Embark on a captivating journey through the world of mathematics for business applications with "Mathematics of Money," a groundbreaking learning resource that revolutionizes the way we teach and learn math. This narrative-style book encourages collaboration and sparks meaningful conversations, making it ideal for both instructors and students seeking a modern, accessible approach to understanding mathematical concepts.
The true essence of "Mathematics of Money" lies in its ability to engage learners in a mathematical odyssey, guiding them from basic fractions and decimals to functions and relationships between quantities using real-world data. Gain practical skills using spreadsheets with the help of author-created video lessons and explore the world of finance with applications such as supply and demand, input-output analysis, credit, depreciation, loans, savings, amortization, annuities, and cost/revenue.
As readers progress from one chapter to the next, and with practice and perseverance they close out their learning journey with an introduction to the concept of the derivative in an informal, accessible, and true-to-the-discipline manner. Through careful presentation of concepts, the learner will be able to optimize revenue or profit in real-world scenarios. The text is designed for use in a college elective in Business or Financial Math but should also appeal to the intellectually curious person wanting to expand their quantitative reasoning skills.
Mary Beth
Mary Beth is a seasoned math educator in a wide range of settings with over 30 years experience. She completed graduate studies in mathematics at Lehigh University before dedicating herself to the teaching of mathematics. In her early career she taught both math and computer science at a private high school in the Lehigh Valley, PA. Mid-career she held the math department chair position at Great Bay Community College in Portsmouth, NH where she created one of the nation’s first certificate programs in data science for undergraduate studies. Now she is an adjunct professor in the community college system of New Hampshire.
Everyone is “a math person”. Throughout her life, Mary Beth has helped students overcome math anxiety. She has been a fierce advocate for change in math education, both at the high school level and college level, toward more learner-centered and growth-focused teaching and assessment models. She has her own YouTube channel (youtube.com/@EZMathTV) and maintains a curriculum to supplement Mathematics of Money via Math for Business Applications (github.com/mrshrbrmstr/Math4Business).