The Fragment: The Primitive Stuff from Which Everything Originates

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2025

Pages: 200

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ISBN 9798385166183

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The English poet Jane Taylor wrote, “Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky.”

For the adult, the poem invokes an instinctual question about the universe’s very fabric. Yet, humanity’s understanding of the universe shifted to the precise -from particles and waves to curved spacetime and hyper-dimensional string theories- giving us explanations hardly instinctual. Striking at the heart of this cosmic dance, the new proposition in science is that fragments of energy -reminiscent of the stars in the sky- are the true building blocks of the universe. Through this unified notion of matter, we return to science’s instinctual roots while meeting the precise, modern requirements of mechanics, electromagnetism, and celestial-scale physics.

In this unique book written by the leading scientist behind the mathematical development of the fragment of energy conception, Silverberg guides you from ancient struggles to modern insights on space, time, and matter. With accessible prose he traces the evolution of our understanding, leading you to appreciate the unique historical moment we presently occupy. Engaging and informative, the book instills an instinctual grasp of the stuff of the universe.


Larry M. Silverberg

American Dynamicist, Specialist in Relativistic Physics, and Science Communicator. 

I attended Virginia Polytechnic and State University (1976-1983), studying under the dynamicist Leonard Meirovitch from 1977 until receiving the PhD in engineering mechanics in 1983. I joined the faculty at North Carolina State University in 1984. Over my career, I've developed applied and theoretical methods that advanced the foundation of ordinary and relativistic dynamics. Today, I and my wife Debbie enjoy a quiet life in Apex, North Carolina.

The English poet Jane Taylor wrote, “Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky.”

For the adult, the poem invokes an instinctual question about the universe’s very fabric. Yet, humanity’s understanding of the universe shifted to the precise -from particles and waves to curved spacetime and hyper-dimensional string theories- giving us explanations hardly instinctual. Striking at the heart of this cosmic dance, the new proposition in science is that fragments of energy -reminiscent of the stars in the sky- are the true building blocks of the universe. Through this unified notion of matter, we return to science’s instinctual roots while meeting the precise, modern requirements of mechanics, electromagnetism, and celestial-scale physics.

In this unique book written by the leading scientist behind the mathematical development of the fragment of energy conception, Silverberg guides you from ancient struggles to modern insights on space, time, and matter. With accessible prose he traces the evolution of our understanding, leading you to appreciate the unique historical moment we presently occupy. Engaging and informative, the book instills an instinctual grasp of the stuff of the universe.


Larry M. Silverberg

American Dynamicist, Specialist in Relativistic Physics, and Science Communicator. 

I attended Virginia Polytechnic and State University (1976-1983), studying under the dynamicist Leonard Meirovitch from 1977 until receiving the PhD in engineering mechanics in 1983. I joined the faculty at North Carolina State University in 1984. Over my career, I've developed applied and theoretical methods that advanced the foundation of ordinary and relativistic dynamics. Today, I and my wife Debbie enjoy a quiet life in Apex, North Carolina.