OpenStax: Principles of Finance


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"Designed to meet the scope and sequence of your course, Principles of Finance provides a strong foundation in financial applications using an innovative use-case approach to explore their role in business decision-making. An array of financial calculator and downloadable Microsoft Excel data exercises also engage students in experiential learning throughout. With flexible integration of technical instruction and data, this title prepares students for current practice and continual evolution.




This is the official print version of this OpenStax textbook. OpenStax makes full-color hardcover and B&W paperback print copies available for students who prefer a hardcopy textbook to go with the free digital version of this OpenStax title. The textbook content is exactly the same as the OpenStax digital book. This textbook is available for free download at the website, but as many students prefer to study with hardcopy printed books, we offer affordable OpenStax textbooks for sale through this storefront and on Amazon as well as through campus bookstores.


OpenStax course materials are the most widely used OER textbooks in the world. Always free in digital format, the books are also available low cost in full-color hardcover and B&W paperback print formats."

"Designed to meet the scope and sequence of your course, Principles of Finance provides a strong foundation in financial applications using an innovative use-case approach to explore their role in business decision-making. An array of financial calculator and downloadable Microsoft Excel data exercises also engage students in experiential learning throughout. With flexible integration of technical instruction and data, this title prepares students for current practice and continual evolution.




This is the official print version of this OpenStax textbook. OpenStax makes full-color hardcover and B&W paperback print copies available for students who prefer a hardcopy textbook to go with the free digital version of this OpenStax title. The textbook content is exactly the same as the OpenStax digital book. This textbook is available for free download at the website, but as many students prefer to study with hardcopy printed books, we offer affordable OpenStax textbooks for sale through this storefront and on Amazon as well as through campus bookstores.


OpenStax course materials are the most widely used OER textbooks in the world. Always free in digital format, the books are also available low cost in full-color hardcover and B&W paperback print formats."