Investigating Biology: An Introduction to the Tools and Techniques of a Biologist: Volume II
Author(s): Paul Luyster
Edition: 2
Copyright: 2022
This is the lab manual for Biology II, the second semester of a two-semester General Biology course for science majors.
There is much more to biology than memorizing facts in a textbook. The fun part of biology is actually doing it! This laboratory course is designed to help you develop the hands-on skills of biologist using the tools found in a typical, modern biology lab.
Each of the exercises in this manual begins with background to help you understand a core concept of biology. You will then be presented with a question of problem related to that concept. The lab exercise will guide you as you use the scientific method, laboratory tools, and standard protocols to answer that question or solve that problem. Throughout the course you will also evaluate scientific information, dig into primary research, use a lab notebook, collect and interpret quantitative data, and practice writing scientific reports.
As you work through this manual you will learn skills that you may use again in future classes, graduate school, or in a professional setting. Your manual will become a portfolio of the skills you learn as well as a record of the protocols you master. You may find it a valuable reference as you take advanced biology lab courses in the future.
About the Author
Lab 14 Histology: The Biology of Tissues
Lab Skill 14.1 Effectively Sketching Microscopic Images
Lab Skill 14.2 Visually Identifying Animal Tissues
Pre-Lab Quiz 14
Problem to Solve 14.1 Can I Identify Embryonic Germ Layers?
Problem to Solve 14.2 Can I Identify Microscopic Images of Cells and Tissues of Animals?
Post-Lab Quiz 14
Lab 15 Biological Classification: Cladograms, Phylograms, and Dichotomous Keys
Lab Skill 15.1 Creating a Dichotomous Key
Lab Skill 15.2 Creating a Cladogram
Lab Skill 15.3 Using a Nanodrop Spectrophotometer to Measure Protein Concentration
Pre-Lab Quiz 15
Problem to Solve 15.1 Can I Isolate and Determine the Concentration of Proteins from a Tissue Sample?
Problem to Solve 15.2 Can I Create a Dichotomous Key?
HOMEWORK Problem 15.2 Dichotomous Key
Problem to Solve 15.3 Can I Create a Cladogram?
Post-Lab Quiz 15
Lab 16 Zoology I: Evolution of Sponges, Jellies, and Worms
Lab Skill 16.1 Identifying Common Invertebrates (Part 1)
Lab Skill 16.2 Proteomic Analysis
Lab Skill 16.3 SDS-PAGE Electrophoresis
Pre-Lab Quiz 16
Problem to Solve 16.1 Can I Create a Protein Profile of Tissue Samples Using SDS-PAGE?
Problem to Solve 16.2 Can I Identify Unlabeled Invertebrates by Phylum and Class?
Post-Lab Quiz 16
Lab 17 Zoology II: Evolution of Mollusks, Arthropods, and Echinoderms
Lab Skill 17.1 Identifying Common Invertebrates (Part 2)
Lab Skill 17.2 Making a Standard Curve from a Standard Electrophoresis Ladder
Pre-Lab Quiz 17
Problem to Solve 17.1 Can I Create a Standard Curve from Protein Standard Bands in my SDS-PAGE Gel?
Problem to Solve 17.2 Can I Create a Cladogram from SDS-PAGE Data?
Problem to Solve 17.3 Can I Identify Unlabeled Invertebrates by Phylum and Class?
Post-Lab Quiz 17
Lab 18 Zoology III: Evolution of Chordates
Lab Skill 18.1 Identifying Chordates
Pre-Lab Quiz 18
Problem to Solve 18.1 Can I Create a Cladogram Based on Taxonomic Information?
Problem to Solve 18.2 Can I Identify the Major Systems and Structures of a Complex Animal?
Problem to Solve 18.3 Can I Identify Unlabeled Chordates by Class?
Post-Lab Quiz 18
Lab 19 Astrobiology: Design an Animalien
Lab Skill 19.1 Creating an Effective Presentation
Pre-Lab Quiz 19
Problem to Solve 19.1 Can I Design an Organism that Is Perfectly Adapted to a Specific Environment?
Problem to Solve 19.2 Can I Create and Give a Good Digital Presentation?
Post-Lab Quiz 19
Lab 20 Animal Physiology I: Life Support Systems
Lab Skill 20.1 Using a Sphygmomanometer, Stethoscope, and ECG
Lab Skill 20.2 Using a Spirometer to Measure Lung Capacities
Lab Skill 20.3 Conducting Urinalysis
Lab Skill 20.4 Creating Effective Concept Maps
Pre-Lab Quiz 20
Problem to Solve 20.1 Can I Identify the Parts of a Mammal Heart and Trace the Path of Blood Through it?
Problem to Solve 20.2 Can I Measure Blood Flow in a Human Body?
Problem to Solve 20.3 Can I Measure Lung Volumes?
Problem to Solve 20.4 Can I Assemble the Digestive System Puzzle?
Problem to Solve 20.5 Can I Interpret Urinalysis Results?
Problem to Solve 20.6 Can I Create a Concept Map of the Human Body Systems?
Post-Lab Quiz 20
Lab 21 Animal Physiology II: Support and Movement
Lab Skill 21.1 Performing Surgery on the Dead – the Art of Dissection
Pre-Lab Quiz 21
Problem to Solve 21.1 Can I Demonstrate the Effects of Exercise and Oxygen Deprivation on Muscle Physiology?
Problem to Solve 21.2 Can I Identify Human Bones?
Problem to Solve 21.3 Can I Identify the Major Organs of a Mammal?
Problem to Solve 21.4 Can I Create a Concept Map of Muscle Fiber Physiology?
Post-Lab Quiz 21
Lab 22 Animal Physiology III: The Biology of Sex
Lab Skill 22.1 Identifying Structures of the Human Male Reproductive System and Describing Their Functions
Lab Skill 22.2 Identifying Structures of the Human Female Reproductive System and Describing their Functions
Pre-Lab Quiz 22
Problem to Solve 22.1 Can I Trace the Path of Sperm through the Male Reproductive System?
Problem to Solve 22.2 Can I Trace the Path of an Egg through the Female Reproductive System?
Problem to Solve 22.3 Can I Describe Some of the Unusual Strategies of Animal Sex?
Problem to Solve 22.4 Can I Observe the Sexual Behavior of the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach?
Post-Lab Quiz 22
Lab 23 Animal Physiology IV: Brains and Senses
Lab Skill 23.1 Understanding Neuron Physiology
Lab Skill 23.2 Identifying the Structures of a Nerve and the Spinal Cord
Lab Skill 23.3 Identifying the Anatomical and Functional Parts of a Human Brain
Lab Skill 23.4 Observing the Brain in Action
Lab Skill 23.5 Identifying the Structures of Human Sensory Organs and Describing their Functions
Pre-Lab Quiz 23
Problem to Solve 23.1 Can I Recognize the Structures of the Nervous System from Slides, Models, and Specimens?
Problem to Solve 23.2 Can I Correlate the Location of Brain Damage to Neurologic Deficits?
Problem to Solve 23.3 Do I Look, Taste, Feel, and Smell Like You?
Post-Lab Quiz 23
Lab 24 Botany I: Evolution and Characteristics of Simple Plants
Lab Skill 24.1 Understanding the Life Cycles and Characteristics of the Major Plant Phyla
Lab Skill 24.2 How to Set Up a Hydroponic Garden
Pre-Lab Quiz 24
Problem to Solve 24.1 Can I Classify Plants by Phylum and Identify Their Key Features?
Problem to Solve 24.2 Can I Observe the Activity of Guard Cells?
Problem to Solve 23.3 Can I Determine How Environmental Factors Affect Plant Transpiration?
Post-Lab Quiz 24
Lab 25 Botany II: The Evolution and Characteristics of Complex Plants
Lab Skill 25.1 Identifying Structures and Tissues of Angiosperms
Lab Skill 25.2 Using a Microtome to Make Slides of Tissues
Lab Skill 23.3 Using Fluorescent Stains and a Fluorescent Microscope to Identify Plant Tissues
Lab Skill 25.4 Using a Clinometer to Estimate the Height of a Tree
Pre-Lab Quiz 25
Problem to Solve 25.1 Can I Use a Microtome to Make Slides of Plant Tissues?
Problem to Solve 25.2 Can I Recognize Key Characteristics of Monocot and Eudicot Angiosperms?
Problem to Solve 25.3 Can I Classify Types of Fruit?
Problem to Solve 25.4 Can I Identify Local Campus Plants?
Problem to Solve 25.5 Can I Estimate the Height of a Tree?
Post-Lab Quiz 25
Lab 26 Ecology: Relationships Between Organisms and Their Environments
Lab Skill 26.1 Working With Population Models
Pre-Lab Quiz 26
Problem to Solve 26.1 Can I Determine the Habitat Range for an Organism?
Problem to Solve 26.2 Can I Use Computer Models to Predict Population Changes?
Problem to Solve 26.3 Can I Interpret Internet Claims?
Problem to Solve 26.4 Can I Observe the Biodiversity of This Campus?
Post-Lab Quiz 26
Appendix H How to Create a Standard Curve Using Excel
Appendix I How to Use ImageLab to Analyze a Gel
Appendix J Reference Charts for Animal Classification
Appendix K Concept Maps as Tools for Learning
Appendix L Self-Test for Visual Accuity
Appendix M Tangent Table
This is the lab manual for Biology II, the second semester of a two-semester General Biology course for science majors.
There is much more to biology than memorizing facts in a textbook. The fun part of biology is actually doing it! This laboratory course is designed to help you develop the hands-on skills of biologist using the tools found in a typical, modern biology lab.
Each of the exercises in this manual begins with background to help you understand a core concept of biology. You will then be presented with a question of problem related to that concept. The lab exercise will guide you as you use the scientific method, laboratory tools, and standard protocols to answer that question or solve that problem. Throughout the course you will also evaluate scientific information, dig into primary research, use a lab notebook, collect and interpret quantitative data, and practice writing scientific reports.
As you work through this manual you will learn skills that you may use again in future classes, graduate school, or in a professional setting. Your manual will become a portfolio of the skills you learn as well as a record of the protocols you master. You may find it a valuable reference as you take advanced biology lab courses in the future.
About the Author
Lab 14 Histology: The Biology of Tissues
Lab Skill 14.1 Effectively Sketching Microscopic Images
Lab Skill 14.2 Visually Identifying Animal Tissues
Pre-Lab Quiz 14
Problem to Solve 14.1 Can I Identify Embryonic Germ Layers?
Problem to Solve 14.2 Can I Identify Microscopic Images of Cells and Tissues of Animals?
Post-Lab Quiz 14
Lab 15 Biological Classification: Cladograms, Phylograms, and Dichotomous Keys
Lab Skill 15.1 Creating a Dichotomous Key
Lab Skill 15.2 Creating a Cladogram
Lab Skill 15.3 Using a Nanodrop Spectrophotometer to Measure Protein Concentration
Pre-Lab Quiz 15
Problem to Solve 15.1 Can I Isolate and Determine the Concentration of Proteins from a Tissue Sample?
Problem to Solve 15.2 Can I Create a Dichotomous Key?
HOMEWORK Problem 15.2 Dichotomous Key
Problem to Solve 15.3 Can I Create a Cladogram?
Post-Lab Quiz 15
Lab 16 Zoology I: Evolution of Sponges, Jellies, and Worms
Lab Skill 16.1 Identifying Common Invertebrates (Part 1)
Lab Skill 16.2 Proteomic Analysis
Lab Skill 16.3 SDS-PAGE Electrophoresis
Pre-Lab Quiz 16
Problem to Solve 16.1 Can I Create a Protein Profile of Tissue Samples Using SDS-PAGE?
Problem to Solve 16.2 Can I Identify Unlabeled Invertebrates by Phylum and Class?
Post-Lab Quiz 16
Lab 17 Zoology II: Evolution of Mollusks, Arthropods, and Echinoderms
Lab Skill 17.1 Identifying Common Invertebrates (Part 2)
Lab Skill 17.2 Making a Standard Curve from a Standard Electrophoresis Ladder
Pre-Lab Quiz 17
Problem to Solve 17.1 Can I Create a Standard Curve from Protein Standard Bands in my SDS-PAGE Gel?
Problem to Solve 17.2 Can I Create a Cladogram from SDS-PAGE Data?
Problem to Solve 17.3 Can I Identify Unlabeled Invertebrates by Phylum and Class?
Post-Lab Quiz 17
Lab 18 Zoology III: Evolution of Chordates
Lab Skill 18.1 Identifying Chordates
Pre-Lab Quiz 18
Problem to Solve 18.1 Can I Create a Cladogram Based on Taxonomic Information?
Problem to Solve 18.2 Can I Identify the Major Systems and Structures of a Complex Animal?
Problem to Solve 18.3 Can I Identify Unlabeled Chordates by Class?
Post-Lab Quiz 18
Lab 19 Astrobiology: Design an Animalien
Lab Skill 19.1 Creating an Effective Presentation
Pre-Lab Quiz 19
Problem to Solve 19.1 Can I Design an Organism that Is Perfectly Adapted to a Specific Environment?
Problem to Solve 19.2 Can I Create and Give a Good Digital Presentation?
Post-Lab Quiz 19
Lab 20 Animal Physiology I: Life Support Systems
Lab Skill 20.1 Using a Sphygmomanometer, Stethoscope, and ECG
Lab Skill 20.2 Using a Spirometer to Measure Lung Capacities
Lab Skill 20.3 Conducting Urinalysis
Lab Skill 20.4 Creating Effective Concept Maps
Pre-Lab Quiz 20
Problem to Solve 20.1 Can I Identify the Parts of a Mammal Heart and Trace the Path of Blood Through it?
Problem to Solve 20.2 Can I Measure Blood Flow in a Human Body?
Problem to Solve 20.3 Can I Measure Lung Volumes?
Problem to Solve 20.4 Can I Assemble the Digestive System Puzzle?
Problem to Solve 20.5 Can I Interpret Urinalysis Results?
Problem to Solve 20.6 Can I Create a Concept Map of the Human Body Systems?
Post-Lab Quiz 20
Lab 21 Animal Physiology II: Support and Movement
Lab Skill 21.1 Performing Surgery on the Dead – the Art of Dissection
Pre-Lab Quiz 21
Problem to Solve 21.1 Can I Demonstrate the Effects of Exercise and Oxygen Deprivation on Muscle Physiology?
Problem to Solve 21.2 Can I Identify Human Bones?
Problem to Solve 21.3 Can I Identify the Major Organs of a Mammal?
Problem to Solve 21.4 Can I Create a Concept Map of Muscle Fiber Physiology?
Post-Lab Quiz 21
Lab 22 Animal Physiology III: The Biology of Sex
Lab Skill 22.1 Identifying Structures of the Human Male Reproductive System and Describing Their Functions
Lab Skill 22.2 Identifying Structures of the Human Female Reproductive System and Describing their Functions
Pre-Lab Quiz 22
Problem to Solve 22.1 Can I Trace the Path of Sperm through the Male Reproductive System?
Problem to Solve 22.2 Can I Trace the Path of an Egg through the Female Reproductive System?
Problem to Solve 22.3 Can I Describe Some of the Unusual Strategies of Animal Sex?
Problem to Solve 22.4 Can I Observe the Sexual Behavior of the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach?
Post-Lab Quiz 22
Lab 23 Animal Physiology IV: Brains and Senses
Lab Skill 23.1 Understanding Neuron Physiology
Lab Skill 23.2 Identifying the Structures of a Nerve and the Spinal Cord
Lab Skill 23.3 Identifying the Anatomical and Functional Parts of a Human Brain
Lab Skill 23.4 Observing the Brain in Action
Lab Skill 23.5 Identifying the Structures of Human Sensory Organs and Describing their Functions
Pre-Lab Quiz 23
Problem to Solve 23.1 Can I Recognize the Structures of the Nervous System from Slides, Models, and Specimens?
Problem to Solve 23.2 Can I Correlate the Location of Brain Damage to Neurologic Deficits?
Problem to Solve 23.3 Do I Look, Taste, Feel, and Smell Like You?
Post-Lab Quiz 23
Lab 24 Botany I: Evolution and Characteristics of Simple Plants
Lab Skill 24.1 Understanding the Life Cycles and Characteristics of the Major Plant Phyla
Lab Skill 24.2 How to Set Up a Hydroponic Garden
Pre-Lab Quiz 24
Problem to Solve 24.1 Can I Classify Plants by Phylum and Identify Their Key Features?
Problem to Solve 24.2 Can I Observe the Activity of Guard Cells?
Problem to Solve 23.3 Can I Determine How Environmental Factors Affect Plant Transpiration?
Post-Lab Quiz 24
Lab 25 Botany II: The Evolution and Characteristics of Complex Plants
Lab Skill 25.1 Identifying Structures and Tissues of Angiosperms
Lab Skill 25.2 Using a Microtome to Make Slides of Tissues
Lab Skill 23.3 Using Fluorescent Stains and a Fluorescent Microscope to Identify Plant Tissues
Lab Skill 25.4 Using a Clinometer to Estimate the Height of a Tree
Pre-Lab Quiz 25
Problem to Solve 25.1 Can I Use a Microtome to Make Slides of Plant Tissues?
Problem to Solve 25.2 Can I Recognize Key Characteristics of Monocot and Eudicot Angiosperms?
Problem to Solve 25.3 Can I Classify Types of Fruit?
Problem to Solve 25.4 Can I Identify Local Campus Plants?
Problem to Solve 25.5 Can I Estimate the Height of a Tree?
Post-Lab Quiz 25
Lab 26 Ecology: Relationships Between Organisms and Their Environments
Lab Skill 26.1 Working With Population Models
Pre-Lab Quiz 26
Problem to Solve 26.1 Can I Determine the Habitat Range for an Organism?
Problem to Solve 26.2 Can I Use Computer Models to Predict Population Changes?
Problem to Solve 26.3 Can I Interpret Internet Claims?
Problem to Solve 26.4 Can I Observe the Biodiversity of This Campus?
Post-Lab Quiz 26
Appendix H How to Create a Standard Curve Using Excel
Appendix I How to Use ImageLab to Analyze a Gel
Appendix J Reference Charts for Animal Classification
Appendix K Concept Maps as Tools for Learning
Appendix L Self-Test for Visual Accuity
Appendix M Tangent Table