Of Learning and Assessment, Second Edition

Author(s): Guy R. Lefrancois

Edition: 2

Copyright: 2023

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ISBN 9798385119530

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Of Learning and Assessment, Second Edition, is a practical account of the current state of educational assessment and how it can be used to enhance teaching and learning. Assessment is not something that is done to students; it is something that is done for them. This new edition has been updated to reflect the latest on research and legislations and expands discussion on backward design, feedback, and test bias.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Learning and Assessment 
Chapter 2: Purposes and Characteristics of Educational Assessment
Chapter 3: Learning and Educational Assessment
Chapter 4: Learning Objectives, Assessment, and Instruction 
Chapter 5: Placement, Diagnostic, and Formative Assessment 
Chapter 6: Summative Assessment 
Chapter 7: Performance-Based Assessment 
Chapter 8: Teacher-Made Assessments 
Chapter 9: Statistics for Educational Assessment 
Chapter 10: Standardized Tests and High-Stakes Testing
Chapter 11: Grading and Reporting to Students and Parents 

Guy R. Lefrancois

Of Learning and Assessment, Second Edition, is a practical account of the current state of educational assessment and how it can be used to enhance teaching and learning. Assessment is not something that is done to students; it is something that is done for them. This new edition has been updated to reflect the latest on research and legislations and expands discussion on backward design, feedback, and test bias.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Learning and Assessment 
Chapter 2: Purposes and Characteristics of Educational Assessment
Chapter 3: Learning and Educational Assessment
Chapter 4: Learning Objectives, Assessment, and Instruction 
Chapter 5: Placement, Diagnostic, and Formative Assessment 
Chapter 6: Summative Assessment 
Chapter 7: Performance-Based Assessment 
Chapter 8: Teacher-Made Assessments 
Chapter 9: Statistics for Educational Assessment 
Chapter 10: Standardized Tests and High-Stakes Testing
Chapter 11: Grading and Reporting to Students and Parents 

Guy R. Lefrancois