Opening New Worlds: Discussions on Art, Theatre, and Learning

Author(s): Desmond Gallant

Edition: 2

Copyright: 2016

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ISBN 9781792443268

Details KHPContent 180 days


Ch. 1 Welcome to the College Experience

"The Freedom to Choose" by Anthony Wilson-Smith
"Enjoying the Ride: A Beginner's Guide to Enjoying Your Education" by Desmond Gallant
"Justice or Just Us? What to Do About Cheating" by Jason Stephens
"Are You Prepared?" by Desmond Gallant

Ch. 2 Defending the Arts and Education

"PARC Shows Audiences Value Performing Arts" by Leonard Jacobs
"Deep in the Arts of Texas" by Christopher Reardon
"Cheating Our Children: Why Every Child Needs the Arts" by Charles Fowler
"Art as Communication, Expression and Embodiment" by James L. Jarrett

Ch. 3 The Art of Making Theatre

"A Tradition of the Theatre as Art" by David Mamet
"The Audience" by Elmer Rice
"Aristotle's Poetics and the Modern Reader" by Francis Fergusson
"Fortynine Asides for a Tragic Theatre" by Howard Barker
"On Language in Drama" by Howard Barker
"The Ground on Which I Stand" by August Wilson

Desmond Gallant


Ch. 1 Welcome to the College Experience

"The Freedom to Choose" by Anthony Wilson-Smith
"Enjoying the Ride: A Beginner's Guide to Enjoying Your Education" by Desmond Gallant
"Justice or Just Us? What to Do About Cheating" by Jason Stephens
"Are You Prepared?" by Desmond Gallant

Ch. 2 Defending the Arts and Education

"PARC Shows Audiences Value Performing Arts" by Leonard Jacobs
"Deep in the Arts of Texas" by Christopher Reardon
"Cheating Our Children: Why Every Child Needs the Arts" by Charles Fowler
"Art as Communication, Expression and Embodiment" by James L. Jarrett

Ch. 3 The Art of Making Theatre

"A Tradition of the Theatre as Art" by David Mamet
"The Audience" by Elmer Rice
"Aristotle's Poetics and the Modern Reader" by Francis Fergusson
"Fortynine Asides for a Tragic Theatre" by Howard Barker
"On Language in Drama" by Howard Barker
"The Ground on Which I Stand" by August Wilson

Desmond Gallant