Me, Myself & I: A Holistic Self-Care Guide for Healthcare Professionals

Author(s): Andria Entrekin

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2024

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ISBN 9798385121014

Details Electronic Delivery EBOOK 180 days

Professionals often find that they are too busy to take care of themselves. Soon, they find that they can no longer keep up with today's healthcare. This easy-to-read guide teaches professionals how to move self-care to the front burner by placing ourselves first. Professionals learn that self-care is not a selfish act. They learn that caring for themselves enables them to do a better job of caring for others. They connect on a deeper level.

An Introduction from the Author

 My passion for self-care began after my healing journey. I had found myself at a place that I no longer wanted to be. Out of desperation and my lack of faith in conventional care, I sought out herbalists, alternative practitioners, health food stores, yoga classes, and the internet to return to a state of wellness. I had trusted conventional care for many years. Afterall, I was a nurse. I saw no need in questioning doctor’s orders, taking responsibility for my self-neglect, or examining the root causes of my ill health. However, under their care I continued to get worse. I experienced depression and hopelessness. I suffered a great deal of physical and emotional pain. By connecting with God, I knew that much of my suffering was linked to self-neglect. 

Healthcare professionals often neglect caring for themselves while caring for others. They get caught up in a busy lifestyle and have trouble balancing life. They struggle with keeping up with today’s healthcare. I have been there and done that. Much of my ill health began by not taking care of my needs. I did not do anything right (eating, sleeping, exercising, and peeing). As most nurses, I did not have time for those things. 

Nurses and other healthcare professionals are good at teaching others how to take better care of themselves, but they do not practice what they teach. They eat poorly. They are sleep deprived. They do not usually make time to go to the gym. They do not practice mindfulness, deep breathing or relaxation. They postpone bathroom breaks. 

In time their self-neglect catches up with them. They can no longer keep up. They call in sick often. They burnout quickly in their profession. 

My self-neglect led me to the place that I no longer wanted to be. Blind obedience contributed to my downfall. I became a victim of polypharmacy. 

After reaching my lowest point, I understood that there was hope. I began to drink pure water. I ate nutritious foods. I began to go to the gym. I practiced yoga. I learned about mindfulness. I forgave myself. I forgave others. I practiced self-compassion. I connected with others. I understood the interconnectedness of all things. I regained a merry heart. 

I taught myself many things as I began to take better care of Me, Myself, & I. In this book, I share with you my journey to return to health and happiness. I share personal stories of suffering and triumph. I connect you with my family and loved ones. I added some humor to brighten your day. Indeed a “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” See Proverbs 17:22 from the King James Holy Bible. 

Within this book, I share with you how other things can be good medicines including fresh air, pure water, and enjoying life. I have spoken from the heart in a simple language. I have shared the Bible as a reference book to good food choices, herbal medicine use, and health laws. I have shared old sayings. In this way, my hope is that we connect on a deeper level.

Chapter 1 Self-Reflection 
Chapter 2 Self-Awareness
Chapter 3 Self-Assessment
Chapter 4 Self-Transcendence
Chapter 5 Self-Healing
Chapter 6 Holistic Self-Care
Chapter 7 Self-Taught
Chapter 8 Self-Responsibility
Chapter 9 Self-Compassion
Chapter 10 Self-Development
Chapter 11 Self-Revelation
Chapter 12 Self-Advocacy
Chapter 13 Self-Efficacy
Chapter 14 Self-Centering
Chapter 15 Self-Control
Chapter 16 Self-Empowerment
Author Bio

Andria Entrekin

Andria Entrekin is board certified as an advanced holistic nurse and health and wellness nurse coach. She teaches holistic health and other courses as a nursing adjunct instructor at the University of Southern Mississippi. She is a member of the American Holistic Nurses Association. She holds a master of science in nursing and non-accredited, non-licensed degrees in naturopathy and holistic nutrition. She has extensive knowledge of herbal medicine. She sought out non-accredited education as a means to return to a state of health and wellness after burnout in nursing. Because of her personal healing journey and passion for teaching holistic caring as an educator, her book encourages healthcare professionals to take better care of themselves so that they can take better care of others.

Professionals often find that they are too busy to take care of themselves. Soon, they find that they can no longer keep up with today's healthcare. This easy-to-read guide teaches professionals how to move self-care to the front burner by placing ourselves first. Professionals learn that self-care is not a selfish act. They learn that caring for themselves enables them to do a better job of caring for others. They connect on a deeper level.

An Introduction from the Author

 My passion for self-care began after my healing journey. I had found myself at a place that I no longer wanted to be. Out of desperation and my lack of faith in conventional care, I sought out herbalists, alternative practitioners, health food stores, yoga classes, and the internet to return to a state of wellness. I had trusted conventional care for many years. Afterall, I was a nurse. I saw no need in questioning doctor’s orders, taking responsibility for my self-neglect, or examining the root causes of my ill health. However, under their care I continued to get worse. I experienced depression and hopelessness. I suffered a great deal of physical and emotional pain. By connecting with God, I knew that much of my suffering was linked to self-neglect. 

Healthcare professionals often neglect caring for themselves while caring for others. They get caught up in a busy lifestyle and have trouble balancing life. They struggle with keeping up with today’s healthcare. I have been there and done that. Much of my ill health began by not taking care of my needs. I did not do anything right (eating, sleeping, exercising, and peeing). As most nurses, I did not have time for those things. 

Nurses and other healthcare professionals are good at teaching others how to take better care of themselves, but they do not practice what they teach. They eat poorly. They are sleep deprived. They do not usually make time to go to the gym. They do not practice mindfulness, deep breathing or relaxation. They postpone bathroom breaks. 

In time their self-neglect catches up with them. They can no longer keep up. They call in sick often. They burnout quickly in their profession. 

My self-neglect led me to the place that I no longer wanted to be. Blind obedience contributed to my downfall. I became a victim of polypharmacy. 

After reaching my lowest point, I understood that there was hope. I began to drink pure water. I ate nutritious foods. I began to go to the gym. I practiced yoga. I learned about mindfulness. I forgave myself. I forgave others. I practiced self-compassion. I connected with others. I understood the interconnectedness of all things. I regained a merry heart. 

I taught myself many things as I began to take better care of Me, Myself, & I. In this book, I share with you my journey to return to health and happiness. I share personal stories of suffering and triumph. I connect you with my family and loved ones. I added some humor to brighten your day. Indeed a “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” See Proverbs 17:22 from the King James Holy Bible. 

Within this book, I share with you how other things can be good medicines including fresh air, pure water, and enjoying life. I have spoken from the heart in a simple language. I have shared the Bible as a reference book to good food choices, herbal medicine use, and health laws. I have shared old sayings. In this way, my hope is that we connect on a deeper level.

Chapter 1 Self-Reflection 
Chapter 2 Self-Awareness
Chapter 3 Self-Assessment
Chapter 4 Self-Transcendence
Chapter 5 Self-Healing
Chapter 6 Holistic Self-Care
Chapter 7 Self-Taught
Chapter 8 Self-Responsibility
Chapter 9 Self-Compassion
Chapter 10 Self-Development
Chapter 11 Self-Revelation
Chapter 12 Self-Advocacy
Chapter 13 Self-Efficacy
Chapter 14 Self-Centering
Chapter 15 Self-Control
Chapter 16 Self-Empowerment
Author Bio

Andria Entrekin

Andria Entrekin is board certified as an advanced holistic nurse and health and wellness nurse coach. She teaches holistic health and other courses as a nursing adjunct instructor at the University of Southern Mississippi. She is a member of the American Holistic Nurses Association. She holds a master of science in nursing and non-accredited, non-licensed degrees in naturopathy and holistic nutrition. She has extensive knowledge of herbal medicine. She sought out non-accredited education as a means to return to a state of health and wellness after burnout in nursing. Because of her personal healing journey and passion for teaching holistic caring as an educator, her book encourages healthcare professionals to take better care of themselves so that they can take better care of others.