Introducción Elcuranderismo: tradición deunafamilia y deunacultura
Capítulo 1 El despertar
Capítulo 2 Curado porDoñaMaría
Capítulo 3 Mi encuentro con el perro negro y otras historias de curas mágicas
Capítulo 4 Lasabiduríaancestral demi papá
Capítulo 5 Losritualesexóticosque heconocido
Capítulo 6 I.Q.,relatala historia deDonPedrito, elcurandero
Capítulo 7 ChenchitoAlvarado,“El Gran Materia”
Capítulo 8 LacomadronaDoña Juana,una partera
Capítulo 9 ArtEsquibelmecuentala historia de Teresita, Santa de Cabora
Capítulo 10 Delcómofuialimentado y curadocon plantas
Capítulo 11 Lacuración popularen elmundomoderno
Capítulo 12 Elcuranderismovaa laescuela
Capítulo 13 Curanderosrecientes
Capítulo 14 Aprendiendo dela gran curandera RitaNavarrete Perez
Bibliografía selecta y otras lecturas
Acerca de los autores
Índice analítico
Eliseo “Cheo” Torres began studying curanderismo, the art of traditional medicine, when he visited Espinazo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico with his mentor, Dr. Stanley Bittinger in the 1980s, and was fascinated with the Fidencista curandero festival. Soon after this experience, he met his teacher, Chenchito, and began studying the famous curandero, el Niño Fidencio. Since then, he has written several publications and books on the topic and has taught a number of courses on traditional medicine. His latest books on his life in traditional medicine and his research on the subject area are: Curandero: A Life in Mexican Folk Healing (2005) and Healing with Herbs and Rituals: A Mexican Tradition (2006). He also teaches a two-week course and an online class on the topic of curanderismo. His most recent courses are now offered online and this publication can be used to supplement these courses or be enjoyed by individuals who are not in the course.