Safety and Laboratory Guidelines
Safety Quiz
Exercise 1: Microorganisms Isolated from Natural Sources
Exercise 2: Control of Microorganisms – Effect of Hand Washing
Exercise 3: Cultural Characteristics of Microorganisms
Exercise 4: Staining of Microorganisms and Use of the Microscope
Exercise 5: The Gram Stain
Exercise 6: The Endospore Stain
Exercise 7: The Capsule Stain
Exercise 8: The Acid-fast Stain
Exercise 9: Motility
Exercise 10: Selective and Differential Media
Exercise 11: Isolation of Pure Cultures
Exercise 12: Estimation of Concentrations – Serial Dilution and Turbidity
Exercise 13: Estimation of Concentrations – Most Probable Number
Exercise 14; Microbial Growth
Exercise 15: Identification of Unknown Microbes “Pets” – Biochemical Fingerprints
Exercise 16: Environmental Effects on Growth
Exercise 17: Control of Microorganisms – Thermal Death Point
Exercise 18: Control of Microorganisms – Disinfectants
Exercise 19: Antibiotic Susceptibility/Resistance
Exercise 20: Control of Microorganisms – Ultraviolet Radiation (UV)
Exercise 21: Epidemiology – Transmission of Disease
Exercise 22; Hemolytic Activity of Microorganisms
Exercise 23: Bacteriophages and Plaque formation