This book has been written to provide general working knowledge of Construction Materials used in the construction industry in reference to Soils, Concrete, and Asphalt. This book has been written for the entry level construction management and civil engineering technician student in mind, but hopefully will provide as a good reference throughout their career. I have not found a book that covers these three materials under one cover that addresses the concerns needed by the Construction professional. Most books written are much more technical with the focus on the Geotechnical Engineer.
The material in this book is different than other books on this subject in several ways; the book covers fundamental aspects of the materials, the book discusses practical issues with the materials, and is intended to serve the student as a reference for their career in the construction industry. The fundamentals of the materials will provide the student with how the materials are used in the construction industry without getting into great depths that is generally required by the Geotechnical and Materials Engineers. Construction professionals need a good understanding of the materials, leaving the details, design, and recommendations to the Engineering professionals. The student will be shown practical uses of the materials. These uses will include how, when, and why certain materials are used, how the adjustment of the materials influences the outcome. This book will also show the use of different equipment and how it affects the materials. The appendices will contain reference material that the Construction management professional will find useful throughout their career concerning the materials discussed in this book.

Thomas Cope practiced Civil Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering for forty-plus years as a Professional Engineer in Colorado. Tom designed subdivisions, wastewater treatment plants, irrigation, and drainage systems while working as a consulting engineer for his own companies and as an employee for other firms. The majority of his work was in the Geotechnical Engineering field, conducting subsurface investigations and material testing services. As an adjunct faculty for a construction management Associates Program at Aims Community College, he realized the course books for soil, concrete, and asphalt are written for training the Geotechnical Engineer only. There were no books on these subjects that were less technical, more fundamental, and practical. Tom was named the Young Engineer of the Year by the Professional Engineers of Colorado in 1990. He received his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Colorado State University.