize their mathematical explorations into a notebook that is a detailed record of what has been done in class along with any supplemental materials. This expected organization is integral to the author’s approach of requiring significant depth of understanding on assessments. Because there is also an explicit focus on the child’s perspective, the questions in each activity and on the assessments are meant to elicit responses that would match the language of teachers as they are interacting with a child in that mathematical/social context our match the language that a child with deep understanding would use.

Big Ideas
Geometry Talks
Vocabulary Word Sort
Venn Diagrams
Painted Cube
Quadrilateral Quandary
Area of Squares, Rectangles, Parallelograms, and Triangles
Area of Trapezoids
Area of a Circle
Common Core Mathematical Practices
Calculator Triangle Area
Triangle Area Lab with GeoGebra
Spatial Visualization with Tangrams
Area with Tangrams
Perimeter with Tangrams
Tangram Efficiency (Area to Perimeter Ratio)
Patterns in Special Right Triangles
Medians and Centroid with GeoGebra
Geoboard Familiarization
Geoboard Symmetry
Geoboard Perimeter and Semi-perimeter
Geoboard Area of Parallelograms and Triangles
Geoboard Advanced Area Strategies
Geoboard Reasoning
Ratio of Similarity
Area and Perimeter Using Color Tiles
Area and Perimeter Extensions
Area and Perimeter Efficiency Extension
Pythagorean Theorem
Triangle Properties, Constructions, and Proofs
Triangle Centers
Polygon Angle Relationships
Introduction to van Hiele Levels
Journal Reflection Prompts
Children’s Literature and Mathematics

Kurt Killion