International Relations: Introductory Readings
Author(s): Edward Rhodes , Jonathan M Dicicco , Dalia Fahmy
Edition: 1
Copyright: 1992
Pages: 350
International Relations explores the basic concepts of international politics and investigates the causes of war. The selections in this anthology are drawn from major theoretical writings on international relations and offer sophisticated explanations of the forces and factors that shape the behavior of states in the international system. Among the topics covered are the nature of anarchy, power, the state, the international system, and international society. The discussion of the causes of war considers the impact of security dilemmas, balance of power, hegemonic stability, domestic politics, bureaucratic politics, human aggressiveness, and human cognition.
This book offers students an accessible introduction to the central principles of international politics and provides a theoretical grounding for further study or research.
1: Making States, From Blood and Debt: War and the Nation-State in Latin America
by Miguel Angel Centeno (Penn State University Press, 2002), pp. 101–109.
2: The Nation, “A Nation is a Nation, is a State, is an Ethnic Group, is a ...,” by Walker
Connor in Ethnic and Racial Studies Volume 1, number 4 (1978), pp. 379–388.
3: The Development of Nations, “When is a Nation?”, by Walker Connor,
Ethnic and Racial Studies Volume 13, number 1 (1990), pp. 92–100.
4: Anarchy, From Theory of International Politics Kenneth N. Waltz
(New York: Random House, 1979), pp. 102–114.
5: Power, From Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power
by Joseph S. Nye (New York: Basic Books, 1990), pp. 25–34.
6: Coercion, From Arms and Influence by Thomas C. Schelling
(New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966), pp. 2–11.
7: International Systems and Societies, From The Anarchical Society
by Hedley Bull (New York: Columbia University Press, 1977), pp. 8–11, 12–20.
8: Anarchical Society, From The Anarchical Society by Hedley Bull
(New York: Columbia University Press, 1977), pp. 24–27, 40–52, 65–74.
9: International Regimes, From After Hegemony by Robert O. Keohane,
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984), pp. 51–55, 56–57, 58–59, 61–63.
10: International Law, From The Anarchical Society by Hedley Bull
(New York: Columbia University Press, 1977), pp. 129–130, 136–145.
11: Complex Interdependence, From Power and Interdependence, Second Edition
by Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye (Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresman and
Co., 1989), pp. 3–4, 8–10, 23–37.
12: A Realist Theory of International Politics, From Hans J. Morgenthau and
the Ethics of American Statecraft by Greg Russell (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State
University Press, 1990), pp. 96–101, 103–108.
13: Realism, From The History of Thucydides, Volume II by Thucydides
(Jowett translation), (New York: Tandy-Thomas, 1909), Melian Dialogue.
14: Just and Unjust Wars, From Just and Unjust Wars by Michael Walzer
(New York: Basic Books, 1977), pp. 3–11, 15–16, 21, 327.
15: Just War Theory, From Can Modern War Be Just? by James Turner Johnson
(New Haven: Yale University Press, 1984), pp. 1–2, 3–5, 12–16, 18–19, 25–29.
16: The Security Dilemma, “Cooperation Under the Security Dilemma,”
by Robert Jervis, in World Politics Volume 30, number 2 (1978), pp. 167–174,
170–180, 182–192, 194–214.
17: The Balance of Power, From Europe’s Classical Balance of Power
by Edward Vose Gulick (New York: Norton, 1955), pp. 30–31, 33–34, 35–37,
52, 53–55, 58–79, 89–91.
18: Conflict and Cooperation in the Absence of Hegemony, From After
Hegemony by Robert O. Keohane (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984),
pp. 243–247, 257–259.
19: Marxist and Liberal Explanations, From Defending the National Interest
by Stephen D. Krasner (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1978), pp. 20–29.
20: Domestic Factors, “Domestic Politics and War,” by Jack S. Levy in the Journal of
Interdisciplinary History, Volume 18, number 4 (1988), pp. 657–670.
21: Ethnic Nationalism and International Conflict, “Ethnic Nationalism and
International Conflict: The Case of Serbia,” by V. P. Gagnon in International
Security Volume 19, number 3 (1994–95), pp. 130–140, 164–166.
22: The Democratic Peace, “Theories of Interstate and Intrastate War: A Levels of
Analysis Approach,” by Jack S. Levy in Chester A. Crocker, Fen Osler Hampson,
and Pamela Aall, eds., Turbulent Peace: The Challenges of Managing
International Conflict (Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace
Press, 2001), pp. 13–15, 24–25.
23: An Evolutionary Explanation of Human Aggression, “So Why Do People Fight?
Evolutionary Theory and the Causes of War,” by Azar Gat in the European
Journal of International Relations Volume 15, number 4 (2009), pp. 571, 573–599.
24: Cognition and Stress, From Between Peace and War by Richard Ned Lebow
(Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981), pp. 101–119.
25: Toward Collective Security? “Reinventing Collective Security after the Cold War
and Gulf Conflict,” by Andrew Bennett and Joseph Lepgold in Political Science
Quarterly Volume 108, number 2 (1993), pp. 213–222, 233.
26: Technology, Knowledge, and the Unraveling of the Institutions of International
Relations, by Edward Rhodes (2016).
27: Toward Transgovernmental Networks, From A New World Order
by Anne-Marie Slaughter (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2004),
pp. 1–13, 15–27, 33–35, 273–275.
28: The Meaning of Xs and Ys: Social Construction, Gender, and Global Security,
“The Meaning of Xs and Ys: Social Construction, Gender, and Global Security”
by Edward Rhodes (2010).
29: Causes of Terrorism, “The Causes of Terrorism” by Martha Crenshaw in
Comparative Politics Volume 13, number 4 (1981), pp. 379–390, 392–399.
30: Identity, Domestic Security, and the Future of the Nation-State, “Non-State
Armed Actors, New Imagined Communities, and Shifting Patterns of Sovereignty and
Insecurity in the Modern World,” by Diane E. Davis in Contemporary Security Policy
Volume 30 number 2 (2009), pp. 221–234, 238–245.
31: The State, Private Military Companies, and the Just War Tradition,
From Outsourcing War: The Just War Tradition in the Age of Military Privatization
by Amy E. Eckert (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2016), pp. 42–62.
32: Thinking Theoretically, From Thinking Theory Thoroughly by James N. Rosenau
and Mary Durfee (Boulder: Westview, 1995), pp. 1–7.
33: Learning from History as a Social Scientist, “Conflict Research, the Security
Dilemma, and Learning from History” by J. David Singer in William Zimmerman
and Harold K. Jacobson, eds., Behavior, Culture, and Conflict in World Politics
(Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1993), pp. 79–85, 97.
34: How Do We Know What We Know? “How Do We Know What We Know?”
by Roy Licklider (1994).
International Relations explores the basic concepts of international politics and investigates the causes of war. The selections in this anthology are drawn from major theoretical writings on international relations and offer sophisticated explanations of the forces and factors that shape the behavior of states in the international system. Among the topics covered are the nature of anarchy, power, the state, the international system, and international society. The discussion of the causes of war considers the impact of security dilemmas, balance of power, hegemonic stability, domestic politics, bureaucratic politics, human aggressiveness, and human cognition.
This book offers students an accessible introduction to the central principles of international politics and provides a theoretical grounding for further study or research.
1: Making States, From Blood and Debt: War and the Nation-State in Latin America
by Miguel Angel Centeno (Penn State University Press, 2002), pp. 101–109.
2: The Nation, “A Nation is a Nation, is a State, is an Ethnic Group, is a ...,” by Walker
Connor in Ethnic and Racial Studies Volume 1, number 4 (1978), pp. 379–388.
3: The Development of Nations, “When is a Nation?”, by Walker Connor,
Ethnic and Racial Studies Volume 13, number 1 (1990), pp. 92–100.
4: Anarchy, From Theory of International Politics Kenneth N. Waltz
(New York: Random House, 1979), pp. 102–114.
5: Power, From Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power
by Joseph S. Nye (New York: Basic Books, 1990), pp. 25–34.
6: Coercion, From Arms and Influence by Thomas C. Schelling
(New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966), pp. 2–11.
7: International Systems and Societies, From The Anarchical Society
by Hedley Bull (New York: Columbia University Press, 1977), pp. 8–11, 12–20.
8: Anarchical Society, From The Anarchical Society by Hedley Bull
(New York: Columbia University Press, 1977), pp. 24–27, 40–52, 65–74.
9: International Regimes, From After Hegemony by Robert O. Keohane,
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984), pp. 51–55, 56–57, 58–59, 61–63.
10: International Law, From The Anarchical Society by Hedley Bull
(New York: Columbia University Press, 1977), pp. 129–130, 136–145.
11: Complex Interdependence, From Power and Interdependence, Second Edition
by Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye (Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresman and
Co., 1989), pp. 3–4, 8–10, 23–37.
12: A Realist Theory of International Politics, From Hans J. Morgenthau and
the Ethics of American Statecraft by Greg Russell (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State
University Press, 1990), pp. 96–101, 103–108.
13: Realism, From The History of Thucydides, Volume II by Thucydides
(Jowett translation), (New York: Tandy-Thomas, 1909), Melian Dialogue.
14: Just and Unjust Wars, From Just and Unjust Wars by Michael Walzer
(New York: Basic Books, 1977), pp. 3–11, 15–16, 21, 327.
15: Just War Theory, From Can Modern War Be Just? by James Turner Johnson
(New Haven: Yale University Press, 1984), pp. 1–2, 3–5, 12–16, 18–19, 25–29.
16: The Security Dilemma, “Cooperation Under the Security Dilemma,”
by Robert Jervis, in World Politics Volume 30, number 2 (1978), pp. 167–174,
170–180, 182–192, 194–214.
17: The Balance of Power, From Europe’s Classical Balance of Power
by Edward Vose Gulick (New York: Norton, 1955), pp. 30–31, 33–34, 35–37,
52, 53–55, 58–79, 89–91.
18: Conflict and Cooperation in the Absence of Hegemony, From After
Hegemony by Robert O. Keohane (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984),
pp. 243–247, 257–259.
19: Marxist and Liberal Explanations, From Defending the National Interest
by Stephen D. Krasner (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1978), pp. 20–29.
20: Domestic Factors, “Domestic Politics and War,” by Jack S. Levy in the Journal of
Interdisciplinary History, Volume 18, number 4 (1988), pp. 657–670.
21: Ethnic Nationalism and International Conflict, “Ethnic Nationalism and
International Conflict: The Case of Serbia,” by V. P. Gagnon in International
Security Volume 19, number 3 (1994–95), pp. 130–140, 164–166.
22: The Democratic Peace, “Theories of Interstate and Intrastate War: A Levels of
Analysis Approach,” by Jack S. Levy in Chester A. Crocker, Fen Osler Hampson,
and Pamela Aall, eds., Turbulent Peace: The Challenges of Managing
International Conflict (Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace
Press, 2001), pp. 13–15, 24–25.
23: An Evolutionary Explanation of Human Aggression, “So Why Do People Fight?
Evolutionary Theory and the Causes of War,” by Azar Gat in the European
Journal of International Relations Volume 15, number 4 (2009), pp. 571, 573–599.
24: Cognition and Stress, From Between Peace and War by Richard Ned Lebow
(Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981), pp. 101–119.
25: Toward Collective Security? “Reinventing Collective Security after the Cold War
and Gulf Conflict,” by Andrew Bennett and Joseph Lepgold in Political Science
Quarterly Volume 108, number 2 (1993), pp. 213–222, 233.
26: Technology, Knowledge, and the Unraveling of the Institutions of International
Relations, by Edward Rhodes (2016).
27: Toward Transgovernmental Networks, From A New World Order
by Anne-Marie Slaughter (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2004),
pp. 1–13, 15–27, 33–35, 273–275.
28: The Meaning of Xs and Ys: Social Construction, Gender, and Global Security,
“The Meaning of Xs and Ys: Social Construction, Gender, and Global Security”
by Edward Rhodes (2010).
29: Causes of Terrorism, “The Causes of Terrorism” by Martha Crenshaw in
Comparative Politics Volume 13, number 4 (1981), pp. 379–390, 392–399.
30: Identity, Domestic Security, and the Future of the Nation-State, “Non-State
Armed Actors, New Imagined Communities, and Shifting Patterns of Sovereignty and
Insecurity in the Modern World,” by Diane E. Davis in Contemporary Security Policy
Volume 30 number 2 (2009), pp. 221–234, 238–245.
31: The State, Private Military Companies, and the Just War Tradition,
From Outsourcing War: The Just War Tradition in the Age of Military Privatization
by Amy E. Eckert (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2016), pp. 42–62.
32: Thinking Theoretically, From Thinking Theory Thoroughly by James N. Rosenau
and Mary Durfee (Boulder: Westview, 1995), pp. 1–7.
33: Learning from History as a Social Scientist, “Conflict Research, the Security
Dilemma, and Learning from History” by J. David Singer in William Zimmerman
and Harold K. Jacobson, eds., Behavior, Culture, and Conflict in World Politics
(Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1993), pp. 79–85, 97.
34: How Do We Know What We Know? “How Do We Know What We Know?”
by Roy Licklider (1994).