Introduction to World Politics: Prospects and Challenges for the United States

Edition: 2

Copyright: 2018

Pages: 150

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ISBN 9781524952341

Details Electronic Delivery EBOOK 180 days

Introduction to World Politics: Prospects and Challenges for the United States provides readers the means to understand, grow, and engage in upper-division World Politics. The text encourages students to not just read, but engage with the material which in return will increase enjoyment of, and apparition for, the discipline.

Introduction to World Politics: Prospects and Challenges for the United States:

  • Features a succinct approach to the discipline. Unlike other books for “introductory” courses, the authors don’t ‘cram’ too much content and detail into their reading. Rather, they cut to the main points which they find essential for make since of how the world works.
  • Challenges readers to not fear the word ‘theory’, but rather the authors take readers on a methodical journey through the development and application of three central theories.
  • Educates readers on foreign policy challenges faced by the United States such as international security, international organizations, and law and international economics.

CHAPTER 1: Introduction

CHAPTER 2: Theories and Foreign Policies

CHAPTER 3: Security, Conflict, and War

CHAPTER 4: International Organizations and International Law

CHAPTER 5: International Political Economy (IPE)


CHAPTER 1: Introduction

What Is World Politics?
How Is World Politics Studied?
What Actors Exist in World Politics? 
What Is an International System? 
What Is Power?

CHAPTER 2: Theories and Foreign Policies

Why Are Theories Important?

How Can We Judge Theories?

Contending Theories of World Politics

Theories and Levels of Analysis

Introduction to Realism 

Introduction to Liberalism 

Introduction to the Radical Approach

Case Study: The Second Persian Gulf War 

Foreign Policy Approaches

CHAPTER 3: Security, Conflict, and War

What Are Security, Conflict, and War?

Trends in Conflicts and Casualties

The Causes of Armed Conflicts and Wars

Theoretical Explanations for Armed Conflicts and Wars

Issues in International Security

Theoretical Perspectives on Terrorism and WMD

CHAPTER 4: International Organizations and International Law

Types of International Organizations 

Global and Regional IGOs: United Nations and the European Union

Do NGOs Affect World Politics? 

International Law 

Theoretical Perspectives on International Organizations and Law

CHAPTER 5: International Political Economy (IPE)

Introduction: Post-War IPE 

Theories of IPE 

Early 20th Century IPE 

Post-War International Institutions, Agreements, and Principles 

Post-War IPE



Stephen M. Hill

Stephen M. Hill is Professor of Political Science in the Department of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. He teaches courses in US foreign policy and international conflict. He has published on issues concerning international and civil conflict resolution, small arms control, and US policing, in a number of journals, including Democracy and Security, Social Justice and Contemporary Security Policy. He is the author of UN Disarmament Processes in Intra-State Conflict, Palgrave Macmillan (2004).


Ali R. Abootalebi is Professor of Middle Eastern and Global Politics in the Department of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. He is the author of Islam and democracy: State-Society Relations in Developing Countries, 1980-1994 (2000) and numerous articles on Iran, Arab Politics, Civil Society and Democracy and U.S. foreign policy. He also serves as research committee member for Center for Global Nonkilling. He can be reached at

Ali R. Abootalebi

Introduction to World Politics: Prospects and Challenges for the United States provides readers the means to understand, grow, and engage in upper-division World Politics. The text encourages students to not just read, but engage with the material which in return will increase enjoyment of, and apparition for, the discipline.

Introduction to World Politics: Prospects and Challenges for the United States:

  • Features a succinct approach to the discipline. Unlike other books for “introductory” courses, the authors don’t ‘cram’ too much content and detail into their reading. Rather, they cut to the main points which they find essential for make since of how the world works.
  • Challenges readers to not fear the word ‘theory’, but rather the authors take readers on a methodical journey through the development and application of three central theories.
  • Educates readers on foreign policy challenges faced by the United States such as international security, international organizations, and law and international economics.

CHAPTER 1: Introduction

CHAPTER 2: Theories and Foreign Policies

CHAPTER 3: Security, Conflict, and War

CHAPTER 4: International Organizations and International Law

CHAPTER 5: International Political Economy (IPE)


CHAPTER 1: Introduction

What Is World Politics?
How Is World Politics Studied?
What Actors Exist in World Politics? 
What Is an International System? 
What Is Power?

CHAPTER 2: Theories and Foreign Policies

Why Are Theories Important?

How Can We Judge Theories?

Contending Theories of World Politics

Theories and Levels of Analysis

Introduction to Realism 

Introduction to Liberalism 

Introduction to the Radical Approach

Case Study: The Second Persian Gulf War 

Foreign Policy Approaches

CHAPTER 3: Security, Conflict, and War

What Are Security, Conflict, and War?

Trends in Conflicts and Casualties

The Causes of Armed Conflicts and Wars

Theoretical Explanations for Armed Conflicts and Wars

Issues in International Security

Theoretical Perspectives on Terrorism and WMD

CHAPTER 4: International Organizations and International Law

Types of International Organizations 

Global and Regional IGOs: United Nations and the European Union

Do NGOs Affect World Politics? 

International Law 

Theoretical Perspectives on International Organizations and Law

CHAPTER 5: International Political Economy (IPE)

Introduction: Post-War IPE 

Theories of IPE 

Early 20th Century IPE 

Post-War International Institutions, Agreements, and Principles 

Post-War IPE



Stephen M. Hill

Stephen M. Hill is Professor of Political Science in the Department of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. He teaches courses in US foreign policy and international conflict. He has published on issues concerning international and civil conflict resolution, small arms control, and US policing, in a number of journals, including Democracy and Security, Social Justice and Contemporary Security Policy. He is the author of UN Disarmament Processes in Intra-State Conflict, Palgrave Macmillan (2004).


Ali R. Abootalebi is Professor of Middle Eastern and Global Politics in the Department of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. He is the author of Islam and democracy: State-Society Relations in Developing Countries, 1980-1994 (2000) and numerous articles on Iran, Arab Politics, Civil Society and Democracy and U.S. foreign policy. He also serves as research committee member for Center for Global Nonkilling. He can be reached at

Ali R. Abootalebi