I Fundamentals
1 Introduction
1.1 Origin of the Algorithm
1.2 Two Notations for Expressing Algorithms
1.2.1 Functional Notation
1.2.2 Imperative Notation
2 Design Overview
2.1 Perspectives on Design
2.2 Structural Recursion
2.2.1 An Extended Example: Reversal
2.2.2 An Extended Example: Multiplication
2.3 Divide and Conquer
2.3.1 An Extended Example: Raising to a Power
2.4 Tail Recursion
2.4.1 An Extended Example: Multiplication Revisited
2.5 Dynamic Programming
2.5.1 An Extended Example: Powers of Two
2.5.2 Issues and Alternatives
2.6 Greedy Algorithms
2.6.1 An Extended Example: Minimum Change
2.7 Exercises
3 Analysis Overview
3.1 Perspectives on Analysis
3.2 Example: Insertion Sort
3.3 Example: Factorial
3.4 Exercises
4 Asymptotics
4.1 Introduction to Asymptotics
4.2 Formal Definitions
4.3 Proofs Using the Definitions
4.4 Properties of Asymptotic Notation
4.4.1 Facts about O
4.4.2 Facts about Ω
4.4.3 Example Using the Facts
4.4.4 Some Proofs
4.5 Additional Properties of Asymptotic Notation
4.6 Exercises
5 Sums and Floors
5.1 Introduction to Sums, Floors, and Ceilings
5.2 Sums
5.2.1 Fundamental Formulas
5.2.2 Bounding Sums
5.3 Floors and Ceilings
5.4 Exercises
6 Recurrence Relations
6.1 Introduction to Recurrence Relations
6.2 Substitution By Example
6.3 Iteration by Example
6.4 Induction By Example
6.5 A More Challenging Example Involving Floor
6.5.1 Substitution
6.5.2 Iteration
6.5.3 Induction
6.6 A Recurrence Relation with Full History
6.6.1 Substitution
6.6.2 Observations
6.6.3 Iteration
6.6.4 Induction
6.7 A Difference Equation Method Example
6.8 A Very Brief Introduction to Generating Functions
6.8.1 A Simple Example
6.8.2 Another Example
6.9 Exercises
II Searching and Sorting
7 Linear Search
7.1 Introduction to Linear Search
7.2 A Structurally Recursive Approach
7.2.1 Complexity
7.3 Searching Arrays
7.4 Dynamic Linear Searching
8 Binary Search
8.1 Introduction to Binary Search
8.2 Binary Search Trees and Binary Search
8.2.1 Definition
8.2.2 Operations
8.2.3 Time Complexity
8.3 Representing Binary Search Trees as Arrays
8.3.1 Converting Between Binary Search Trees and Arrays
8.3.2 Binary Search on Arrays with Slicing
8.3.3 Binary Search Using Slicing Parameters Instead of Slicing
8.3.4 Time Complexity
8.4 Exercises
9 Naive Sorting
9.1 Introduction to Naive Sorting
9.2 Insertion Sort
9.2.1 Accumulative Insertion Sort
9.2.2 Imperative Insertion Sort
9.3 Selection Sort
9.3.1 A Slow Sort
9.3.2 Accumulative Selection Sort
9.3.3 Imperative Selection Sort
10 Heaps
10.1 Introduction to Heaps
10.2 Binary Search Trees
10.3 Left-Complete Binary Trees
10.3.1 Illustrating the Heap Operations for a Left-Complete Binary Min-Heap
10.3.2 Representing the Tree as an Array
11 Tree-Based Sorting
11.1 Introduction to Tree-Based Sorting
11.2 Fast Insertion Using a Tree
11.3 Fast Selection Using a Tree
11.3.1 A Functional Formulation
11.3.2 An Imperative Formulation
12 Divide and Conquer Sorting
12.1 Introduction to Divide and Conquer Sorting
12.2 Merge Sort
12.2.1 Time Complexity
12.2.2 Imperative Formulation
12.3 Quick Sort
12.3.1 Quicker Quick Sorts
12.3.2 Time Complexity
12.4 Exercises
13 Selection
13.1 Introduction to Selection
13.2 Deriving an Algorithm
13.3 Time Complexity
13.4 Exercises
14 Lower Bounds for Sorting
14.1 Introduction to Lower Bounds for Sorting
14.2 An Alternative Computational Model
14.3 Consequences of the Alternative Model
14.4 Exercises
III Semi-Numerical Algorithms
15 Strassen’s Method
15.1 Introduction to Matrix Multiplication
15.2 A Divide and Conquer Approach
15.3 Strassen’s Enhancement
15.3.1 Seven Products
15.3.2 Verification
15.4 Exercises
IV Graph Algorithms
16 Introduction to Graphs
16.1 Graphs — The Very Idea
16.2 Graph Formal Definitions
16.3 Graph Representations
16.3.1 Mathematical Representations
16.3.2 Computational Representations
17 Shortest Paths
17.1 Introduction to Shortest Paths
17.2 The Bellman–Ford Algorithm
17.2.1 A Recursive Formulation
17.2.2 A Dynamic Programming Formulation
17.2.3 Beyond Dynamic Programming
17.2.4 Throwing Caution to the Wind
V Complexity Theory
18 Complexity Theory Overview
18.1 Introduction to Complexity Theory
18.2 Formalizing the Class of Tractable Problems
18.3 Thinking About P
18.4 The Satisfiability Problem
18.4.1 Propositional Formula Definition
18.4.2 Truth Assignment Definitions
18.4.3 Satisfiability Problem Formal Definition
18.5 Another Class of Problems
18.6 Exercises
19 Additional NP-Complete Problems
19.1 Introduction to Additional NP-Complete Problems
19.1.1 Proving a Problem NP-Complete
19.1.2 Initial Example
19.2 3SAT
19.3 Vertex Cover
19.4 Exercises