Gender, Race, Class provides a sociological overview of the impact of systems of inequality on populations in the United States. In particular, the book highlights how systems of inequality perpetuate themselves over generations and results in greater economic, gender, racial, and ethnic disparity. Designed for students to explore the deeper cultural and structural understanding of race, class, and gender, the text seeks to provide an appreciation for diversity and recognition of intersectionality.
CHAPTER 1. An Introduction to Sociology
CHAPTER 2. Culture
CHAPTER 3. Socialization
CHAPTER 4. Deliberating Social Stratification
CHAPTER 5. Systems of Inequality
CHAPTER 6. Examining Minorities
CHAPTER 7. Gender Identity Development
CHAPTER 8. Gender in the Workplace
CHAPTER 9. Appreciating Diversity
CHAPTER 10. Intersections of Race, Class, and Gender
Helen K
Helen K. Wise is a Professor of Sociology at Louisiana State University in Shreveport (LSUS). She teaches course in research methods, demography, and nonprofit administration and works with health care facilities researching patient satisfaction.