Effective management of human resources, like the effective management of all other organizational resources, leads to competitive advantage in the marketplace....
Human Resource Management: A Managerial Tool for Competitive Advantage visibly and continuously highlights the importance of HR and its potential contribution to a firm’s competitive advantage. Because of the increasing importance of legal issues in the HR area, students need to fully understand employment law and how it applies to both HR and management. Consequently, Human Resource Management has a very strong legal orientation.
The streamlined, easy-to-read Human Resource Management: A Managerial Tool for Competitive Advantage:
- Demonstrates how practices and skills presented can be successfully developed and implemented in the context of today’s global environment.
- Addresses the educational needs of management students who are enrolled in a one-semester introductory human resource (HR) management class seeking careers as either HR professionals or general managers.
- Presents and discusses real-life HR case studies faced by a firm, the firm’s solution to the scenario, and explains how the solution enabled the firm to enhance its competitive advantage.
- Features a unique section on the manager’s role in the HR process and the relationship that exists between managers and HR professionals.
- Is instructor and student friendly with numerous pedagogical and learning features bringing the content to life. Features include chapter outlines and objectives, key terms, “On the Road to Competitive Advantage” and “Taking a Closer Look” boxed features, review and discussion questions, and at least one experiential exercise and case per chapter.
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CHAPTER 1 Human Resource Management and Competitive
CHAPTER 2 Understanding the Legal and Environmental
Context of HRM
Human Resource Management Preselection Practice
CHAPTER 3 Planning for Human Resources
CHAPTER 4 Analyzing Jobs
Human Resource Management Selection Practices
CHAPTER 5 Recruiting Applicants
CHAPTER 6 Selecting Applicants
Human Resource Management Postselection Practices
CHAPTER 7 Training and Developing Employees
CHAPTER 8 Appraising Employee Job Performance
CHAPTER 9 Determining Pay and Benefits
CHAPTER 10 Implementing Productivity Improvement Programs
HRM Practices Affected by External Factors
CHAPTER 11 Complying with Workplace Justice Laws
CHAPTER 12 Understanding Unions and Their Impact on HRM
CHAPTER 13 Meeting Employee Safety and Health Needs
CHAPTER 14 Establishing HRM Practices in Foreign
Working in the HRM Field
Lawrence S. Kleiman is a professor of management at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania. He received his doctorate in industrial/organizational psychology from the University of Tennessee. He has more than 30 years of teaching experience. He has also consulted for numerous organizations. Dr. Kleiman has published dozens of articles in a variety of human resource topics and has written a textbook, now in its fifth edition, entitled Human Resource Management: A Managerial Tool for Competitive Advantage.