Foundations allows congregations to get back to the basics of their faith. Theology plays an important role in the Church. Without an informed understanding of the place of theology in the Church and the vital nature of its contribution to its activities, the Church may find itself confused, facing unnecessary challenges, and lacking the power God intended it to possess. However, a Church, operating on the solid foundation theology provides, can be that invincible extension of Christ pictured in his statement on the Church expressed in Matthew 16:18. An informed understanding of theology is essential for every Church to be what Jesus intended when he said, “on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”
Understanding the Church
Week 1 Exploring Theology and the Remarkable Church
A Remarkable Statement
A Remarkable Location
A Remarkable Design
A Remarkable Declaration
A Remarkable Contrast
A Remarkable Construction
Its Future Construction
Its Ideal Construction
Its Favored Construction
Its Honored Construction
Its Essential Construction
A Remarkable Purpose
A Remarkable Function
Week 2 Theology in Church and Congregational Life
Theology Questioned
Theology Investigated
Theology Explored
Theology Explained
Theology Is the Study of God and His Relationship to Himself
Theology Is Also the Study of God and His Relationship to Humanity
Theology Is the Study of God and His Relationship to Eternity
Theology Purposed
A Prescription for a Relationship with God
A Prescription for Marriage and Family
A Prescription for Church Life and Practice
Theology Applied
Week 3 Categories of Theology
Theology Categories
An Initial Look
An Expanded Look
A More Detailed Look
Which Is Most Important?
Where Do We Want to Focus?
Week 4 Church and Congregational Theology – Why It Matters
Theology and Our Purpose
In the Way We Reflect His Love
In the Way We Love Others
In the Way We Make a Difference
Theology and Our Message
Our Words Communicate
Our Attitudes Communicate
Our Actions Communicate
Theology and Our Practice
Are We Investing?
Influences Our Understanding of Jesus and His Church
Influences the Practice of Our Mission
Influences the Identity of Who We Really Are
A Final Word
Magellan Learning Solutions LLC
The Reverend Dr. Debra Lynn Haggins is university chaplain, pastor of the Memorial Church at Hampton University, and executive director of the nationally acclaimed Hampton University Ministers’ Conference-Choir Directors’ & Organists’ Guild Workshop. She served as interim pastor of the historic Queen Street Baptist Church in Norfolk, Virginia.
Chaplain Haggins has earned a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Early Childhood Education from Paine College in Augusta, GA where she joined the sisterhood of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. She received the Master of Science degree (M.S.Ed.) in Secondary School Administration and the Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies (CAS) in Higher Education Administration, both from Old Dominion University.
She earned a Master of Divinity (M.Div.) from the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University and the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Higher Education Leadership and Management from Hampton University. Most recently, Dr. Haggins completed the Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) from Candler School of Theology at Emory University where her field of emphasis was Biblical Interpretation and Proclamation. Debra Haggins is the mother of Brian, Steven and Bradley Haggins.
Turner Ward
Karen Turner Ward holds a doctoral degree in Criticism and Public Address from Regent University. Dr. Ward has the distinction of being the first student to earn a Ph.D. from the University. Dr. Ward currently serves as Chair of the Department of Fine and Performing Arts at Hampton University where she teaches communication and theatre courses. She serves on the School of Liberal Arts and Education University 101 (First-Year Experience) Advisory Committee and assists in the development of the course curriculum. She also helped prepare the course’s interactive textbook, The Individual and Life: Your Pathway to Success. She has served as a national consultant on recruitment, assessment, and retention of African American students.
To meet student needs, Dr. Ward has incorporated innovative approaches to instruction and introduced technology into traditional instructional programming. It was this search for innovative approaches to instruct “today’s students” that inspired her to write the communication textbook, Communication for Today’s Student, now in its fourth edition. The textbook, published by Kendall Hunt Publishing, is accompanied by an interactive program, which enables students to submit assignments online, sit for digital exams, take practice tests and post-tests, and absorb the material through interactive games and flash cards. This program enables students as well as instructors to obtain immediate assessment results. The overwhelming success of this program inspired Dr. Ward to develop both the Humanities One Interactive and Humanities Two Interactive textbooks.
Dr. Ward has received numerous awards for her commitment to innovative teaching, including the coveted, E. L. Hamm Distinguished Teaching Award presented each academic year by the University President.