Chapter 1 Introduction to Professional Ethics
James C. Raines
I. Purpose
II. What is Ethics?
III. The Origin of Ethics
IV. Ethical Education
Case Study 1.1 Robert Fulghum
V. Professional Ethics
VI. Novice Professionals
VII. Ethical Values
VIII. Kinds of Ethics
Chapter 2 Individual Relativism
James C. Raines
I. Roots of Individual Relativism
II. Simplistic Subjectivism
III. Emotivism
Box 2.1 Professional Exemplar: Dr. Larry Nassar
IV. Expressivism
V. Moral Community
Box 2.2 Case Study: Tatiana Tarasoff
VI. Major Attractions
VII. Major Weaknesses
VIII. Chapter Summary
Chapter 3 Cultural Relativism
Jaret Kanarek
Chapter 4 Religious Relativism aka Divine Command Theory
J. Danaher
Chapter 5 Ethical Egoism
Raham Sharaf (Corresponding Author) and Seyyed Hassan Eslami Ardakani
I. Rand’s Biography and Works
II. Rand’s Ethical Egoism
Definition of Ethics and Criterion of Moral Value
The Criterion of the Value of Living Creatures
The Relation between Egoism and Moral Values
III. Study and Criticism of Rand’s Ethical Egoism
Incorrect Image of Self
To Consider Personal Life as the Criterion of Value
Internal Paradox of Ethical Egoism
Necessities and Non-Practical Implications of Ethical Egoism
Final Evaluation
Chapter 6 Utilitarianism
Shaun Duke and Prabin Lama
I. Cost–Benefit Consequentialism
II. Limits Consequentialism
III. Utilitarianism
IV. Consequentialism in the Ethical Toolkit
Chapter 7 Deontology
Shaun Duke and Prabin Lama
I. What Can Be an Obligation for Us?
II. Deontological Theories as Decision-Making Tools
Chapter 8 Natural Law Ethics
Mark Murphy
Chapter 9 Rights Ethics 65
Leif Wenar
Chapter 10 Virtue Ethics
Shaun Duke and Prabin Lama
I. Virtue Theories as Decision-Making Tools
II. Building a Virtue-Theory Tool for Ethical Evaluation
Chapter 11 Rhetorical Setting
Mark Curtis-Thames
I. Understanding Rhetorical Situations
Rhetorical Listening
Context Questions
Exercise 11A Identifying Audience, Purpose, and Context
II. Analyzing Rhetoric
Interpreting Audience
Identifying Purpose
Understanding Context
Exercise 11B Beginning Rhetorical Analyses
Chapter 12 Rhetorical Analysis
Mark Curtis-Thames
I. What is Rhetoric?
Classical Rhetoric
The Five Canons of Rhetoric
Modern Rhetoric
Our Definition
Exercise 12A Rhetoric in Your Everyday Life
II. What are Arguments?
Argumentative Components
Exercise 12B Argument, Fact, or Fight
III. Why Rhetoric and Arguments Matter Today
Chapter 13 Moral Reasoning
Mark Curtis-Thames
I. Common Fallacies
Ad hominem
Non Sequitur
Argument from Ignorance
Reductio ad Hitlerum
Argumentum ad Populum
False Dilemma
Slippery Slope
Special Pleading
Straw Man
Tu quoque
Hasty Generalization
Red Herring
Circular Reasoning
Exercise 13A Identifying Basic Fallacies
Exercise 13B Identifying Complex Fallacies
II. Reasoning and Cognitive Bias
Confirmation Bias
Exercise 13C Comparing Searches to Avoid Confirmation Bias
Echo Chambers
Exercise 13D Identifying Echo Chambers in Social Media
Loaded Language
Exercise 13E Identifying Loaded Language in Arguments
III. Bad Faith Behavior
Sealioning/Just Asking Questions
Chapter 14 Power & Ethics
Benfari et al., 1986
Chapter 15 Fiduciary Responsibility
James C. Raines
I. Types of Duties
Box 15.1 The Karen Beyer story
II. Types of Fiduciary Relationships
III. Who is the Client?
IV. Stakeholders
V. Chapter Summary