Human Anatomy

Author(s): Mark Nielsen

Edition: 7

Copyright: 2023

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ISBN 9798385105625

Details eBook w/Nielsen Atlas 180 days

The lecture manual provides you with an outline of the lectures and other supplementary information to guide your study of human anatomy. Recent research on learning demonstrates that students who take notes by handwriting them learn better than students who do not, or than those who take notes digitally. A study in the journal Psychological Science showed that using pen and paper, not laptops, to take notes boosts memory and the ability to retain and understand concepts. This is one of many recent studies on learning and improving memory. This lecture manual is designed to facilitate the learning process by providing the key terminology, the necessary illustrations, and an easy-to-follow outline that works hand-in-hand with the multimedia lecture presentations that accompany the course. Once again, it is not intended to be a textbook — it is a lecture manual. As such, it provides you with clear outlines and all the key terminology to help reduce frantic note taking, but it also provides space for you to add notes from the lecture presentations. As the research has clearly demonstrated, note taking, as long as it is not too frantic, helps you become more of an active participant in the lecture and not just a passive observer. Experience has shown that this helps improve concentration and focus during the lecture, so you can maximize your learning potential. 


The study guide and workbook are designed to accompany the Human Anatomy Lecture Manual and your course of study in both lecture and the laboratory. If used properly it will be a powerful learning tool to guide your study of anatomy. It consists of three parts — a study guide to help you reinforce material covered in the appendicular and axial skeletal labs, exercises to help you reinforce the anatomy covered in the skeletal labs and the lectures, and a pelvic model to help you learn the anatomy of the pelvic region. I strongly suggest that you use this book daily. Each of the exercise chapters has a variety of questions intended to make you think about and review your knowledge of the material covered in the lecture portion of the course. You should complete the exercises each day after studying the related material from the lectures. This will help you to reinforce your knowledge and evaluate your learning progress. Students who diligently utilize this manual on a daily basis will be more likely to succeed in the course. The study guide chapters are designed to help you learn the bones of the skeleton. The lectures do not cover the bones of the skeleton; hence, this is something you will do in the laboratory. The study guide chapters will help you prepare for the skeletal labs. The skeletal labs are an important part of the course.


Anatomical Nomenclature
The Anatomical Instinct
Anatomy and Us
The Anatomical Legacy 
Samples of the Use of Etymology 
Anatomical Nomenclature 
Learning Checklist 

Organization of Living Matter 
Tissues of the Human Body 
Epithelial Tissues 
Epithelial Tissues 
Overview of Connective and Supporting Tissues 
General Connective Tissues 
Connective Tissue
Types of Connective Tissue
Learning Checklist 

Anatomical Concept/Pattern 
Concept of Tissue Versus Structure/Layer
Anatomical Examples 

General Integumentary Structure and Function 
Dermis or Corium 
Subcutaneous tissue
Skin Appendages 
Skin Glands 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Bone Tissue or Osseous Tissue 
Microscopic Structure of Bone Tissue 
Microstructure of Bone and Physical Properties 
Macroscopic Structure of Bone Tissue
Bone as an Organ 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Classification of Joints 
Fibrous Joints 
Synovial Joints 
Types of Synovial Joints
Other Synovial Structures 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Muscle Tissue 
Skeletal Muscle Fibers 
Function of Muscle Tissue
Muscle the Organ 
Muscle and Tendon Architecture 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Anatomical Concept/Pattern 
Basic Structure of a Tube 
Tubes - Environmental Exchange/Transport Systems 
Critical Thinking Exercise 

Cardiovascular System 
Components of the Cardiovascular System 
Structure and Histology of the Heart Wall 
Views of Basic Heart Structure 
Chambers of the Heart
Heart Valves 
Circulatory Pathway through the Heart
Types of Vessels
Arteries – Major Pathways 
Veins – Major Pathways
Functional Concepts of Circulatory Flow
Lymphatic Vessels 
Vessel Terminology and Concepts 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Urinary System 
Overview of the Urinary Organs 
Structure of the Post-Kidney Tubes 
Function of the Post-Kidney Tubes 
Macroscopic Anatomy of the Kidney 
Microscopic Anatomy of the Kidney - Nephron 
Functional Units of the Kidney 
Functional Anatomy of the Kidney 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Respiratory System 
Overview of the Respiratory Passageways 
Structure of the Respiratory Passageways 
Anatomy of the Larynx 
Tracheobronchial tree
Functional Anatomy of Gas Exchange 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Digestive System 
Overview of the Digestive Organs
Basic Design of the Tubular Gut
Small Intestine
Large Intestine 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Nervous System 
Divisions of the Nervous System
Basic Functions of the Nervous System 
Distribution of the Nervous System 
Nervous Tissue 
Neuronal Function – Simplified
Functional Relations Among Neurons 
Neuroglia Cells 
Key Functional Relations Between Neurons and Neuroglia 
Receptor Organs 
Spinal Nerve Topography and Distribution
Spinal Nerve Structure 
Distribution of the Somatic Branches of the Spinal Nerve
Somatic Neuronal Pathways to Skeletal Muscle 
Autonomic Division of Peripheral Nervous System: 
Understanding Autonomic Distribution
Understanding Autonomic Pathways to Splanchnic Viscera 
Autonomic Pathways to Somatic Viscera 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Anatomical Concept/Pattern 
Introduction to Trunk Patterns
Basic Structure of the Vertebrate Body 
Vertebrate Embryo - Origin of Patterns
Development of the Embryonic Trunk 
Body Wall Muscle Pattern 
Body Wall Nerve and Vessel Pattern 
Applying the Muscle Pattern to the Trunk Regions 
Patterns in the Body Cavity 

What is the Thorax? 
Thoracic Body Wall Muscles
Vascular Patterns in the Thoracic Wall 
Arterial Supply of the Thoracic Wall
Venous Drainage of the Thoracic Wall 
Innervation of the Thoracic Wall 
Muscle–Nerve–Vessel in Thoracic Wall
Thoracic Cavity
Thoracic Coeloms and Membranes 
Arterial Supply to the Thoracic Viscera 
Venous Drainage of the Thoracic Viscera 
Innervation of the Thoracic Viscera
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

What is the Abdomen? 
Abdominal Body Wall Muscles 
Arterial Supply of the Abdominal Wall 
Venous Drainage of the Abdominal Wall 
Innervation of the Abdominal Wall
Abdominal Cavity 
Topography of the Abdominal Viscera 
Patterns in Gut Tube Blood Supply 
Arterial Supply to the Foregut 
Venous Drainage of the Abdominal Viscera
Innervation of the Abdominal Viscera 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Genital Systems 
Developmental Origins of the Genital Anatomy
Overview of the Male Genital System
Spermatic Ducts of Egress
Accessory Glands of the Male Genital System
Anatomy of the Penis
Overview of the Female Genital System
Female Internal Genitalia 
Male and Female Genital Homologies 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

What is the Pelvis?
Sexual Differences between the Male and Female Pelves 
Pelvic Body Wall
Pelvis Body Wall Muscles 
Pelvic Cavity (cavity of lesser pelvis) 
Blood Vessels of the Pelvis 
Innervation of the Pelvis 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Anatomy of the Back 
Review of Vertebral Anatomy 
Vertebral Development 
Results of Vertebral Development 
Vertebral Joints and Ligaments 284
Movements of the Vertebral Column 
Extrinsic Muscles of the Back 
Intrinsic or Epaxial Muscles of the Back 
Summary of the Epaxial Muscles
Nerve Supply to the Epaxial Muscles 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Principles of Muscle Contraction
Structure of the Lever System
Types of Levers 
Basic Principles of the Lever System 
Problem Solving with Levers 
Checking Up — What Did You Learn? 

Anatomical Concept/Pattern 
Origin of the Vertebrate Limbs 
Limb Bones 
Development of Limb Muscles
Limb Muscles 
Mammalian Limb Rotation
Compartmentalization of the Free Part of Limb 
Compartments of the Superior Limb
Compartments of the Inferior Limb 
Learning Muscles 

Upper Limb 
Learning Devices 
The Challenge 
Brachial Plexus Mnemonic 
Putting the Mnemonic to Work 
Try Drawing It On Your Own
Scapular Anatomy 
Muscles of the Scapula and Clavicle 
Shoulder or Glenohumeral Joint 
Rotator Cuff Muscles 
Shoulder Cap
Intertubercular Groove Muscles
Summary of the Shoulder Joint Muscles
Elbow joint
Anterior Compartment of Arm 
Posterior Compartment of Arm 
Muscle Topography in the Shoulder and Arm 
Review of Blood Supply to Shoulder and Arm (Brachium)
Wrist Joint 
Finger Joints 
Thumb Joints
Anterior Forearm Compartment Muscles 
Posterior Compartment of Forearm 
Hypothenar Muscles 
Thenar Muscles
Topographic Anatomy of the Wrist and Hand
Blood Supply of the Forearm and Hand
Review of Upper Limb Innervation
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Lower Limb 
Innervation of the Lower Limb 
Fascia of the Lower Limb 
Muscle Groups and Compartments of Lower Limb 
Hip Joint
Deep Hip Rotator Muscles 
Gluteal Muscles 
Hip Flexor Muscles 
Topography of the Gluteal Region
Medial Thigh Compartment Muscles 
Functional Aspects of the Muscles of the Hip Joint 
Knee Joint
Anterior Thigh Compartment Muscles
Posterior Thigh Compartment Muscles 
Summary of the Thigh Muscles 
Topography and Blood Supply to the Thigh 
Concept of the Anatomical Pulley 
Cross Sectional Anatomy of the Thigh 
Ankle (Talocrural Joint) 
Joints of Foot (Tarsal Joints) 
Metatarsophalangeal (MTP) Joints 
Interphalangeal Joints 
Anterior Compartment of Leg 
Lateral Compartment of Leg 
Posterior Compartment of Leg
Blood Supply of the Leg and Foot 
Cross Sectional Anatomy of the Leg 
Dorsal muscles of the foot
Plantar muscles of the foot 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Head and Neck Anatomy 
Review of Neck Design 
Relationships to head muscles 
Cervical Body Wall
Developmental Patterns of the Head Muscles
Extraocular Muscles
Tongue muscles
Pharyngeal (Branchial) Arch Muscles 
Lateral Head Mesoderm Muscles 
Anatomy of the Mouth 
Cranial Nerves 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Anatomical Etymology 

Mark Nielsen

The lecture manual provides you with an outline of the lectures and other supplementary information to guide your study of human anatomy. Recent research on learning demonstrates that students who take notes by handwriting them learn better than students who do not, or than those who take notes digitally. A study in the journal Psychological Science showed that using pen and paper, not laptops, to take notes boosts memory and the ability to retain and understand concepts. This is one of many recent studies on learning and improving memory. This lecture manual is designed to facilitate the learning process by providing the key terminology, the necessary illustrations, and an easy-to-follow outline that works hand-in-hand with the multimedia lecture presentations that accompany the course. Once again, it is not intended to be a textbook — it is a lecture manual. As such, it provides you with clear outlines and all the key terminology to help reduce frantic note taking, but it also provides space for you to add notes from the lecture presentations. As the research has clearly demonstrated, note taking, as long as it is not too frantic, helps you become more of an active participant in the lecture and not just a passive observer. Experience has shown that this helps improve concentration and focus during the lecture, so you can maximize your learning potential. 


The study guide and workbook are designed to accompany the Human Anatomy Lecture Manual and your course of study in both lecture and the laboratory. If used properly it will be a powerful learning tool to guide your study of anatomy. It consists of three parts — a study guide to help you reinforce material covered in the appendicular and axial skeletal labs, exercises to help you reinforce the anatomy covered in the skeletal labs and the lectures, and a pelvic model to help you learn the anatomy of the pelvic region. I strongly suggest that you use this book daily. Each of the exercise chapters has a variety of questions intended to make you think about and review your knowledge of the material covered in the lecture portion of the course. You should complete the exercises each day after studying the related material from the lectures. This will help you to reinforce your knowledge and evaluate your learning progress. Students who diligently utilize this manual on a daily basis will be more likely to succeed in the course. The study guide chapters are designed to help you learn the bones of the skeleton. The lectures do not cover the bones of the skeleton; hence, this is something you will do in the laboratory. The study guide chapters will help you prepare for the skeletal labs. The skeletal labs are an important part of the course.


Anatomical Nomenclature
The Anatomical Instinct
Anatomy and Us
The Anatomical Legacy 
Samples of the Use of Etymology 
Anatomical Nomenclature 
Learning Checklist 

Organization of Living Matter 
Tissues of the Human Body 
Epithelial Tissues 
Epithelial Tissues 
Overview of Connective and Supporting Tissues 
General Connective Tissues 
Connective Tissue
Types of Connective Tissue
Learning Checklist 

Anatomical Concept/Pattern 
Concept of Tissue Versus Structure/Layer
Anatomical Examples 

General Integumentary Structure and Function 
Dermis or Corium 
Subcutaneous tissue
Skin Appendages 
Skin Glands 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Bone Tissue or Osseous Tissue 
Microscopic Structure of Bone Tissue 
Microstructure of Bone and Physical Properties 
Macroscopic Structure of Bone Tissue
Bone as an Organ 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Classification of Joints 
Fibrous Joints 
Synovial Joints 
Types of Synovial Joints
Other Synovial Structures 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Muscle Tissue 
Skeletal Muscle Fibers 
Function of Muscle Tissue
Muscle the Organ 
Muscle and Tendon Architecture 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Anatomical Concept/Pattern 
Basic Structure of a Tube 
Tubes - Environmental Exchange/Transport Systems 
Critical Thinking Exercise 

Cardiovascular System 
Components of the Cardiovascular System 
Structure and Histology of the Heart Wall 
Views of Basic Heart Structure 
Chambers of the Heart
Heart Valves 
Circulatory Pathway through the Heart
Types of Vessels
Arteries – Major Pathways 
Veins – Major Pathways
Functional Concepts of Circulatory Flow
Lymphatic Vessels 
Vessel Terminology and Concepts 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Urinary System 
Overview of the Urinary Organs 
Structure of the Post-Kidney Tubes 
Function of the Post-Kidney Tubes 
Macroscopic Anatomy of the Kidney 
Microscopic Anatomy of the Kidney - Nephron 
Functional Units of the Kidney 
Functional Anatomy of the Kidney 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Respiratory System 
Overview of the Respiratory Passageways 
Structure of the Respiratory Passageways 
Anatomy of the Larynx 
Tracheobronchial tree
Functional Anatomy of Gas Exchange 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Digestive System 
Overview of the Digestive Organs
Basic Design of the Tubular Gut
Small Intestine
Large Intestine 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Nervous System 
Divisions of the Nervous System
Basic Functions of the Nervous System 
Distribution of the Nervous System 
Nervous Tissue 
Neuronal Function – Simplified
Functional Relations Among Neurons 
Neuroglia Cells 
Key Functional Relations Between Neurons and Neuroglia 
Receptor Organs 
Spinal Nerve Topography and Distribution
Spinal Nerve Structure 
Distribution of the Somatic Branches of the Spinal Nerve
Somatic Neuronal Pathways to Skeletal Muscle 
Autonomic Division of Peripheral Nervous System: 
Understanding Autonomic Distribution
Understanding Autonomic Pathways to Splanchnic Viscera 
Autonomic Pathways to Somatic Viscera 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Anatomical Concept/Pattern 
Introduction to Trunk Patterns
Basic Structure of the Vertebrate Body 
Vertebrate Embryo - Origin of Patterns
Development of the Embryonic Trunk 
Body Wall Muscle Pattern 
Body Wall Nerve and Vessel Pattern 
Applying the Muscle Pattern to the Trunk Regions 
Patterns in the Body Cavity 

What is the Thorax? 
Thoracic Body Wall Muscles
Vascular Patterns in the Thoracic Wall 
Arterial Supply of the Thoracic Wall
Venous Drainage of the Thoracic Wall 
Innervation of the Thoracic Wall 
Muscle–Nerve–Vessel in Thoracic Wall
Thoracic Cavity
Thoracic Coeloms and Membranes 
Arterial Supply to the Thoracic Viscera 
Venous Drainage of the Thoracic Viscera 
Innervation of the Thoracic Viscera
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

What is the Abdomen? 
Abdominal Body Wall Muscles 
Arterial Supply of the Abdominal Wall 
Venous Drainage of the Abdominal Wall 
Innervation of the Abdominal Wall
Abdominal Cavity 
Topography of the Abdominal Viscera 
Patterns in Gut Tube Blood Supply 
Arterial Supply to the Foregut 
Venous Drainage of the Abdominal Viscera
Innervation of the Abdominal Viscera 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Genital Systems 
Developmental Origins of the Genital Anatomy
Overview of the Male Genital System
Spermatic Ducts of Egress
Accessory Glands of the Male Genital System
Anatomy of the Penis
Overview of the Female Genital System
Female Internal Genitalia 
Male and Female Genital Homologies 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

What is the Pelvis?
Sexual Differences between the Male and Female Pelves 
Pelvic Body Wall
Pelvis Body Wall Muscles 
Pelvic Cavity (cavity of lesser pelvis) 
Blood Vessels of the Pelvis 
Innervation of the Pelvis 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Anatomy of the Back 
Review of Vertebral Anatomy 
Vertebral Development 
Results of Vertebral Development 
Vertebral Joints and Ligaments 284
Movements of the Vertebral Column 
Extrinsic Muscles of the Back 
Intrinsic or Epaxial Muscles of the Back 
Summary of the Epaxial Muscles
Nerve Supply to the Epaxial Muscles 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Principles of Muscle Contraction
Structure of the Lever System
Types of Levers 
Basic Principles of the Lever System 
Problem Solving with Levers 
Checking Up — What Did You Learn? 

Anatomical Concept/Pattern 
Origin of the Vertebrate Limbs 
Limb Bones 
Development of Limb Muscles
Limb Muscles 
Mammalian Limb Rotation
Compartmentalization of the Free Part of Limb 
Compartments of the Superior Limb
Compartments of the Inferior Limb 
Learning Muscles 

Upper Limb 
Learning Devices 
The Challenge 
Brachial Plexus Mnemonic 
Putting the Mnemonic to Work 
Try Drawing It On Your Own
Scapular Anatomy 
Muscles of the Scapula and Clavicle 
Shoulder or Glenohumeral Joint 
Rotator Cuff Muscles 
Shoulder Cap
Intertubercular Groove Muscles
Summary of the Shoulder Joint Muscles
Elbow joint
Anterior Compartment of Arm 
Posterior Compartment of Arm 
Muscle Topography in the Shoulder and Arm 
Review of Blood Supply to Shoulder and Arm (Brachium)
Wrist Joint 
Finger Joints 
Thumb Joints
Anterior Forearm Compartment Muscles 
Posterior Compartment of Forearm 
Hypothenar Muscles 
Thenar Muscles
Topographic Anatomy of the Wrist and Hand
Blood Supply of the Forearm and Hand
Review of Upper Limb Innervation
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Lower Limb 
Innervation of the Lower Limb 
Fascia of the Lower Limb 
Muscle Groups and Compartments of Lower Limb 
Hip Joint
Deep Hip Rotator Muscles 
Gluteal Muscles 
Hip Flexor Muscles 
Topography of the Gluteal Region
Medial Thigh Compartment Muscles 
Functional Aspects of the Muscles of the Hip Joint 
Knee Joint
Anterior Thigh Compartment Muscles
Posterior Thigh Compartment Muscles 
Summary of the Thigh Muscles 
Topography and Blood Supply to the Thigh 
Concept of the Anatomical Pulley 
Cross Sectional Anatomy of the Thigh 
Ankle (Talocrural Joint) 
Joints of Foot (Tarsal Joints) 
Metatarsophalangeal (MTP) Joints 
Interphalangeal Joints 
Anterior Compartment of Leg 
Lateral Compartment of Leg 
Posterior Compartment of Leg
Blood Supply of the Leg and Foot 
Cross Sectional Anatomy of the Leg 
Dorsal muscles of the foot
Plantar muscles of the foot 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Head and Neck Anatomy 
Review of Neck Design 
Relationships to head muscles 
Cervical Body Wall
Developmental Patterns of the Head Muscles
Extraocular Muscles
Tongue muscles
Pharyngeal (Branchial) Arch Muscles 
Lateral Head Mesoderm Muscles 
Anatomy of the Mouth 
Cranial Nerves 
Fun Facts 
Learning Checklist 

Anatomical Etymology 

Mark Nielsen