Ginger walks out of her last class of the day to find Luke waiting for her, as he usually does on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She greets him with a hug and they fall into a matched pace that soon will lead them to the library. “Becky got an offer from BellTech—her first choice,” Ginger says, knowing Luke will be interested because Becky is a mutual friend of theirs. “Yeah? That’s great.” Luke says, raising his voice to compensate for a nearby student who is talking loudly on his cell. “We’ll have to take her out to celebrate.” “Well, she hasn’t accepted yet.” “What’s she waiting for? A red carpet? BellTech is one of the coolest companies around.” “Chicago is pretty far away, you know, so it’s a big decision,” Ginger explains. She thinks how hard it would be for her to move away from Luke and all her friends and family. She adds, “And Ben doesn’t want her to leave. He’s not comfortable with a long-distance relationship. He’s encouraging her to turn down the offer.” “That’s selfish. They can visit and skype and do FaceTime. Lots of people have long-distance relationships.” “Maybe, but it’s not the same as being together. Besides, I think she’s worried that taking the job might end the relationship with Ben.”