Lab 1: The Use and Care of the Microscope
Lab 2: Algae and Protozoa
Lab 3: Fungi
Lab 4: Common Microbiological Techniques
Lab 5: Isolation of Pure Cultures/Streak Plate Method
Lab 6: Pouring Media
Lab 7: Acid- Fast and Endospore Staining
Lab 8: The Negative Stain
Lab 9: The Gram Stain
Lab 10: The Effects of Temperature and pH on Microbial Growth
Lab 11: The Effects of Disinfectants and Antiseptics on Microbial Growth
Lab 12: Antibiotic Sensitivity Testing
Lab 13: Detecting Bacterial Enzymes
Lab 14: Multi-test Systems to Identify Bacteria
Lab 15: Serology and Serotyping
Lab 16: Sampling the Environment and Skin
Lab 17: Identifying Bacterial Unknowns