About the Authors
1: What is Diversity?
Chapter Purpose and Preview
Diversity: Definition and Description
Diversity and Humanity
Diversity and Individuality
Forms and Varieties of Diversity
Racial Diversity
Ethnic Diversity
America’s Growing Racial and Ethnic Diversity
Socioeconomic Diversity
Internet Resources
Reflections and Applications
2: Barriers to Diversity Appreciation: Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination
Chapter Purpose and Preview
Causes of Prejudice and Discrimination
Experiencing Feelings of Discomfort with the Unknown or Unfamiliar
How Selective Perception and Selective
Memory can Preserve Prejudicial Beliefs
Mentally Categorizing People into “In” Groups and “Out” Groups
Perceiving Members of Unfamiliar Groups as More Alike than Members of One’s Own Group
Tendency for Majority Group Members to Overestimate Negative Behaviors Exhibited by
Members of Minority Groups
Rationalizing Prejudice and Discrimination as Justifiable
Strengthening Self-Esteem by Assuming Membership in a “Superior” Group
Internet Resources
Reflections and Applications
Reflection Questions
3: Overcoming Bias, Combating Prejudice, and Developing Cultural Competence
Chapter Purpose and Preview
A Four-Stage Model for Overcoming Biases and Appreciating Diversity
Stage 1. Awareness
Stage 2. Acknowledgement
Stage 3. Acceptance
Stage 4. Action
Specific Strategies for Developing & Demonstrating Cultural Competence
Social Intelligence and Human Relations Skills
Strategies for Increasing Personal Contact and Interpersonal Interaction with Members of Diverse Groups
Internet Resources
Reflections and Applications
4: Student-Centered Teaching, Part I: Culturally Inclusive Strategies for Motivating and Engaging Students with the Subject Matter
Chapter Purpose and Preview
A Model for Implementing Student-Centered Teaching
The Student-Subject Connection
Connecting Students to the Subject Matter with Engaging Teaching Strategies
Motivational Strategies for Engaging Students with the Subject Matter
Engaging Pedagogy: Active Learning Strategies
Internet Resources
Reflections and Applications