Part 1 Use and Care of Microscope
Part 2 Survey of Microorganisms
2.1. Protozoans
2.2. Arthropods
2.3. Helminths
2.4. Fungi
2.4.1. Mold
2.4.2. Yeast
2.5. Prokaryotic Microorganisms (Bacteria)
Part 3 Aseptic Technique
Part 4 Bacteria Culturing Media
4.1. Media Preparation
4.2. Pure Culture Technique
Part 5 Understanding Smears and Smears Preparation
Part 6 Stains
6.1. Simple Stain
6.2. Negative Stain
6.3. Capsule Stain
6.4. Gram Stain
6.5. Spore Stain
6.6. Acid-Fast Stain
Part 7 Motility Determination
Part 8 Enumeration of Bacteria
Part 9 Environmental Influences and Control of Microbial Growth
9.1. Effect of Oxygen on Growth
9.2. Temperature
9.3. pH and Microbial Growth
9.4. Hydrostatic and Osmotic Pressure
9.5. Ultraviolet Light
9.6. The Effect of Lysozyme on Bacterial Cells
9.7. Evaluation of Disinfectants
9.8. Evaluation of Antiseptics
9.9. Antimicrobial Sensitivity Testing
Part 10 Food Microbiology
10.1. Microbial Spoilage of Food
10.2. Microbial Spoilage of Canned Food
Part 11 Bacteriological Examination of Water
Part 12 Effective Hand Washing
Part 13 Bacterial Classification
Part 14 Serology and Hematology
Part 15 Identification of Unknown Bacteria
15.1. Stock Cultures
15.2. Physiological Characterization of the Unknown Bacteria
15.3. Fermentation Test
15.4. Carbohydrates in Durham Tubes
15.5. Mixed-Acid Fermentation (Methyl Red Test)
15.6. 2, 3 Butanediol Fermentation (Voges-Proskauer Test)
15.7. Citrate Test
15.8. Catalase Test
15.9. Nitrate Reduction
15.10. Starch Hydrolysis and Spirit Blue Test
15.11. Fat Hydrolysis
15.12. Tryptophan Degradation
15.13. Urea Hydrolysis
15.14. SIM Medium
15.15. Litmus Milk
15.16. Determining Staphylococci from Other Bacteria
Part 16 References
Dr. Eyob Wanorie Wallano, earned his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Kharkov Veterinary Institute, Kharkov, USSR. His specialty was focused on molecular biology with a concentration in bacterial genetics and immunochemistry at National Veterinary School of Lyon and Pasteur Institute in Lyon, France. Dr. Wallano spent most of his professional life in bacterial vaccine production and disease investigation. He also engaged in lung and breast cancer research at University of California, Los Angeles in the Department of Human Pathology and Laboratory Animal Medicine. Dr. Wallano then pursued his teaching aspirations pertaining to environmental science, biology, anatomy, physiology, and microbiology at various institutions which include: Los Angeles City College, Cleveland Chiropractic College, and Compton College where he is now a full time professor going on 12 years.
At Compton College, Dr. Wallano was awarded the distinguished faculty award for his contribution and creation of the science research symposium that involved hundreds of students who participated in basic research since 2015. Dr. Wallano is also involved in other professional activities that involve production of antifungals against skin infections.
Dr. Wallano's decades of experience with vaccine production, disease investigation, and teaching experience inspired him to create a microbiology laboratory manual to help his students succeed, especially those who will further their education in health-related professions. The thousands of students who Dr. Wallano has taught validate his passion for teaching and love for students to embrace science. Many of his students agree that Dr. Wallano's teaching style gave them mastery of the many subjects that he has taught.