Infusing Equity & Cultural Competence into Teacher Development

Edition: 2

Copyright: 2020

Pages: 238

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ISBN 9781792420399

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As teachers face increasing diversity within their classrooms in learning styles, race, linguistics, and culture, the academic rigor needed to successfully enter college or a career will require them to evolve in order for all students to succeed.

Infusing Diversity & Cultural Competence into Teacher Education provides educators and future educators with pathways for achieving cultural competence. Placing this crucial competence in the teacher’s toolbox will increase their opportunity and the capacity of ensuring success in and out of the classroom. The tools presented in this book assist the teacher in making gains in closing achievement gaps, building opportunity for all students, building strong pedagogical skills, enhancing curriculum for their diverse students, and constantly assessing all of these areas to ensure they are maintaining their status as the largest contributor to students’ success.

Infusing Diversity & Cultural Competence into Teacher Education

  • Defines, describes, and explains why diversity should be part of the formal education process
  • Illustrates student, family, school, and community roles in the learning process. 
  •  Describes how to incorporate intercultural communication and relationship building skills into curriculum.

Chapter 1 - Defining and Describing Diversity
What Is Cultural Diversity?
What Is Ethnic Diversity?
What Is Racial Diversity?
Diversity from a Cultural Perspective
Diversity from a Societal Perspective: Differences in Socioeconomic Status (a.k.a., Social Class)
Diversity from a National Perspective
Diversity from an International Perspective
Diversity from a Global Perspective
Diversity from the Perspective of the Universe(Cosmos)
Summary and Conclusion

Chapter 2 The Benefits of Diversity Education
1. Diversity Education Develops Self-Knowledge, Self-Awareness, and Self Insight
2. Diversity Education Deepens and Accelerates Learning
3. Diversity Education Strengthens Students’ Ability to Think Critically from Multiple Perspectives
4. Diversity Fosters Creative Thinking
5. Diversity Education Promotes Career Preparation for the 21st Century
6. Diversity Expands Social Relationships and Emotional Intelligence
7. Diversity Education Reduces Prejudice and Discrimination in Society
8. Diversity Education Preserves Democracy
Summary and Conclusion

Chapter 3 - Appreciating Diversity: Avoiding Stereotypes and Overcoming Biases Stereotyping
Causes of Prejudice and Discrimination
Feeling Comfortable with the Familiar and Uncomfortable with the Unknown or Unfamiliar
Using Selective Perception and Selective Memory
Mentally Categorizing People into “In” and “Out” Groups
Perceiving Members of Other Groups as More Alike than Members of One’s Own Group
The Tendency of Majority Group Members to Be More Strongly Influenced by Negative Behaviors
Committed by Members of Minority Groups than by Members of Their Own(Majority) Group
Rationalizing Prejudice and Discrimination as Justifiable
Strengthening Self-Esteem through Group Membership and Group Identity
A Personal Development Model for Overcoming Bias and Appreciating Student Diversity
Summary and Conclusion

Chapter 4 - The Context for Diversity Education: Student, Family, School, and Community
Student Diversity
Family Diversity
Community Diversity
School Diversity
Summary and Conclusion

Chapter 5 - Intercultural Communication and Relationship-Building Skills
Strategies for Interacting with People without Bias or Prejudice
Meeting and Interacting with People from Diverse Backgrounds
Interpersonal Communication Skills: Speaking and Listening
Human Relations Skills (a.k.a., “People Skills”)
Take a Leadership Role with Respect to Diversity
Summary and Conclusion

Chapter 6 - Teaching for Diversity: Culturally Inclusive and Responsive Instructional Strategies
Making the Student-Teacher Connection: Establishing Rapport with Your Class
Making Student-Student (Peer) Connections: Promoting Peer Interaction and Creating a Sense of Community Among Classmates
Strategies for Improving the Quality of Small Group Learning
Making the Student-Course (Subject) Connection: Engaging Students with the Subject Matter
Summary and Conclusion

Chapter 7 - Effective Culturally Inclusive Assessment of Student Learning and Academic Performance
Student Learning Is Promoted by Frequent Assessment Hold High Expectations for All Students
Student Learning Is Promoted by the Delivery of Performance-Improving Feedback
Student Learning Is Enhanced by Exercises or Assignments that Promote Self Assessment and Self-Awareness
Summary and Conclusion


Aaron Thompson

Aaron Thompson is a nationally recognized leader in higher education with a focus on policy, student success and organizational leadership and design. He serves as President of the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education and as professor of sociology in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at Eastern Kentucky University. He recently served as interim president of Kentucky State University. Thompson holds a doctorate in sociology in areas of organizational behavior and race and gender relations.

His leadership experience spans 27 years across higher education, business and numerous non-profit boards. Thompson has researched, taught and consulted in areas of diversity, leadership, ethics, multicultural families, race and ethnic relations, student success, first-year students, retention, cultural competence and organizational design throughout his career.

As a highly sought after national speaker, Thompson has presented more than 800 workshops, seminars and invited lectures in areas of race and gender diversity, living an unbiased life, overcoming obstacles to gain success, creating a school environment for academic success, cultural competence, workplace interaction, leadership, organizational goal setting, building relationships, the first-year seminar, and a variety of other topics. He continues to serve as a consultant to educational institutions (elementary, secondary and postsecondary), corporations, non-profit organizations, police departments and other governmental agencies.

Thompson has published more than 30 publications and numerous research and peer reviewed presentations. He has authored or co-authored the following books: Changing Student Culture from the Ground Up, The Sociological Outlook, Infusing Diversity and Cultural Competence into Teacher Education, Peer to Peer Leadership: Changing Student Culture from the Ground Up. He also co-authored Thriving in College and Beyond: Research-Based Strategies for Academic Success, Thriving in the Community College and Beyond: Research-Based Strategies for Academic Success and Personal Development, Diversity and the College Experience, Focus on Success and Black Men and Divorce.

Joseph B Cuseo

Joe Cuseo holds a doctoral degree in Educational Psychology and Assessment from the University of Iowa and is Professor Emeritus of Psychology. For more than 25 years, he directed the first-year seminar—a core college success course required of all new students.
He’s a 14-time recipient of the “faculty member of the year award” on his home campus—a student-driven award based on effective teaching and academic advising; a recipient of the “Outstanding First-Year Student Advocate Award” from the National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition; and a recipient of the “Diamond Honoree Award” from the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) for contributions made to student development and the Student Affairs profession.
+++__Currently, Joe serves as an educational advisor and consultant for AVID—a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote the college access and college success of underserved student populations. He has delivered hundreds of campus workshops and conference presentations across North America, as well as Europe, Asia, Australia, and the Middle East.

As teachers face increasing diversity within their classrooms in learning styles, race, linguistics, and culture, the academic rigor needed to successfully enter college or a career will require them to evolve in order for all students to succeed.

Infusing Diversity & Cultural Competence into Teacher Education provides educators and future educators with pathways for achieving cultural competence. Placing this crucial competence in the teacher’s toolbox will increase their opportunity and the capacity of ensuring success in and out of the classroom. The tools presented in this book assist the teacher in making gains in closing achievement gaps, building opportunity for all students, building strong pedagogical skills, enhancing curriculum for their diverse students, and constantly assessing all of these areas to ensure they are maintaining their status as the largest contributor to students’ success.

Infusing Diversity & Cultural Competence into Teacher Education

  • Defines, describes, and explains why diversity should be part of the formal education process
  • Illustrates student, family, school, and community roles in the learning process. 
  •  Describes how to incorporate intercultural communication and relationship building skills into curriculum.

Chapter 1 - Defining and Describing Diversity
What Is Cultural Diversity?
What Is Ethnic Diversity?
What Is Racial Diversity?
Diversity from a Cultural Perspective
Diversity from a Societal Perspective: Differences in Socioeconomic Status (a.k.a., Social Class)
Diversity from a National Perspective
Diversity from an International Perspective
Diversity from a Global Perspective
Diversity from the Perspective of the Universe(Cosmos)
Summary and Conclusion

Chapter 2 The Benefits of Diversity Education
1. Diversity Education Develops Self-Knowledge, Self-Awareness, and Self Insight
2. Diversity Education Deepens and Accelerates Learning
3. Diversity Education Strengthens Students’ Ability to Think Critically from Multiple Perspectives
4. Diversity Fosters Creative Thinking
5. Diversity Education Promotes Career Preparation for the 21st Century
6. Diversity Expands Social Relationships and Emotional Intelligence
7. Diversity Education Reduces Prejudice and Discrimination in Society
8. Diversity Education Preserves Democracy
Summary and Conclusion

Chapter 3 - Appreciating Diversity: Avoiding Stereotypes and Overcoming Biases Stereotyping
Causes of Prejudice and Discrimination
Feeling Comfortable with the Familiar and Uncomfortable with the Unknown or Unfamiliar
Using Selective Perception and Selective Memory
Mentally Categorizing People into “In” and “Out” Groups
Perceiving Members of Other Groups as More Alike than Members of One’s Own Group
The Tendency of Majority Group Members to Be More Strongly Influenced by Negative Behaviors
Committed by Members of Minority Groups than by Members of Their Own(Majority) Group
Rationalizing Prejudice and Discrimination as Justifiable
Strengthening Self-Esteem through Group Membership and Group Identity
A Personal Development Model for Overcoming Bias and Appreciating Student Diversity
Summary and Conclusion

Chapter 4 - The Context for Diversity Education: Student, Family, School, and Community
Student Diversity
Family Diversity
Community Diversity
School Diversity
Summary and Conclusion

Chapter 5 - Intercultural Communication and Relationship-Building Skills
Strategies for Interacting with People without Bias or Prejudice
Meeting and Interacting with People from Diverse Backgrounds
Interpersonal Communication Skills: Speaking and Listening
Human Relations Skills (a.k.a., “People Skills”)
Take a Leadership Role with Respect to Diversity
Summary and Conclusion

Chapter 6 - Teaching for Diversity: Culturally Inclusive and Responsive Instructional Strategies
Making the Student-Teacher Connection: Establishing Rapport with Your Class
Making Student-Student (Peer) Connections: Promoting Peer Interaction and Creating a Sense of Community Among Classmates
Strategies for Improving the Quality of Small Group Learning
Making the Student-Course (Subject) Connection: Engaging Students with the Subject Matter
Summary and Conclusion

Chapter 7 - Effective Culturally Inclusive Assessment of Student Learning and Academic Performance
Student Learning Is Promoted by Frequent Assessment Hold High Expectations for All Students
Student Learning Is Promoted by the Delivery of Performance-Improving Feedback
Student Learning Is Enhanced by Exercises or Assignments that Promote Self Assessment and Self-Awareness
Summary and Conclusion


Aaron Thompson

Aaron Thompson is a nationally recognized leader in higher education with a focus on policy, student success and organizational leadership and design. He serves as President of the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education and as professor of sociology in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at Eastern Kentucky University. He recently served as interim president of Kentucky State University. Thompson holds a doctorate in sociology in areas of organizational behavior and race and gender relations.

His leadership experience spans 27 years across higher education, business and numerous non-profit boards. Thompson has researched, taught and consulted in areas of diversity, leadership, ethics, multicultural families, race and ethnic relations, student success, first-year students, retention, cultural competence and organizational design throughout his career.

As a highly sought after national speaker, Thompson has presented more than 800 workshops, seminars and invited lectures in areas of race and gender diversity, living an unbiased life, overcoming obstacles to gain success, creating a school environment for academic success, cultural competence, workplace interaction, leadership, organizational goal setting, building relationships, the first-year seminar, and a variety of other topics. He continues to serve as a consultant to educational institutions (elementary, secondary and postsecondary), corporations, non-profit organizations, police departments and other governmental agencies.

Thompson has published more than 30 publications and numerous research and peer reviewed presentations. He has authored or co-authored the following books: Changing Student Culture from the Ground Up, The Sociological Outlook, Infusing Diversity and Cultural Competence into Teacher Education, Peer to Peer Leadership: Changing Student Culture from the Ground Up. He also co-authored Thriving in College and Beyond: Research-Based Strategies for Academic Success, Thriving in the Community College and Beyond: Research-Based Strategies for Academic Success and Personal Development, Diversity and the College Experience, Focus on Success and Black Men and Divorce.

Joseph B Cuseo

Joe Cuseo holds a doctoral degree in Educational Psychology and Assessment from the University of Iowa and is Professor Emeritus of Psychology. For more than 25 years, he directed the first-year seminar—a core college success course required of all new students.
He’s a 14-time recipient of the “faculty member of the year award” on his home campus—a student-driven award based on effective teaching and academic advising; a recipient of the “Outstanding First-Year Student Advocate Award” from the National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition; and a recipient of the “Diamond Honoree Award” from the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) for contributions made to student development and the Student Affairs profession.
+++__Currently, Joe serves as an educational advisor and consultant for AVID—a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote the college access and college success of underserved student populations. He has delivered hundreds of campus workshops and conference presentations across North America, as well as Europe, Asia, Australia, and the Middle East.