Issues and Trends in Global Housing
Author(s): Miguel Fernandez
Edition: 2
Copyright: 2020
Pages: 187
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Chapter 1 Introduction
I. Introduction
A. What is Housing
B. Homelessness
C. Causes of Homelessness
1. Who Is Stably Housed?
2. Who is in Transition?
3. Who Is Precariously/Homeless?
D. Path to Homelessness
E. Chapter Summary
F. Vocabulary
G. Practice Quiz Questions
H. Homework Assignment #1-Housing History
Chapter 2 Why Study Housing?
I. Introduction
II. Theories, Models, and Conceptual Frameworks on Demand, Supply, and Role of Housing
A. Traditional Economic Theories and Housing
B. Behavioral Economics
C. Hierarchy of Needs and Housing
D. Hedonic Models of Housing
E. Ecological Systems Model
F. Resource Management
G. Chapter Summary
H. Vocabulary
I. Practice Quiz Questions
J. Homework Assignment #2-Applying Theory to Current Housing
Chapter 3 Housing and Health
I. Introduction
A. Environmental Hazards
1. Heavy Metals
2. Air Pollution
3. Scarcity. Poverty, Crime, and Violence
4. Stress
B. Architecture
1. First Stage
2. Second Stage
3. Third Stage
4. Fourth Stage
5. Fifth Stage
a. Architecture Classification
b. Architecture and Health
C. Chapter Summary
D. Vocabulary
E. Practice Quiz Questions
F. Homework Assignment #3- Housing and Health
G. Homework Assignment #4- Housing Portfolio
H. Homework Assignment #5- Visit a Historic Building
Chapter 4 Global Housing Policy Issues
I. Introduction
A. Security of Tenure
1. Ownership
a. Freehold Estate
b. NonFreehold Estate
B. Affordability
1. Housing + Transportation
2. Scenario
3. Consumer Decision-Making
C. Habitability
1. Overcrowding
2. Access to Water
3. Heavy Metals
4. Air Pollution
5. Pests
6. Heating
7. Cooling
D. Availability of Services, Materials, Facilities, and Infrastructure
E. Location
F. Accessibility
G. Cultural Adequacy
H. Climate Change
1. Sea Level Rise
2. Water
3. Food Security
4. Extreme Events
5. Air Quality
6. Political Instability
I. Chapter Summary
J. Vocabulary
K. Practice Quiz Questions
L. Homework Assignment #6- Real Property Rights and Community Resources
M. Homework Assignment #7 - Affordability
Chapter 5 Housing in the United States of America
I. Introduction
A. Political and Economic Structure
1. Prior to 1900
2. Declaration of Independence
3. Constitution
4. Bill of Rights
5. Declaration of Independence and Housing Policy
6. Constitution and Housing Policy
7. Article 1-7: Representative Government
8. Article 1 Section 8
9. Amendment I
10. Amendment Ill-Soldiers
11. Amendment IV -Unreasonable Search and Seizure
12. Amendment X-Power of the State
13. Amendment XIII-Abolishment of Slavery
14. Amendment XIV-Citizenship
15. Amendment XV-Right to Vote
16. Amendment XVI-Taxation
17. Amendment XlX-Right of Women to Vote
8. Capitalism
19. Housing Policy
20. Prior to 1900
a. Industrialization
21. 1900-1920s
22. 1930s
23. New Deal
24. National Housing Act (1934): Federal Housing Administration
25. National Housing Act (1937): United States Housing Authority
26. Banking Act of 1933
27. Banking Act of 1933: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
28. Banking Act of 1933: Tennessee Valley Authority Act (1933), Works Progress Administration (WPA), Federal Emergency Relief Administration, and Public Works Administration
29. 1938 Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA)-Fannie Mae
30. 1940s
31. Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 (Federal Rent Control)
32. 1944 Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (G. I. Bill)
33. U.S. Housing Act of 1949
34. 1950s
35. Supreme Court Rules Rent Control Unconstitutional: Birkenfield v. City of Berkeley
36. U.S. Housing Act of 1954
37. Section 202 Direct Loans
38. 1960s
39. Housing Act of 1961
40. Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Also known as The Fair Housing Act of 1964)
41. Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965
42. Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act of 1966
43. Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968: Fannie Mae and Ginne Mae
44. Civil Rights Act of 1968 (also known as The Fair Housing Act of 1968 and Housing Act 1908)
45. 1970s
46. Emergency Home Finance Act of 1970-Federat Home Loan Mortgage Corporation {FHLMC)- also known as Freddie Mac
47. Housing and Urban Development Act of 1970, Public Law 91-609-1970 Experimental Housing Allowance
48. 1973 Rehabilitation Act of 1973
49. 197 4 Housing and Community Development Act of 1974
50. 1974 Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1914 (RESPA)
51. 1975 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act
52. Globalization and Technological Innovation
53. 1980s-2007
54. Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)
55. 2007
56. 2008-Present
B. United Nations Elements of Adequate Housing
1. Security of Tenure
2. Affordability
3. Habitability
4. Accessibility
5. Cultural Adequacy
C. Chapter Summary
D. Vocabulary
E. Practice Quiz Questions
F. Homework Assignment #8- Housing Policy
Chapter 6 Housing in the United States of Mexico
I. Introduction
A. Political and Economic Structure
1. Prior to 1900
B. United Nations' Elements of Adequate Housing
1. Security of Tenure
a. Homeownership
b. Renters
2. Affordability
a. Infrastructure Development
b. Financing and Liquidity
3. Habitability
4. Location
5. Accessibility
6. Cultural Adequacy
C. Chapter Summary
D. Vocabulary
E. Practice Quiz Questions
F. Homework Assignment #9- Mexico
Chapter 7 Housing in Canada
I. Introduction
A. Political and Economic Structure
1. Pre to 1900
2. 1800s-1910
3. 1910-1920s
4. 1930-1940s
5. 1950-2006
6. 2007 -Present
B. United Nation's Elements of Adequate Housing
1. Housing Tenure
2. Affordability
3. Habitability
4. Location
5. Accessibility
6. Cultural Adequacy
C. Chapter Summary
D. Vocabulary
E. Practice Quiz Questions
F. Homework Assignment #10-Housing in Canada
Chapter 8 The People's Republic of China
I. Introduction
A. Political and Economic Structure
1. Prior to 1945 140 2. 1945-1960s
a. Constitution
3. 1970-Present
a. Shift to Free-Market
4. Factors Influencing Housing Demand and Supply
B. United Nations' Elements of Adequate Housing
1. Security of Tenure
2. Affordability
3. Habitability
4. Accessibility of Services, Materials, Facilities, and Infrastructure
5. Location
6. Accessibility
7. Cultural Adequacy
a. Architecture
C. Chapter Summary
D. Vocabulary
E. Practice Quiz Questions
F. Homework Assignment #11- China
Chapter 9 Housing in Germany
I. Introduction
A. Political and Economic Structure
1. Prior to 1900s
2. 1945-2008
a. Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany} Constitution
b. German Democratic Republic (East Germany}
c. 1990 Unification of East and West Germany
B. United Nation's Elements of Adequate Housing
1. Security of Tenure
a. Homeownership
b. Renters
2. Affordability
a. Demographics
b. Gender
c. Age
3. Habitability
4. Location
5. Accessibility
6. Cultural Adequacy
a. Architecture
C. Chapter Summary
D. Vocabulary
E. Practice Quiz Questions
F. Homework Assignment #12- Germany
Chapter 1 Introduction
I. Introduction
A. What is Housing
B. Homelessness
C. Causes of Homelessness
1. Who Is Stably Housed?
2. Who is in Transition?
3. Who Is Precariously/Homeless?
D. Path to Homelessness
E. Chapter Summary
F. Vocabulary
G. Practice Quiz Questions
H. Homework Assignment #1-Housing History
Chapter 2 Why Study Housing?
I. Introduction
II. Theories, Models, and Conceptual Frameworks on Demand, Supply, and Role of Housing
A. Traditional Economic Theories and Housing
B. Behavioral Economics
C. Hierarchy of Needs and Housing
D. Hedonic Models of Housing
E. Ecological Systems Model
F. Resource Management
G. Chapter Summary
H. Vocabulary
I. Practice Quiz Questions
J. Homework Assignment #2-Applying Theory to Current Housing
Chapter 3 Housing and Health
I. Introduction
A. Environmental Hazards
1. Heavy Metals
2. Air Pollution
3. Scarcity. Poverty, Crime, and Violence
4. Stress
B. Architecture
1. First Stage
2. Second Stage
3. Third Stage
4. Fourth Stage
5. Fifth Stage
a. Architecture Classification
b. Architecture and Health
C. Chapter Summary
D. Vocabulary
E. Practice Quiz Questions
F. Homework Assignment #3- Housing and Health
G. Homework Assignment #4- Housing Portfolio
H. Homework Assignment #5- Visit a Historic Building
Chapter 4 Global Housing Policy Issues
I. Introduction
A. Security of Tenure
1. Ownership
a. Freehold Estate
b. NonFreehold Estate
B. Affordability
1. Housing + Transportation
2. Scenario
3. Consumer Decision-Making
C. Habitability
1. Overcrowding
2. Access to Water
3. Heavy Metals
4. Air Pollution
5. Pests
6. Heating
7. Cooling
D. Availability of Services, Materials, Facilities, and Infrastructure
E. Location
F. Accessibility
G. Cultural Adequacy
H. Climate Change
1. Sea Level Rise
2. Water
3. Food Security
4. Extreme Events
5. Air Quality
6. Political Instability
I. Chapter Summary
J. Vocabulary
K. Practice Quiz Questions
L. Homework Assignment #6- Real Property Rights and Community Resources
M. Homework Assignment #7 - Affordability
Chapter 5 Housing in the United States of America
I. Introduction
A. Political and Economic Structure
1. Prior to 1900
2. Declaration of Independence
3. Constitution
4. Bill of Rights
5. Declaration of Independence and Housing Policy
6. Constitution and Housing Policy
7. Article 1-7: Representative Government
8. Article 1 Section 8
9. Amendment I
10. Amendment Ill-Soldiers
11. Amendment IV -Unreasonable Search and Seizure
12. Amendment X-Power of the State
13. Amendment XIII-Abolishment of Slavery
14. Amendment XIV-Citizenship
15. Amendment XV-Right to Vote
16. Amendment XVI-Taxation
17. Amendment XlX-Right of Women to Vote
8. Capitalism
19. Housing Policy
20. Prior to 1900
a. Industrialization
21. 1900-1920s
22. 1930s
23. New Deal
24. National Housing Act (1934): Federal Housing Administration
25. National Housing Act (1937): United States Housing Authority
26. Banking Act of 1933
27. Banking Act of 1933: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
28. Banking Act of 1933: Tennessee Valley Authority Act (1933), Works Progress Administration (WPA), Federal Emergency Relief Administration, and Public Works Administration
29. 1938 Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA)-Fannie Mae
30. 1940s
31. Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 (Federal Rent Control)
32. 1944 Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (G. I. Bill)
33. U.S. Housing Act of 1949
34. 1950s
35. Supreme Court Rules Rent Control Unconstitutional: Birkenfield v. City of Berkeley
36. U.S. Housing Act of 1954
37. Section 202 Direct Loans
38. 1960s
39. Housing Act of 1961
40. Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Also known as The Fair Housing Act of 1964)
41. Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965
42. Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act of 1966
43. Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968: Fannie Mae and Ginne Mae
44. Civil Rights Act of 1968 (also known as The Fair Housing Act of 1968 and Housing Act 1908)
45. 1970s
46. Emergency Home Finance Act of 1970-Federat Home Loan Mortgage Corporation {FHLMC)- also known as Freddie Mac
47. Housing and Urban Development Act of 1970, Public Law 91-609-1970 Experimental Housing Allowance
48. 1973 Rehabilitation Act of 1973
49. 197 4 Housing and Community Development Act of 1974
50. 1974 Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1914 (RESPA)
51. 1975 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act
52. Globalization and Technological Innovation
53. 1980s-2007
54. Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)
55. 2007
56. 2008-Present
B. United Nations Elements of Adequate Housing
1. Security of Tenure
2. Affordability
3. Habitability
4. Accessibility
5. Cultural Adequacy
C. Chapter Summary
D. Vocabulary
E. Practice Quiz Questions
F. Homework Assignment #8- Housing Policy
Chapter 6 Housing in the United States of Mexico
I. Introduction
A. Political and Economic Structure
1. Prior to 1900
B. United Nations' Elements of Adequate Housing
1. Security of Tenure
a. Homeownership
b. Renters
2. Affordability
a. Infrastructure Development
b. Financing and Liquidity
3. Habitability
4. Location
5. Accessibility
6. Cultural Adequacy
C. Chapter Summary
D. Vocabulary
E. Practice Quiz Questions
F. Homework Assignment #9- Mexico
Chapter 7 Housing in Canada
I. Introduction
A. Political and Economic Structure
1. Pre to 1900
2. 1800s-1910
3. 1910-1920s
4. 1930-1940s
5. 1950-2006
6. 2007 -Present
B. United Nation's Elements of Adequate Housing
1. Housing Tenure
2. Affordability
3. Habitability
4. Location
5. Accessibility
6. Cultural Adequacy
C. Chapter Summary
D. Vocabulary
E. Practice Quiz Questions
F. Homework Assignment #10-Housing in Canada
Chapter 8 The People's Republic of China
I. Introduction
A. Political and Economic Structure
1. Prior to 1945 140 2. 1945-1960s
a. Constitution
3. 1970-Present
a. Shift to Free-Market
4. Factors Influencing Housing Demand and Supply
B. United Nations' Elements of Adequate Housing
1. Security of Tenure
2. Affordability
3. Habitability
4. Accessibility of Services, Materials, Facilities, and Infrastructure
5. Location
6. Accessibility
7. Cultural Adequacy
a. Architecture
C. Chapter Summary
D. Vocabulary
E. Practice Quiz Questions
F. Homework Assignment #11- China
Chapter 9 Housing in Germany
I. Introduction
A. Political and Economic Structure
1. Prior to 1900s
2. 1945-2008
a. Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany} Constitution
b. German Democratic Republic (East Germany}
c. 1990 Unification of East and West Germany
B. United Nation's Elements of Adequate Housing
1. Security of Tenure
a. Homeownership
b. Renters
2. Affordability
a. Demographics
b. Gender
c. Age
3. Habitability
4. Location
5. Accessibility
6. Cultural Adequacy
a. Architecture
C. Chapter Summary
D. Vocabulary
E. Practice Quiz Questions
F. Homework Assignment #12- Germany