Mementos. Some are intangible memories stored in a corner of your mind. Some are tangible items locked in a box for safekeeping, a box that you may... or may not... ever open again. Handwritten letters, decades-old ticket stubs, faded photos, tattered t-shirts, trinkets, or jewelry you can't bring yourself to wear...
Whatever they are,
wherever they are kept,
however old they are,
whether they hurt or make you smile,
everyone has mementos.
Meet Victoria "Now..." when she hears a voice from her past, a voice she wasn't sure she would ever hear again.
Join her "Then..." along the path that led her to that "Now" moment in a New York City restaurant. Patrick, Wyatt, Cash, Peter, and Gregory are introduced in novellas that describe their roles in Victoria's career and their places in her heart.
Travel Victoria's path back to "Now Then..." when she realizes she has no doubt in her mind or heart whose voice it is and what her future holds.
As you take this trip with Victoria, you will relate to her feelings, reflect on your own path, and remember that what you learn along the way leads to your own happy ending.
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