Physics 2111/2511 Laboratory Manual: Physics I Laboratory Classical Mechanics

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2014

Pages: 124

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ISBN 9781465286376

Details Electronic Delivery EBOOK 180 days

Physics 2111/2511 Laboratory Manual: Physics I Laboratory Classical Mechanics teaches students how to apply the scientific method in various physics situations. It gives descriptions of each laboratory and explains some of the concepts required to be understood in order to complete the course. This lab manual also illustrates concepts through everyday life examples.

Introduction (to this Document and the Laboratories)

Laboratory Safety Information (Physics I Laboratory)

1. Introduction to Measurement/Calculation of Density

2. Vectors on a Force Table

3. Free-Fall and Projectile, Motion

4. Static and Kinetic Friction

5. Centripetal Force

6. Hooke’s Law and Springs

7. Simple Pendulum

8. Ballistic Pendulum (Conservation of Momentum)

9. Torque, Equilibrium, and the Center of Gravity

10. Rotational Inertia (of a Disk and Ring)

11.Standing Waves on a String

12. Coefficient of Restitution - Bouncing

13. Appendix—Computer Experiment Simulation (Classical Mechanics)

Prairie View A & M University

Physics 2111/2511 Laboratory Manual: Physics I Laboratory Classical Mechanics teaches students how to apply the scientific method in various physics situations. It gives descriptions of each laboratory and explains some of the concepts required to be understood in order to complete the course. This lab manual also illustrates concepts through everyday life examples.

Introduction (to this Document and the Laboratories)

Laboratory Safety Information (Physics I Laboratory)

1. Introduction to Measurement/Calculation of Density

2. Vectors on a Force Table

3. Free-Fall and Projectile, Motion

4. Static and Kinetic Friction

5. Centripetal Force

6. Hooke’s Law and Springs

7. Simple Pendulum

8. Ballistic Pendulum (Conservation of Momentum)

9. Torque, Equilibrium, and the Center of Gravity

10. Rotational Inertia (of a Disk and Ring)

11.Standing Waves on a String

12. Coefficient of Restitution - Bouncing

13. Appendix—Computer Experiment Simulation (Classical Mechanics)

Prairie View A & M University