Learning Psychology Through Statistics

Author(s): Ryan Howell

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2022

Pages: 233

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ISBN 9798765714485

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1: An Introduction to Psychological Statistics

2: Properties of Distributions

3: Properties of Distributions: Introducing central tendency and dispersion

4: Answering area-under-the-curve questions about the probability of events

5: Extending the area-under-the-curve questions to include distributions of means 

6: Constructing and Interpreting Confidence Intervals

7: Null Hypothesis Testing with the Single Samples z-Test

8: The Single Sample t-Test

9: The Independent Samples t-Test

10: The Dependent Samples t-Test

11: The Pearson Correlation

Ryan Howell

1: An Introduction to Psychological Statistics

2: Properties of Distributions

3: Properties of Distributions: Introducing central tendency and dispersion

4: Answering area-under-the-curve questions about the probability of events

5: Extending the area-under-the-curve questions to include distributions of means 

6: Constructing and Interpreting Confidence Intervals

7: Null Hypothesis Testing with the Single Samples z-Test

8: The Single Sample t-Test

9: The Independent Samples t-Test

10: The Dependent Samples t-Test

11: The Pearson Correlation

Ryan Howell