General Chemistry I & II Laboratory Manual is a compilation of general chemistry labs that are designed to incorporate essential laboratory skills, complement instruction in General Chemistry I and II, foster inquiry, and help to teach both individual skills and teamwork. The labs and sequence are designed so that all students, regardless of background, will be able to be successful, but challenging enough that all students will learn.
Chemical Lab Safety and Chemical Hygiene Guidelines
An Introduction to Excel
Measurement and Statistics
Determination of an Empirical Formula
Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry
Standardization of Sodium Hydroxide
Gas Laws
Atomic Spectroscopy
Analysis of Copper by Precipitation Titrimetry
Colorimetry: A Study of Beer’s Law Using Kool-Aid®
Molecular Geometry
General Chemistry Lab Final Exam
General Chemistry II Labs
Determination of Iron by a Permanganate Titration: A Redox Titration
Colligative Properties of Solutions
Kinetics: The Decolorization of Phenolphthalein
Qualitative Analysis of Common Cations
Mini Qualitative Analysis Scheme
Acids, Bases, Indicators and Buffers
Potentiometric Titration
Equilibrium Constants: Determination of Ksp for Calcium Hydroxide
Thermodynamics: Determining DG, DH and DS for Dissolution of Calcium Hydroxide
Voltaic Cells and Electrochemistry
Synthesis of a Transition Metal Complex
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy: Analysis of an Iron Tablet
Qualitative Analysis Practical Exam