1. Understanding Political Theory
Thomas A. Spragens, Jr.
2. The Evolution of Liberal Capitalist Democracy
Murray Jardine
3. John Locke and the Foundations of Liberalism
Murray Jardine
4. Of Civil Government
John Locke
5. The Wealth of Nations
Adam Smith
6. Of Property
John Locke
7. On Toleration
John Locke
8. Commonwealth Club Address
Franklin D. Roosevelt
9. The Social Economics of the New Deal
Adolph A. Berle, Jr.
10. The Modern Corporation and Private Property
Adolph A. Berle, Jr. and Gardiner C. Means
11. A Theory of Justice
John Rawls
12. Capitalism and Freedom
Milton Friedman
13. Equality, Value, and Merit
Friedrich Hayek
14. On Liberty
John Stuart Mill
15. Democracy in America
Alexis de Tocqueville
16. The Great Transformation
Karl Polanyi
17. Enuma Elish
18. The Political Community
19. The Christian Doctrine of Creation and the Rise of Modern Natural Science
M. B. Foster
20. The City of God
St. Augustine
21. Summa Theologica
St. Thomas Aquinas
22. God’s Power and Nature
William of Ockham
23. The Freedom of a Christian
Martin Luther
24. Institutes of the Christian Religion
John Calvin
25. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
Max Weber
26. Leviathan
Thomas Hobbes
27. Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality Among Men
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
28. The Social Contract
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
29. Technology and Human Evolution
Karl Marx
30. Manifesto of the Communist Party
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
31. Issues in Contemporary Political Theory
Murray Jardine
32. If the GDP Is Up, Why Is America Down?
Clifford Cobb, Ted Halstead, and Jonathan Rowe
33. Urban Planning and Community
Institute for Political Theory and Public Policy
34. Restructuring Work
Institute for Political Theory and Public Policy
35. Death with Dignity, Medical Practice, and Community
Institute for Political Theory and Public Policy
36. The Declaration of Independence
37. The Constitution of the United States