The NEW second edition of Sinton's Laboratory Manual for Biochemistry represents a complete update and revision from the first edition, including many new exercises. In response to the increased importance of NMR and food in biochemistry, for example, several new exercises have been added: amino acid pK2, determination via protein NMR, solution carbohydrate identification via carbon NMR, and explorations of food carbohydrate and fat content. And while the original catalase purification scheme and associated activity studies remain (all-be-it updated), an entirely new Russet potato tyrosinase purification scheme and activity studies have been added. The inclusion of the second enzyme exercises will allow faculty to choose the enzyme exercises that best suit the duration of their lab period and available equipment. In addition to the new activities, all of the art work from the first edition has been updated, as well as the appendix and faculty manual.
EXERCISE 1 Chemical Drawing Software
EXERCISE 2 Chemical Visualization Software
EXERCISE 3 Pipettors
EXERCISE 4 Buffers
EXERCISE 5 NMR Amino Acid pKa Analysis
EXERCISE 6 Bradford Assay Analysis
EXERCISE 7 Chromatographic Analysis
EXERCISE 8 Electrophoretic Analysis
EXERCISE 9 Food Sugar Analysis
EXERCISE 10 Food Fat Analysis
EXERCISE 11 Food Energy Analysis
EXERCISE 12 Enzyme Activity Analysis
EXERCISE 13 Enzyme Kinetic Analysis
EXERCISE 14 Enzyme Purification
EXERCISE 15 Purified Enzyme Environmental Analysis
EXERCISE 16 Purified Enzyme Kinetic Analysis
EXERCISE 17 Purified Enzyme Effector Analysis
EXERCISE 18 Purified Enzyme Affinity Labeling Analysis
EXERCISE 19 Purified Enzyme Docking Analysis