Chapter 1—Introduction to Microbiology
Chapter 2—The Chemistry of Life
Chapter 3—Mechanisms of Disease
Chapter 4—Immune System
Chapter 5—Bacteria
Chapter 6—Fungi
Chapter 7—The “Parasites”: Protozoa, Helminths,
and Arthropods
Chapter 8—Viruses
Chapter 9—Microbial Control
Chapter 10—Infections of the Skin, Hair, and Eyes
Chapter 11—Infections of the Digestive System
Chapter 12—Infections of the Respiratory System
Chapter 13—Infections of the Nervous System
Chapter 14—Infections of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems
Chapter 15—Infections of the Urinary and Reproductive Systems
Chapter 16—Bioterrorism
Laboratory Safety Contract
Exercise 1: Introduction to Microscopy
Exercise 2: Bacterial Colony Morphology
Exercise 3: Microorganisms in Our Environment
Exercise 4: Aseptic Techniques, Isolation, and Transfer of Pure Cultures
Exercise 5: Bacterial Smear Preparation and Simple Staining
Exercise 6: Gram Stain 215
Exercise 7: Bacterial Structures—Special Stains
Exercise 8: Fungi
Exercise 9: Protozoa and Helminths
Exercise 10: Transmission of Disease
Exercise 11: Effectiveness of Handwashing
Exercise 12: Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing
Exercise 13: Selective and Differential Media
Exercise 14: Bacterial Unknown