Gross Anatomy Dissection Lab Manual

Author(s): Mercy Navis

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2013

Pages: 160

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ISBN 9781465230720

Details Electronic Delivery EBOOK 180 days


New Publication Now Available!


Designed to meet the needs of students in health sciences, Mercy Navis' Gross Anatomy Dissection Lab Manual prepares students for human anatomical dissections.

Available in print and eBook formats that students can purchase directly from Kendall Hunt Publishing, Gross Anatomy Dissection Lab Manual:

  • Offers detailed instructions for students who perform dissection and also an informative guide for students to review gross anatomy.
  • Explains the anatomical dissection of various body structures while examining the corresponding clinical significance.
  • Includes general laboratory rules/regulations and features color images throughout..

Introduction about Dissection
Anatomical Planes
General Laboratory Rules and Regulations

1 Back
Superficial Muscles
Intermediate Muscles
Deep Muscles
Transversospinalis Group
Suboccipital Region
Suboccipital Triangle
Vertebral Canal

2 Upper Extremity
Superficial Veins and Nerves
Pectoral Region
Shoulder Region
Scapular Region
Walls and Concents of Axilla
Brachial Plexus
Anterior Compartment
Cubital Fossa
Posterior Compartment
Anterior (Flexor) Compartment
Posterior (Extensor) Compartment
Palm of the Hand
Dorsum of the Hand
Ligaments of the Upper Extremity

3 Lower Extremity
Superficial Structures of Anterior and Medial Regions ofThigh
Anterior Region of Thigh
Medial Region of Thigh
Gluteal Region
Posterior Region of Thigh
Popliteal Fossa
Posterior (Flexor) Region of Leg
Lateral (Fibular/Peroneal) Region of Leg
Anterior (Extensor/Dorsiflexor) Region of Leg
Plantar Region (Sole of the Foot)
Joints of the Lower Extremity

4 Thorax
Anterior Thoracic Wall
Intercostal Structures
Thoracic Cavity
Left Lung
Right Lung
Superior Mediastinum
Anterior Mediastinum
Middle Mediastinum
Pericardial Sac
Removal of the Heart
Arteries of the Heart
Right Atrium
Veins of the Heart
Interior of the Right Atrium
Interior of the Right Ventricle
Left Atrium
Interior of the Left Atrium
Posterior Mediastinum
Interior of the Left Ventricle

5 Abdomen
Anterior Abdominal Wall
Fascia and Cutaneous Nerves
Muscles of the Anterior Abdominal Wall
Peritoneum and Peritoneal Cavity
Greater and Lesser Sacs
Greater and Lesser Omentum
Examination of Abdominal Viscera
Celiac Trunk
Gall Bladder
Large Intestine
Superior Mesenteric Artery
Inferior Mesenteric Artery
Portal System of Veins
Removal of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Posterior Abdominal Wall Muscles
Adrenal (Suprarenal) Glands
Nerves of Posterior Abdominal Wall
Lumbar Plexus
Abdominal Aorta
Inferior Vena Cava
Sympathetic Trunk

6 Perineum and Pelvis
Anal Triangle
Spermatic Cord
Urogenital (Triangle) Region in Male
Shaft of the Penis
Superficial Perineal Space (Pouch) in Male
Deep Perineal Space (Pouch) in Male
Urogenital (Triangle) Region in Female
External Genitalia in Female
Superficial Perineal Space (Pouch) in Female
Shaft of the Clitoris
Deep Perineal Space (Pouch) in Female
Male Pelvis
Internal Iliac Artery in Male
Female Pelvis
Pelvic Diaphragm
Internal Iliac Artery in Female
Nerves in the Pelvis
Pelvic Autonomic Nerves

7 Head and Neck
Posterior Triangle of Neck
Anterior Triangle of Neck
Carotid Triangle
Muscular Triangle
Submental Triangle
Submandibular Triangle
Root of the Neck
Thyroid Gland and Associated Structures
Prevertebral Region
Posterior Aspect of Pharynx
Posterior and Lateral Aspects of Pharynx
Paranasal Sinuses
Nasal Cavity
Palatine Canal
Pterygoid Canal
Infraorbital Canal
Oral Cavity
Muscles of the Tongue
Muscles of the Larynx
Interior of Larynx

Mercy Navis


New Publication Now Available!


Designed to meet the needs of students in health sciences, Mercy Navis' Gross Anatomy Dissection Lab Manual prepares students for human anatomical dissections.

Available in print and eBook formats that students can purchase directly from Kendall Hunt Publishing, Gross Anatomy Dissection Lab Manual:

  • Offers detailed instructions for students who perform dissection and also an informative guide for students to review gross anatomy.
  • Explains the anatomical dissection of various body structures while examining the corresponding clinical significance.
  • Includes general laboratory rules/regulations and features color images throughout..

Introduction about Dissection
Anatomical Planes
General Laboratory Rules and Regulations

1 Back
Superficial Muscles
Intermediate Muscles
Deep Muscles
Transversospinalis Group
Suboccipital Region
Suboccipital Triangle
Vertebral Canal

2 Upper Extremity
Superficial Veins and Nerves
Pectoral Region
Shoulder Region
Scapular Region
Walls and Concents of Axilla
Brachial Plexus
Anterior Compartment
Cubital Fossa
Posterior Compartment
Anterior (Flexor) Compartment
Posterior (Extensor) Compartment
Palm of the Hand
Dorsum of the Hand
Ligaments of the Upper Extremity

3 Lower Extremity
Superficial Structures of Anterior and Medial Regions ofThigh
Anterior Region of Thigh
Medial Region of Thigh
Gluteal Region
Posterior Region of Thigh
Popliteal Fossa
Posterior (Flexor) Region of Leg
Lateral (Fibular/Peroneal) Region of Leg
Anterior (Extensor/Dorsiflexor) Region of Leg
Plantar Region (Sole of the Foot)
Joints of the Lower Extremity

4 Thorax
Anterior Thoracic Wall
Intercostal Structures
Thoracic Cavity
Left Lung
Right Lung
Superior Mediastinum
Anterior Mediastinum
Middle Mediastinum
Pericardial Sac
Removal of the Heart
Arteries of the Heart
Right Atrium
Veins of the Heart
Interior of the Right Atrium
Interior of the Right Ventricle
Left Atrium
Interior of the Left Atrium
Posterior Mediastinum
Interior of the Left Ventricle

5 Abdomen
Anterior Abdominal Wall
Fascia and Cutaneous Nerves
Muscles of the Anterior Abdominal Wall
Peritoneum and Peritoneal Cavity
Greater and Lesser Sacs
Greater and Lesser Omentum
Examination of Abdominal Viscera
Celiac Trunk
Gall Bladder
Large Intestine
Superior Mesenteric Artery
Inferior Mesenteric Artery
Portal System of Veins
Removal of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Posterior Abdominal Wall Muscles
Adrenal (Suprarenal) Glands
Nerves of Posterior Abdominal Wall
Lumbar Plexus
Abdominal Aorta
Inferior Vena Cava
Sympathetic Trunk

6 Perineum and Pelvis
Anal Triangle
Spermatic Cord
Urogenital (Triangle) Region in Male
Shaft of the Penis
Superficial Perineal Space (Pouch) in Male
Deep Perineal Space (Pouch) in Male
Urogenital (Triangle) Region in Female
External Genitalia in Female
Superficial Perineal Space (Pouch) in Female
Shaft of the Clitoris
Deep Perineal Space (Pouch) in Female
Male Pelvis
Internal Iliac Artery in Male
Female Pelvis
Pelvic Diaphragm
Internal Iliac Artery in Female
Nerves in the Pelvis
Pelvic Autonomic Nerves

7 Head and Neck
Posterior Triangle of Neck
Anterior Triangle of Neck
Carotid Triangle
Muscular Triangle
Submental Triangle
Submandibular Triangle
Root of the Neck
Thyroid Gland and Associated Structures
Prevertebral Region
Posterior Aspect of Pharynx
Posterior and Lateral Aspects of Pharynx
Paranasal Sinuses
Nasal Cavity
Palatine Canal
Pterygoid Canal
Infraorbital Canal
Oral Cavity
Muscles of the Tongue
Muscles of the Larynx
Interior of Larynx

Mercy Navis