Moral Foundations in Everyday Life begins with an introduction to philosophical thinking and logic basics that encourages students to think about the themes covered in the historical texts to follow as they originally emerge from students' lived experiences and reflect the self-evidence of students' moral agency. With their own perspective in hand, students may approach the historical texts with a truly critical eye - towards the study material, the world, and their own condition all at once.
1. Introduction
2. Logic Basics
- Propositions
- Arguments
- Deductive Arguments
- Inductive Arguments
3. Plato
- Republic Book IV
- Timaeus Selection
- Philebus Selection
- Republic Book VII Selection
4. Aristotle
- Nicomachean Ethics Selections
5. Aquinas
- Summa Theologica Selections
6. Kant
- The Metaphysical Elements of Ethics Selections
7. Schiller
- Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man Selections
8. Mill
- Utilitarianism Selections