1. Retrosynthesis : Putting Reactions Together
2. Alkynes : Developing Synthetic Methods
3. Alcohols : Oxidation and Reduction
4. Organometals : Carbon-Carbon Bonds
5. Ethers/Epoxides : Acid and Base Catalyzed Reactions
6. Conjugated Systems : Revisit Molecular Orbital Theory
7. Aromaticity: Stability and Instability in Cyclic pi-Systems
8. Benzenes : Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution
9. Aldehydes and Ketones : Nucleophilic Addition
10. Enols and Enolates : Acidities of Carbonyls
11. Carboxylic Acids : Organic Acids
12. Carboxylic Acid Derivatives : Nucleophilic Substitution
13. Amines : Organic Bases