General Information: Biosafety in the Microbiology Lab
MCB 3020 Laboratory Rules
Exercise 1: Introduction, Safety, and Lab Techniques
Exercise 2: Microscopy, Simple Stain, and Negative Stain
Exercise 3: The Gram Stain
Exercise 4: Acid Fast and Spore Stain
Exercise 5: Pure Culture Techniques
Exercise 6: Selective and Differential Media
Exercise 7: Bacterial Population Count
Exercise 8: Cultural and Physiological Characteristics Part I
Exercise 9: Cultural and Physiological Characteristics Part II
Exercise 10: Pyogenic Cocci
Exercise 11: Pathogen Studies
Exercise 12: Mycology
Exercise 13: Control of Microorganisms
Exercise 14: Microbial Growth Conditions
Exercise 15: Bacterial Examination of Water
Exercise 16: Identification of Unknowns