Introduction to Nutrition is an easy to read, essential purchase for students in dietetics, as well as students studying subjects that may have a nutrition component, such as exercise science, nursing, pharmacy, medicine, and other related areas. This textbook provides the quality information that astute learners demand in nutrition science applications that are ideal at introductory levels. New and updated nutrition topics are intertwined with real stories from real people that connect the material to the reader’s everyday life.
Introduction to Nutrition covers topics such as macronutrients, vitamins and minerals, eating for exercise performance, nutrition across the lifespan, eating disorders and weight loss and dieting topics. This book takes the study of nutrition as a science to a new level with an emphasis on active learning, a strong science foundation and contemporary topics. Students using this text for their courses will feel satisfied that they are receiving a fresh take on an ever-evolving topic.
Chapter 1 The Food on Your Plate
Chapter 2 Think Before You Eat: Developing a Nutrition Plan for Health
Chapter 3 Pieces and Parts: Anatomy for Digestion
Chapter 4: What Are Carbohydrates?
Chapter 5 Lipids and Fats
Chapter 6 Proteins: Not Just for Muscle
Chapter 7 Energy and Weight Management
Chapter 8 Water and Electrolytes: Striking a Balance
Chapter 9 Vitamins
Chapter 10 Minerals
Chapter 11 Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and Infant Feeding
Chapter 12 Nutrition for Children, Adolescents and Older Adults
Chapter 13 Sports Nutrition
Chapter 14 Eating Disorders: Do Not Discriminate
Chapter 15 Alcohol and Your Health