History & Literature of the Old Testament

Author(s): Joel Heck

Edition: 2

Copyright: 2016

Pages: 240

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ISBN 9781524998288

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History & Literature of the Old Testament is author Joel D. Heck’s result of years of study of the Old Testament, preaching on the Old Testament, and teaching the Old Testament. This textbook is written under the conviction that most introductions to the Old Testament are written at the level of the seminary or graduate student. Many fine introductions exist, and the author is indebted to many of them. However, the college student does not need as many technical discussions, explanations of the original Hebrew, extensive footnoting and bibliographies, or surveys of the history of the interpretation of one book or another. Consequently, this textbook is devoted to the message of the Old Testament and its individual books, and it is written for the freshman college student.

The Old Testament is not pure history but, rather, history of a particular kind. The Old Testament does not give equal time to every period of Old Testament history. It focuses its attention on those parts of history where God’s plan of salvation has taken a significant step forward. Some scholars call it “salvation history,” while others prefer terms such as covenantal history or prophetic history. Another way of describing it is to call it selective history.

This suggests, in short, that the Old Testament paves the way for the full revelation of God in Christ Jesus. The many messianic prophecies are, perhaps, the most visible part of this preparation, but the entire history of Israel, which parallels the life of Jesus in many ways, also serves as an introduction to the New Testament.


Chapter 1: Historical Summary of the Old Testament
The Pentateuch
The Conquest
The Period of the Judges
The Monarchy
The Eighth-Century Prophets
The Exile
The Post-Exilic Period

Chapter 2: The Formation of the Old Testament
Authoritative Speeches
Authoritative Documents
The Text of the Old Testament
The Versions
English Translations
Authoritative Collections of Writings
Fixed Canon
The Apocrypha
Genres of the Old Testament

Chapter 3: The Geography of Israel
The Ancient Near East
Canaan and Surrounding Territories

Chapter 4: Biblical Archaeology
Definition of Biblical Archaeology
The Benefits of Biblical Archaeology

Chapter 5: Introduction to the Pentateuch
JEDP: A Brief History of Source Criticism
Wellhausen’s Weaknesses
Mosaic Authorship
The Testimony of the Pentateuch
The Testimony of the Old Testament
The Testimony of the New Testament
Other Internal Evidence
Moses’ Qualifications

Chapter 6: Genesis
Creation (Genesis 1-2)
The Creation Story
Poetic or Narrative?
Theological Themes (Genesis 1-2)
Nonbiblical Creation Stories
The Fall (Genesis 3)
Genesis 3:15
The Free Will Defense
The End of the Fall Narrative: Expulsion from the Garden
The Consequences of the Fall: The Spread of Sin (Genesis 4-11)
Nonbiblical Flood Stories
From Abram to Abraham (Genesis 11:26-25:11)
The Calling of Abram
The Rest of Abraham’s Life
The Theme of Promise in the Life of Abraham
Abraham, Man without Faith
Abraham, Man of Faith
Abraham in the New Testament
Isaac (Genesis 25:12-26)
Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25:27-36:43)
Joseph (Genesis 37-50)
Excursus on Chapter 5 and the Longevity of the Patriarchs of Genesis
Excursus on the Literary Structure of the Flood Narrative

Chapter 7: Exodus
Moses as Infant and Refugee (Exodus 1-2)
Significant Events in Moses’ Early Life
Moses Meets God and Pharaoh (Exodus 3-5)
Moses’ Call Reconfirmed (Exodus 6)
The Plagues (Exodus 7-11)
The Passover (Exodus 12:1-13:16)
The Exodus (Exodus 13:17-15:21)
The Crossing of the Reed Sea
Testing in the Wilderness (Exodus 15:22-18:27)
Covenant and Law (Exodus 19-24)
The Tabernacle, the Golden Calf, and Covenant Renewal (Exodus 25-40)
The Golden Calf

Chapter 8: Leviticus
Laws about Sacrifice (Leviticus 1-7)
The Five Sacrifices
The Gifts
The Donors
Laws about the Priests (Leviticus 8-10)
The Urim and Thummim
The Commencement of Priestly Ministry
Laws about Physical and Moral Impurities (Leviticus 11-16)
The Day of Atonement
Laws about Physical and Moral Holiness (Leviticus 17-26)
Laws about Vows (Leviticus 27)

Chapter 9: Numbers
Title and Author
Preparation for Departure from Sinai (Numbers 1:1-10:10)
From Sinai to Kadesh (Numbers 10:11-20:21)
From Kadesh to Moab (Numbers 20:22-36:13)
In Summary

Chapter 10: Deuteronomy
The Name Deuteronomy
Mosaic Authorship
Moses’ First Sermon (Deuteronomy 1:6-4:49)
Moses’ Second Sermon (Deuteronomy 5:1-28:68)
Moses’ Third Sermon (Deuteronomy 29:1-31:6)
Appendices (Deuteronomy 31:7-34:12)

Chapter 11: Joshua
The Conquest of Canaan (Joshua 1-12)
Preparations for the Conquest
The First (Central) Campaign
The Second (Southern) Campaign
The Third (Northern) Campaign
A Summary of Israel’s Victories
The Settlement of Canaan (Joshua 13-21)
Allocations East of the Jordan
Cities of Refuge (Joshua 20)
The Levitical Cities (Joshua 21)
Appendices (Joshua 22-24)
A Misunderstood Memorial
Joshua’s Farewell Address
The Sinai Covenant Renewed at Shechem

Chapter 12: Judges
Who Were the Judges?
When Did the Judges Live?
Two Outlines
Individual Judges
Idolatry (Judges 17-18)
Immorality (Judges 19-21)

Chapter 13: Ruth
Setting and Time of Writing
Style of Writing
Overview: From Emptiness to Fullness

Chapter 14: 1 Samuel
Outline: First and Second Samuel
Samuel’s Birth and Childhood (1 Samuel 1-3)
The Philistine Threat and the Fate of the Ark (1 Samuel 4-6)
The Relationship between Samuel and Saul (1 Samuel 7:3-1 Samuel 15)
Saul and David (1 Samuel 16 to 2 Samuel 1)

Chapter 15: 2 Samuel
David, King of Judah (2 Samuel 2:1-4:12)
David, King of Judah and Israel (2 Samuel 5:1-8:18)
Succession Struggles (2 Samuel 9-20)

Chapter 16: 1 Kings
The Struggle for Succession (1 Kings 1)
David’s Death (1 Kings 2:1-12)
Solomon Establishes the Kingdom (1 Kings 2:13-46)
Solomon’s Reign (1 Kings 3-10)
The Problem with Wives (1 Kings 11:1-25)
The Division of the Kingdom (1 Kings 11:26-12:33)
The International Scene
Judah and Israel to 722 BC

Chapter 17: 2 Kings
Elisha Succeeds Elijah
Elisha’s Miracles (2 Kings 4:1-8:6)
Jehu of Israel (2 Kings 9:1-10:36)
Jeroboam II of Israel (793-753 BC) (2 Kings 14:23-29)
Ahaz of Judah (2 Kings 16:1-20)
Hoshea of Israel (2 Kings 17:1-6)
Appendices (2 Kings 17:7-41)
The Kings of Judah after the Fall of Samaria
The Exilic and Post-Exilic Periods

Chapter 18: 1 and 2 Chronicles
The Writings of the Chronicler
The Time of Writing
The Purpose of the Chronicler
Outline: 1 and 2 Chronicles
1 Chronicles 1-9: Genealogies
1 Chronicles 10: Saul’s Reign
1 Chronicles 11 to 2 Chronicles 9: The Reigns of David and Solomon
2 Chronicles 10-36: The History of Israel after Solomon
Theology of the Chronicler—A Theology of Hope
David and Solomon

Chapter 19: Introduction to the Prophets
Setting the Stage for the Prophets
The Prophetic Literature of the Old Testament
The Prophet in Israel
The Method of the Prophets
The Message of the Prophets
Definition of a Prophet
Terms for the Prophets
The Tests of a Prophet
The Language of the Prophets
Form Criticism

Chapter 20: Jonah
The Miracles of the Story
Jonah the Person
Style of Writing
The Sign of Jonah
Chapter 1: Jonah’s Disobedience
Chapter 2: Jonah’s Prayer
Chapter 3: Jonah’s Preaching to the Ninevites
Chapter 4: Jonah’s Complaint

Chapter 21: Hosea
The Political Scene
Hosea’s Marriage (Hosea 1-3)
The Problem: Unfaithfulness (Spiritual Harlotry)
The Punishment: Exile
The Promise: Restoration in the Messianic Age

Chapter 22: Amos
Amos the Person
Date and Setting
Writing and Compilation
The Plan of the Book and Its Message
Eight Prophecies
Three Sermons against Israel
Five Visions
Five Promises (A Vision of Hope)
The Message of Amos
Eight Prophecies (“Oracles against the Nations”) (Amos 1:3-2:16)
Three Sermons (Amos 3:1-6:14)
First Sermon
Second Sermon
Third Sermon
Five Visions (Amos 7:1-9:10)
Five Promises (Amos 9:11-15)

Chapter 23: Isaiah
The Unity of Isaiah
The Theme of Isaiah
Historical Background
Israel, the Northern Kingdom
Judah, the Southern Kingdom
The Prophet
Isaiah’s Call: “Isaiah in Miniature” (Isaiah 6:1-13)
Isaiah’s Early Ministry (Isaiah 1-5)
Isaiah and the Syro-Ephraimitic War (Isaiah 7-8)
The Messianic King (Isaiah 9:1-7)
The Fall of Israel (Isaiah 9:14-28:21)
The Assyrian Siege of Jerusalem (Isaiah 36-39)
The Prophet of Comfort (Isaiah 40:1-11)
The Servant of the Lord (Isaiah 40-66)
Overview: Isaiah 40-66

Chapter 24: Micah
Micah and His Times
Micah’s Message

Chapter 25: Jeremiah
The Prophet and His Times
The Prophet
His Times
Jeremiah’s Call (Jeremiah 1:4-19)
The Problem
God’s Desire
The Punishment
Light beyond Darkness

Chapter 26: Lamentations
Chapter 1: The Pitiable State of Jerusalem
Chapter 2: Yahweh’s Anger
Chapter 3: Judah’s Lament
Chapter 4: Jerusalem’s Ruin
Chapter 5: Final Lament
Notes on Contents

Chapter 27: Ezekiel
The Prophet
Ezekiel’s Initial Vision and Call (Ezekiel 1-3)
Oracles of Doom (Ezekiel 4-24)
Oracles against the Nations (Ezekiel 25:1-32:2)
Hope for the Future (Ezekiel 33:1-48:35)

Chapter 28: Obadiah
Date and Historical Background
Outline and Contents

Chapter 29: Nahum
The Prophet and His Times
The Theme
The Style
The Message

Chapter 30: Habakkuk
The Prophet
The Message

Chapter 31: Zephaniah
The Prophet and His Times
Zephaniah’s Message

Chapter 32: Haggai
Historical Background of Haggai and Zechariah
Obstacles to Building

Chapter 33: Zechariah
The Prophet and His Times
Chapters 1-8
Chapters 9-14

Chapter 34: Joel
The Message of Joel 2:28-32
A Concluding Chapter of Judgment

Chapter 35: Malachi
Literary Style

Chapter 36: Introduction to the Writings
The Order of the Writings in the Hebrew Old Testament

Chapter 37: Introduction to Poetic Literature
Features of Hebrew Poetry
Rhythm and Meter
Stanza Structure
Varieties of Poetry

Chapter 38: Introduction to Wisdom Literature
Definition of Wisdom
Where Is Wisdom Literature in the Bible?
Wisdom Literature in the Ancient Near East
Wisdom in Israel
The Purposes of Wisdom Literature
Themes in Wisdom Literature
Wisdom Literature in the Old Testament
Systematic Theology and Wisdom Literature

Chapter 39: Job
Time of Writing
The Central Issues
Textual Notes on Job 19:25-27

Chapter 40: Song of Solomon
Authorship and Date
Some Quotations
An Oriental Description of Beauty (Song 4:1-4)

Chapter 41: Psalms
The Origins of Psalmody in Israel
The Name of the Book
Dating of the Psalms
Psalm Titles
Occasion for Writing
Liturgical Use in Judaism
Use of the Psalms in the New Testament
Liturgical Use in Worship
The Psalms as Poetry
The Psalms in the Old Testament
Major Subject Areas

Chapter 42: Proverbs
Eight Headings
Date and Authorship

Chapter 43: Ecclesiastes

Chapter 44: Ezra-Nehemiah
Historical Introduction to the Period
The Themes of Ezra-Nehemiah and Haggai-Zechariah
The Story of Ezra
The Story of Nehemiah

Chapter 45: Esther
The Use of Esther in Judaism Today
The Background and Purpose of Esther
Esther: Fact or Fiction?
Esther in Dispensational Theology

Chapter 46: Introduction to Apocalyptic Literature
Examples of Apocalyptic Writings
Historical Background
Nine Characteristics of Apocalyptic Literature
Apocalyptic and the New Testament

Chapter 47: Daniel
The Place of Daniel in the Old Testament
The Stories (Daniel 1-6)
The Visions (Daniel 7-12)
Lessons from Daniel
Excursus on Porphyry
Excursus on Daniel 11

Chapter 48: The Intertestamental Period
The Persian Period (539-333 BC)
The Greek Period (333-63 BC)
Palestine under Seleucid Rule
The Maccabean Revolt
The Hasmonean Priest-Kings
Palestine under Roman Rule

Joel Heck

History & Literature of the Old Testament is author Joel D. Heck’s result of years of study of the Old Testament, preaching on the Old Testament, and teaching the Old Testament. This textbook is written under the conviction that most introductions to the Old Testament are written at the level of the seminary or graduate student. Many fine introductions exist, and the author is indebted to many of them. However, the college student does not need as many technical discussions, explanations of the original Hebrew, extensive footnoting and bibliographies, or surveys of the history of the interpretation of one book or another. Consequently, this textbook is devoted to the message of the Old Testament and its individual books, and it is written for the freshman college student.

The Old Testament is not pure history but, rather, history of a particular kind. The Old Testament does not give equal time to every period of Old Testament history. It focuses its attention on those parts of history where God’s plan of salvation has taken a significant step forward. Some scholars call it “salvation history,” while others prefer terms such as covenantal history or prophetic history. Another way of describing it is to call it selective history.

This suggests, in short, that the Old Testament paves the way for the full revelation of God in Christ Jesus. The many messianic prophecies are, perhaps, the most visible part of this preparation, but the entire history of Israel, which parallels the life of Jesus in many ways, also serves as an introduction to the New Testament.


Chapter 1: Historical Summary of the Old Testament
The Pentateuch
The Conquest
The Period of the Judges
The Monarchy
The Eighth-Century Prophets
The Exile
The Post-Exilic Period

Chapter 2: The Formation of the Old Testament
Authoritative Speeches
Authoritative Documents
The Text of the Old Testament
The Versions
English Translations
Authoritative Collections of Writings
Fixed Canon
The Apocrypha
Genres of the Old Testament

Chapter 3: The Geography of Israel
The Ancient Near East
Canaan and Surrounding Territories

Chapter 4: Biblical Archaeology
Definition of Biblical Archaeology
The Benefits of Biblical Archaeology

Chapter 5: Introduction to the Pentateuch
JEDP: A Brief History of Source Criticism
Wellhausen’s Weaknesses
Mosaic Authorship
The Testimony of the Pentateuch
The Testimony of the Old Testament
The Testimony of the New Testament
Other Internal Evidence
Moses’ Qualifications

Chapter 6: Genesis
Creation (Genesis 1-2)
The Creation Story
Poetic or Narrative?
Theological Themes (Genesis 1-2)
Nonbiblical Creation Stories
The Fall (Genesis 3)
Genesis 3:15
The Free Will Defense
The End of the Fall Narrative: Expulsion from the Garden
The Consequences of the Fall: The Spread of Sin (Genesis 4-11)
Nonbiblical Flood Stories
From Abram to Abraham (Genesis 11:26-25:11)
The Calling of Abram
The Rest of Abraham’s Life
The Theme of Promise in the Life of Abraham
Abraham, Man without Faith
Abraham, Man of Faith
Abraham in the New Testament
Isaac (Genesis 25:12-26)
Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25:27-36:43)
Joseph (Genesis 37-50)
Excursus on Chapter 5 and the Longevity of the Patriarchs of Genesis
Excursus on the Literary Structure of the Flood Narrative

Chapter 7: Exodus
Moses as Infant and Refugee (Exodus 1-2)
Significant Events in Moses’ Early Life
Moses Meets God and Pharaoh (Exodus 3-5)
Moses’ Call Reconfirmed (Exodus 6)
The Plagues (Exodus 7-11)
The Passover (Exodus 12:1-13:16)
The Exodus (Exodus 13:17-15:21)
The Crossing of the Reed Sea
Testing in the Wilderness (Exodus 15:22-18:27)
Covenant and Law (Exodus 19-24)
The Tabernacle, the Golden Calf, and Covenant Renewal (Exodus 25-40)
The Golden Calf

Chapter 8: Leviticus
Laws about Sacrifice (Leviticus 1-7)
The Five Sacrifices
The Gifts
The Donors
Laws about the Priests (Leviticus 8-10)
The Urim and Thummim
The Commencement of Priestly Ministry
Laws about Physical and Moral Impurities (Leviticus 11-16)
The Day of Atonement
Laws about Physical and Moral Holiness (Leviticus 17-26)
Laws about Vows (Leviticus 27)

Chapter 9: Numbers
Title and Author
Preparation for Departure from Sinai (Numbers 1:1-10:10)
From Sinai to Kadesh (Numbers 10:11-20:21)
From Kadesh to Moab (Numbers 20:22-36:13)
In Summary

Chapter 10: Deuteronomy
The Name Deuteronomy
Mosaic Authorship
Moses’ First Sermon (Deuteronomy 1:6-4:49)
Moses’ Second Sermon (Deuteronomy 5:1-28:68)
Moses’ Third Sermon (Deuteronomy 29:1-31:6)
Appendices (Deuteronomy 31:7-34:12)

Chapter 11: Joshua
The Conquest of Canaan (Joshua 1-12)
Preparations for the Conquest
The First (Central) Campaign
The Second (Southern) Campaign
The Third (Northern) Campaign
A Summary of Israel’s Victories
The Settlement of Canaan (Joshua 13-21)
Allocations East of the Jordan
Cities of Refuge (Joshua 20)
The Levitical Cities (Joshua 21)
Appendices (Joshua 22-24)
A Misunderstood Memorial
Joshua’s Farewell Address
The Sinai Covenant Renewed at Shechem

Chapter 12: Judges
Who Were the Judges?
When Did the Judges Live?
Two Outlines
Individual Judges
Idolatry (Judges 17-18)
Immorality (Judges 19-21)

Chapter 13: Ruth
Setting and Time of Writing
Style of Writing
Overview: From Emptiness to Fullness

Chapter 14: 1 Samuel
Outline: First and Second Samuel
Samuel’s Birth and Childhood (1 Samuel 1-3)
The Philistine Threat and the Fate of the Ark (1 Samuel 4-6)
The Relationship between Samuel and Saul (1 Samuel 7:3-1 Samuel 15)
Saul and David (1 Samuel 16 to 2 Samuel 1)

Chapter 15: 2 Samuel
David, King of Judah (2 Samuel 2:1-4:12)
David, King of Judah and Israel (2 Samuel 5:1-8:18)
Succession Struggles (2 Samuel 9-20)

Chapter 16: 1 Kings
The Struggle for Succession (1 Kings 1)
David’s Death (1 Kings 2:1-12)
Solomon Establishes the Kingdom (1 Kings 2:13-46)
Solomon’s Reign (1 Kings 3-10)
The Problem with Wives (1 Kings 11:1-25)
The Division of the Kingdom (1 Kings 11:26-12:33)
The International Scene
Judah and Israel to 722 BC

Chapter 17: 2 Kings
Elisha Succeeds Elijah
Elisha’s Miracles (2 Kings 4:1-8:6)
Jehu of Israel (2 Kings 9:1-10:36)
Jeroboam II of Israel (793-753 BC) (2 Kings 14:23-29)
Ahaz of Judah (2 Kings 16:1-20)
Hoshea of Israel (2 Kings 17:1-6)
Appendices (2 Kings 17:7-41)
The Kings of Judah after the Fall of Samaria
The Exilic and Post-Exilic Periods

Chapter 18: 1 and 2 Chronicles
The Writings of the Chronicler
The Time of Writing
The Purpose of the Chronicler
Outline: 1 and 2 Chronicles
1 Chronicles 1-9: Genealogies
1 Chronicles 10: Saul’s Reign
1 Chronicles 11 to 2 Chronicles 9: The Reigns of David and Solomon
2 Chronicles 10-36: The History of Israel after Solomon
Theology of the Chronicler—A Theology of Hope
David and Solomon

Chapter 19: Introduction to the Prophets
Setting the Stage for the Prophets
The Prophetic Literature of the Old Testament
The Prophet in Israel
The Method of the Prophets
The Message of the Prophets
Definition of a Prophet
Terms for the Prophets
The Tests of a Prophet
The Language of the Prophets
Form Criticism

Chapter 20: Jonah
The Miracles of the Story
Jonah the Person
Style of Writing
The Sign of Jonah
Chapter 1: Jonah’s Disobedience
Chapter 2: Jonah’s Prayer
Chapter 3: Jonah’s Preaching to the Ninevites
Chapter 4: Jonah’s Complaint

Chapter 21: Hosea
The Political Scene
Hosea’s Marriage (Hosea 1-3)
The Problem: Unfaithfulness (Spiritual Harlotry)
The Punishment: Exile
The Promise: Restoration in the Messianic Age

Chapter 22: Amos
Amos the Person
Date and Setting
Writing and Compilation
The Plan of the Book and Its Message
Eight Prophecies
Three Sermons against Israel
Five Visions
Five Promises (A Vision of Hope)
The Message of Amos
Eight Prophecies (“Oracles against the Nations”) (Amos 1:3-2:16)
Three Sermons (Amos 3:1-6:14)
First Sermon
Second Sermon
Third Sermon
Five Visions (Amos 7:1-9:10)
Five Promises (Amos 9:11-15)

Chapter 23: Isaiah
The Unity of Isaiah
The Theme of Isaiah
Historical Background
Israel, the Northern Kingdom
Judah, the Southern Kingdom
The Prophet
Isaiah’s Call: “Isaiah in Miniature” (Isaiah 6:1-13)
Isaiah’s Early Ministry (Isaiah 1-5)
Isaiah and the Syro-Ephraimitic War (Isaiah 7-8)
The Messianic King (Isaiah 9:1-7)
The Fall of Israel (Isaiah 9:14-28:21)
The Assyrian Siege of Jerusalem (Isaiah 36-39)
The Prophet of Comfort (Isaiah 40:1-11)
The Servant of the Lord (Isaiah 40-66)
Overview: Isaiah 40-66

Chapter 24: Micah
Micah and His Times
Micah’s Message

Chapter 25: Jeremiah
The Prophet and His Times
The Prophet
His Times
Jeremiah’s Call (Jeremiah 1:4-19)
The Problem
God’s Desire
The Punishment
Light beyond Darkness

Chapter 26: Lamentations
Chapter 1: The Pitiable State of Jerusalem
Chapter 2: Yahweh’s Anger
Chapter 3: Judah’s Lament
Chapter 4: Jerusalem’s Ruin
Chapter 5: Final Lament
Notes on Contents

Chapter 27: Ezekiel
The Prophet
Ezekiel’s Initial Vision and Call (Ezekiel 1-3)
Oracles of Doom (Ezekiel 4-24)
Oracles against the Nations (Ezekiel 25:1-32:2)
Hope for the Future (Ezekiel 33:1-48:35)

Chapter 28: Obadiah
Date and Historical Background
Outline and Contents

Chapter 29: Nahum
The Prophet and His Times
The Theme
The Style
The Message

Chapter 30: Habakkuk
The Prophet
The Message

Chapter 31: Zephaniah
The Prophet and His Times
Zephaniah’s Message

Chapter 32: Haggai
Historical Background of Haggai and Zechariah
Obstacles to Building

Chapter 33: Zechariah
The Prophet and His Times
Chapters 1-8
Chapters 9-14

Chapter 34: Joel
The Message of Joel 2:28-32
A Concluding Chapter of Judgment

Chapter 35: Malachi
Literary Style

Chapter 36: Introduction to the Writings
The Order of the Writings in the Hebrew Old Testament

Chapter 37: Introduction to Poetic Literature
Features of Hebrew Poetry
Rhythm and Meter
Stanza Structure
Varieties of Poetry

Chapter 38: Introduction to Wisdom Literature
Definition of Wisdom
Where Is Wisdom Literature in the Bible?
Wisdom Literature in the Ancient Near East
Wisdom in Israel
The Purposes of Wisdom Literature
Themes in Wisdom Literature
Wisdom Literature in the Old Testament
Systematic Theology and Wisdom Literature

Chapter 39: Job
Time of Writing
The Central Issues
Textual Notes on Job 19:25-27

Chapter 40: Song of Solomon
Authorship and Date
Some Quotations
An Oriental Description of Beauty (Song 4:1-4)

Chapter 41: Psalms
The Origins of Psalmody in Israel
The Name of the Book
Dating of the Psalms
Psalm Titles
Occasion for Writing
Liturgical Use in Judaism
Use of the Psalms in the New Testament
Liturgical Use in Worship
The Psalms as Poetry
The Psalms in the Old Testament
Major Subject Areas

Chapter 42: Proverbs
Eight Headings
Date and Authorship

Chapter 43: Ecclesiastes

Chapter 44: Ezra-Nehemiah
Historical Introduction to the Period
The Themes of Ezra-Nehemiah and Haggai-Zechariah
The Story of Ezra
The Story of Nehemiah

Chapter 45: Esther
The Use of Esther in Judaism Today
The Background and Purpose of Esther
Esther: Fact or Fiction?
Esther in Dispensational Theology

Chapter 46: Introduction to Apocalyptic Literature
Examples of Apocalyptic Writings
Historical Background
Nine Characteristics of Apocalyptic Literature
Apocalyptic and the New Testament

Chapter 47: Daniel
The Place of Daniel in the Old Testament
The Stories (Daniel 1-6)
The Visions (Daniel 7-12)
Lessons from Daniel
Excursus on Porphyry
Excursus on Daniel 11

Chapter 48: The Intertestamental Period
The Persian Period (539-333 BC)
The Greek Period (333-63 BC)
Palestine under Seleucid Rule
The Maccabean Revolt
The Hasmonean Priest-Kings
Palestine under Roman Rule

Joel Heck