Interprofessional Approach to Assessment from a Nutritional Perspective

Author(s): Lisa Morse

Edition: 2

Copyright: 2020

Pages: 354

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ISBN 9781792450013

Details Electronic Delivery EBOOK 180 days

It is essential to have critical thinking skills when assessing any patient or client, especially the complicated ones. In the real world, it is rare to see an individual with only one particular problem or concern. Furthermore, these critical thinking skills will help to determine the best therapies for the patient or client as well as assist in determining what additional healthcare practitioners need to be involved so all of the patient’s concerns can be properly addressed.

Learning objectives for Interprofessional Approach to Assessment from a Nutritional Perspective include but are not limited to:

  • Identify roles and responsibilities of interprofessional healthcare team members.
  • Prioritize data to determine what is most pertinent to address for the specific scenario or case.
  • Identify significance and deficiencies of various sets of data used to assess patients or clients.
  • Evaluate nutritional requirements and determine appropriate nutrition therapy when multiple medical and surgical concerns are present.



Chapter 1: Patient Assessment, Therapeutic Interventions and

Addressing Malnutrition

Chapter 2: Importance of Interprofessional Relationships in Health Care

Chapter 3: Cardiac Concerns

Case Study: Outpatient with Malnutrition and Heart Failure

Case Study: Inpatient/Outpatient with Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia

following a Myocardial Infarction

Chapter 4: Endocrine Concerns

Case Study: Gestational Diabetes

Case Study: Inpatient with Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Admitted with DKA

Case Study: Outpatient Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Requiring Insulin

Chapter 5: Gastrointestinal Concerns

Case Study: Outpatient with Celiac Disease

Case Study: Partial/Subtotal Gastrectomy Following a Sleeve Gastrectomy

Case Study: Diverticular Disease

Case Study: Hiatal Hernia and GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)

Chapter 6: Neurological Concerns

Case Study: Inpatient/Outpatient with Hypertension, Transient Ischemic

Attack Including Long Term Follow-Up

Case Study: Parkinson’s Disease


Appendix A: Patient Assessment Worksheet

Appendix B: Developing Therapeutic Diets

Modified Consistencies Based on the Regular Diet

National Dysphagia Diets

High- and Low-Fiber Diets

Added Calorie and/or Added Protein Diets

Lactose Free or Lactose Controlled Diet

Gluten Free Diet


Anti-dumping, Gastric Bypass or Gastroporesis Diets

Low Sodium, Low Fat and Low Saturated Fat Diets

Carbohydrate Counting

Appendix C: Laboratory Values: Significance and Nutritional

Implications Worksheet

Appendix D: Medications: Nutritional Implications and Drug–Nutrient

Interaction Worksheet

Lisa Morse

It is essential to have critical thinking skills when assessing any patient or client, especially the complicated ones. In the real world, it is rare to see an individual with only one particular problem or concern. Furthermore, these critical thinking skills will help to determine the best therapies for the patient or client as well as assist in determining what additional healthcare practitioners need to be involved so all of the patient’s concerns can be properly addressed.

Learning objectives for Interprofessional Approach to Assessment from a Nutritional Perspective include but are not limited to:

  • Identify roles and responsibilities of interprofessional healthcare team members.
  • Prioritize data to determine what is most pertinent to address for the specific scenario or case.
  • Identify significance and deficiencies of various sets of data used to assess patients or clients.
  • Evaluate nutritional requirements and determine appropriate nutrition therapy when multiple medical and surgical concerns are present.



Chapter 1: Patient Assessment, Therapeutic Interventions and

Addressing Malnutrition

Chapter 2: Importance of Interprofessional Relationships in Health Care

Chapter 3: Cardiac Concerns

Case Study: Outpatient with Malnutrition and Heart Failure

Case Study: Inpatient/Outpatient with Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia

following a Myocardial Infarction

Chapter 4: Endocrine Concerns

Case Study: Gestational Diabetes

Case Study: Inpatient with Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Admitted with DKA

Case Study: Outpatient Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Requiring Insulin

Chapter 5: Gastrointestinal Concerns

Case Study: Outpatient with Celiac Disease

Case Study: Partial/Subtotal Gastrectomy Following a Sleeve Gastrectomy

Case Study: Diverticular Disease

Case Study: Hiatal Hernia and GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)

Chapter 6: Neurological Concerns

Case Study: Inpatient/Outpatient with Hypertension, Transient Ischemic

Attack Including Long Term Follow-Up

Case Study: Parkinson’s Disease


Appendix A: Patient Assessment Worksheet

Appendix B: Developing Therapeutic Diets

Modified Consistencies Based on the Regular Diet

National Dysphagia Diets

High- and Low-Fiber Diets

Added Calorie and/or Added Protein Diets

Lactose Free or Lactose Controlled Diet

Gluten Free Diet


Anti-dumping, Gastric Bypass or Gastroporesis Diets

Low Sodium, Low Fat and Low Saturated Fat Diets

Carbohydrate Counting

Appendix C: Laboratory Values: Significance and Nutritional

Implications Worksheet

Appendix D: Medications: Nutritional Implications and Drug–Nutrient

Interaction Worksheet

Lisa Morse