Introduction to Algebra & Pharmaceutical Mathematics: An Introductory Course for Students in Nursing, Pharmacy Technology, and Other Health Careers

Edition: 2

Copyright: 2000

Pages: 562

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ISBN 9781465227669

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Mathematics for health care students

Introduction to Algebra & Pharmaceutical Mathematics, now in its Second Edition, by J. B. Hart, R. R. Barrows, and J. W. Schaller is designed to serve the needs of nursing students, pharmacy technology students, and students in other health careers.  The text is intended for use in an introductory course; the only math requirement is a good foundation in basic mathematics and prealgebra, and there is no science prerequisite for this course.

With the help of this text, you may never hear that popular phrase  "When am I ever going to use this stuff?", from your students again.  The goal of Introduction to Algebra & Pharmaceutical Mathematics is to produce relevance without a significant loss of generality.   

Introduction to Algebra & Pharmaceutical Mathematics is written in a conversational manner and contains a large number of example problems and practice exercises -so many examples and exercises that it may be used for an independent study course.  Also, at the request of both students and faculty, the answer to every problem is included within the text.  

Chapter 1 Introduction to Pharmaceutical Mathematics

 1.1 Introduction to Medication Dosage Calculations
 1.2 The Apothecary Measurement System 
 1.3 Relating the Apothecary & Metric Systems
 1.4 Medication Orders, Prescriptions, and Drug Labels
 1.5 Calculations for Intravenous Fluids
 1.6 Advanced Intravenous Calculations
 1.7 Calculating Pediatric Medication Dosages
 1.8 Review Exercises for Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Introduction to Algebra
 2.1 Formulas
 2.2 Algebraic Expressions and Combining Like Terms
 2.3 The Distributive Rule
 2.4 More about the Distributive Rule
 2.5 More about Algebraic Expressions
 2.6 Review Exercises for Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Equations with Applications
 3.1 Linear Equations
 3.2 Manipulating Literal Equations and Formulas
 3.3 Introduction to Solutions and Solution Calculations
 3.4 Solutions and Mixtures that Require Algebra
 3.5 Syringes, Needles, and Mathematics
 3.6 Ratio and Proportion
 3.7 Review Exercises for Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Introduction to Functions and Graphs 
 4.1 The Cartesian Coordinate System
 4.2 Graphing on the Cartesian Coordinate System
 4.3 Writing Linear Equations   
 4.4 Functions 
 4.5 The Graphs of Nonlinear Functions and Pharmacokinetics
 4.6 Non-Cartesian Graphs and Charts and Tables
 4.7 Review Exercises for Chapter 4

Chapter 5  Solutions
 5.1 Density, Specific Gravity, and Specific Volume
 5.2 Advanced Solution Preparation Calculations
 5.3 Molarity
 5.4 Acidity, Basicity, and pH
 5.5 Diffusion, Osmosis, and Solutions
 5.6 Solutions of Electrolytes
 5.7 Alligation Medial and Alligation Alternate
 5.8 The Aliquot Measurement  Method
 5.9 Review Exercises for Chapter 5

 A. Medical Abbreviations
 B. A Brief Introduction to Measurement Systems
 C. A Brief Review of Unit Analysis
 D. Significant Digits, Accuracy, and Precision
 E. Time and Temperature
 F. Mathematical Proofs of Two Topics
Jerome B Hart
William Schaller
Roxane Barrows

eBook Version 

You will receive access to this electronic text via email after using the shopping cart above to complete your purchase. 

Mathematics for health care students

Introduction to Algebra & Pharmaceutical Mathematics, now in its Second Edition, by J. B. Hart, R. R. Barrows, and J. W. Schaller is designed to serve the needs of nursing students, pharmacy technology students, and students in other health careers.  The text is intended for use in an introductory course; the only math requirement is a good foundation in basic mathematics and prealgebra, and there is no science prerequisite for this course.

With the help of this text, you may never hear that popular phrase  "When am I ever going to use this stuff?", from your students again.  The goal of Introduction to Algebra & Pharmaceutical Mathematics is to produce relevance without a significant loss of generality.   

Introduction to Algebra & Pharmaceutical Mathematics is written in a conversational manner and contains a large number of example problems and practice exercises -so many examples and exercises that it may be used for an independent study course.  Also, at the request of both students and faculty, the answer to every problem is included within the text.  

Chapter 1 Introduction to Pharmaceutical Mathematics

 1.1 Introduction to Medication Dosage Calculations
 1.2 The Apothecary Measurement System 
 1.3 Relating the Apothecary & Metric Systems
 1.4 Medication Orders, Prescriptions, and Drug Labels
 1.5 Calculations for Intravenous Fluids
 1.6 Advanced Intravenous Calculations
 1.7 Calculating Pediatric Medication Dosages
 1.8 Review Exercises for Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Introduction to Algebra
 2.1 Formulas
 2.2 Algebraic Expressions and Combining Like Terms
 2.3 The Distributive Rule
 2.4 More about the Distributive Rule
 2.5 More about Algebraic Expressions
 2.6 Review Exercises for Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Equations with Applications
 3.1 Linear Equations
 3.2 Manipulating Literal Equations and Formulas
 3.3 Introduction to Solutions and Solution Calculations
 3.4 Solutions and Mixtures that Require Algebra
 3.5 Syringes, Needles, and Mathematics
 3.6 Ratio and Proportion
 3.7 Review Exercises for Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Introduction to Functions and Graphs 
 4.1 The Cartesian Coordinate System
 4.2 Graphing on the Cartesian Coordinate System
 4.3 Writing Linear Equations   
 4.4 Functions 
 4.5 The Graphs of Nonlinear Functions and Pharmacokinetics
 4.6 Non-Cartesian Graphs and Charts and Tables
 4.7 Review Exercises for Chapter 4

Chapter 5  Solutions
 5.1 Density, Specific Gravity, and Specific Volume
 5.2 Advanced Solution Preparation Calculations
 5.3 Molarity
 5.4 Acidity, Basicity, and pH
 5.5 Diffusion, Osmosis, and Solutions
 5.6 Solutions of Electrolytes
 5.7 Alligation Medial and Alligation Alternate
 5.8 The Aliquot Measurement  Method
 5.9 Review Exercises for Chapter 5

 A. Medical Abbreviations
 B. A Brief Introduction to Measurement Systems
 C. A Brief Review of Unit Analysis
 D. Significant Digits, Accuracy, and Precision
 E. Time and Temperature
 F. Mathematical Proofs of Two Topics

Jerome B Hart
William Schaller
Roxane Barrows