Psychology in Diversity, Diversity in Psychology: Introduction to Psychology for the 21st Century

Author(s): Jürgen W. Kremer

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2017

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ISBN 9781524941468

Details KHPContent 180 days

Psychology in Diversity | Diversity in Psychology: Introduction to Psychology in the 21st Century takes students on a journey that looks at psychology and their own psyche from a new perspective.

This turn-key online course package encourages students to explore the psychological diversity of humans (psychology in diversity) and the diversity and different approaches within the field of psychology (diversity in psychology).

From an inclusive and transdisciplinary perspective the content helps students to think psychologically and to ask questions small (does a cell have memory?) and large (how can we overcome social polarization?). It is an invitation to enlarge and change your lens on the psychological aspects of our world. The journey is designed not just to be informative, but also transformative.

The online course package includes an eText, interactive activities, automatically graded quizzes, and a gradebook. 

The Online Only purchase option provides access to the KHPcontent website only and does not include the print book with chapter summaries option. 

The Print Bundle option provides access to the KHPcontent website and includes a print book with chapter summaries.



Chapter 1 The Varieties of Psychology

Chapter 2 Mind - Biology - Community

Chapter 3 Biopsychology and the Foundations of Neuroscience

Chapter 4 States of Consciousness

Chapter 5 Personality – Our Lens into the World

Chapter 6 Gateways to Our Worlds – Sensation and Perception

Chapter 7 Learning and Remembering

Chapter 8 Emotion and Motivation

Chapter 9 Thinking and Intelligence

Chapter 10 Cycles of Life

Chapter 11 Stress, Trauma, Health and Well-Being

Chapter 12 Severe Psychological Suffering

Chapter 13 Healing Interventions for Psychological Suffering

Chapter 14 Community (Social Psychology)

Chapter 15 The Promise and Future of Psychology

Jürgen W. Kremer

Jürgen W. Kremer received his doctorate in clinical psychology from the Universität Hamburg, Germany. In 1982 Jurgen settled in the San Francisco Bay Area to teach full time and served as dean at Saybrook University and at the California Institute of Integral Studies. His teaching and research interests range from general psychology, clinical psychology and research methods to the relevance of indigenous knowledge for today as well as ethno-autobiography. For four years he co-directed a program for Native American students and others concerned with indigenous roots and origins. Today Jürgen is a tenured faculty member at the Santa Rosa Junior College.

Jürgen has published regularly since 1976, with 150 plus publications to his credit (journal articles, book chapters, books). Most recently he co-edited three volumes on culture, consciousness, and therapy. He published the textbook Psychology in Diversity, Diversity in Psychology – An Integrative Psychology for the 21st Century with Kendall-HuntHis Ethnoautobiography (with R. Jackson-Paton) is in its second edition with the same publisher. Jürgen has served on several editorial boards and has been an executive editor for ReVision (a journal of consciousness and transformation) since 1994.

Jurgen Kremer has created a remarkable psychology text, one that is original, comprehensive, and reader-friendly.  Its cross-cultural orientation veers away from the customary texts that are oriented to a Western white male readership.  This text informs its readers of the contributions to psychological knowledge made by women, people of color, and indigenous traditions.  I can think of no better invitation to students who are eager to learn about psychology, its domain, and its relevance in today's world.
Stanley Krippner, PhD (Author, Personal Mythology & Posttraumatic Stress Disorder)

To make sense of a world too restless to abide faithfully to the boundaries modernity etched out for it, we need to take big risks and make bold gestures. We need to lose our way in order to find the territory. Gratefully, Jurgen Kremer takes such risks with this book in reintroducing psychology to a new generation of learners. Gone are the old borders and Eurocentric commitments. Kremer updates the trans-discipline to account for new scientific and philosophical conversations, borrows responsibly from indigenous knowledges with cross-cultural insights, and offers a gift of a book that rethinks human behaviour in a time when anthropocentricity is being called into question. We need this.
Bayo Akomolafe, PhD (Author, The Wilds Beyond Our Fences; Chief Curator, The Emergence Network)

In this remarkable textbook, Jurgen Kremer provides a comprehensive integration of current psychological knowledge that acknowledges the complexity of this field and the mystery of the psyche. He integrates multiple perspectives into a cohesive framework, and presents the ideas in straightforward, accessible language. Unlike many introductory psychology texts, which tend to be overly reductionistic, this book will benefit students by introducing them to a coherent and meaningful view of the human mind from the outset.
Mary Gomes, PhD (Author & Co-editor, Ecopsychology: Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind)

Jűrgen Kremer is out to save psychology — and it needs it! In Psychology in Diversity, Diversity in Psychology  Kremer frees the field from being stuck in a 19th century model of science that both ignores the profound implications of quantum physics and dismisses the vast wisdom that indigenous peoples have accumulated over thousands of years. Kremer thoughtfully draws from a variety of disciplines, as well as cultures other than the WEIRD (White, Educated, Industrial, Rich and Democratic), to bring fresh perspectives that enliven and edify, making psychology far more relevant to today’s students. And he does it all in an engaging and accessible style that makes this unique Introduction a pleasure to read.
Allen D. Kanner, Ph.D. (Co-editor of Ecopsychology, and Psychology and Consumer Culture)

Psychology in Diversity | Diversity in Psychology: Introduction to Psychology in the 21st Century takes students on a journey that looks at psychology and their own psyche from a new perspective.

This turn-key online course package encourages students to explore the psychological diversity of humans (psychology in diversity) and the diversity and different approaches within the field of psychology (diversity in psychology).

From an inclusive and transdisciplinary perspective the content helps students to think psychologically and to ask questions small (does a cell have memory?) and large (how can we overcome social polarization?). It is an invitation to enlarge and change your lens on the psychological aspects of our world. The journey is designed not just to be informative, but also transformative.

The online course package includes an eText, interactive activities, automatically graded quizzes, and a gradebook. 

The Online Only purchase option provides access to the KHPcontent website only and does not include the print book with chapter summaries option. 

The Print Bundle option provides access to the KHPcontent website and includes a print book with chapter summaries.



Chapter 1 The Varieties of Psychology

Chapter 2 Mind - Biology - Community

Chapter 3 Biopsychology and the Foundations of Neuroscience

Chapter 4 States of Consciousness

Chapter 5 Personality – Our Lens into the World

Chapter 6 Gateways to Our Worlds – Sensation and Perception

Chapter 7 Learning and Remembering

Chapter 8 Emotion and Motivation

Chapter 9 Thinking and Intelligence

Chapter 10 Cycles of Life

Chapter 11 Stress, Trauma, Health and Well-Being

Chapter 12 Severe Psychological Suffering

Chapter 13 Healing Interventions for Psychological Suffering

Chapter 14 Community (Social Psychology)

Chapter 15 The Promise and Future of Psychology

Jürgen W. Kremer

Jürgen W. Kremer received his doctorate in clinical psychology from the Universität Hamburg, Germany. In 1982 Jurgen settled in the San Francisco Bay Area to teach full time and served as dean at Saybrook University and at the California Institute of Integral Studies. His teaching and research interests range from general psychology, clinical psychology and research methods to the relevance of indigenous knowledge for today as well as ethno-autobiography. For four years he co-directed a program for Native American students and others concerned with indigenous roots and origins. Today Jürgen is a tenured faculty member at the Santa Rosa Junior College.

Jürgen has published regularly since 1976, with 150 plus publications to his credit (journal articles, book chapters, books). Most recently he co-edited three volumes on culture, consciousness, and therapy. He published the textbook Psychology in Diversity, Diversity in Psychology – An Integrative Psychology for the 21st Century with Kendall-HuntHis Ethnoautobiography (with R. Jackson-Paton) is in its second edition with the same publisher. Jürgen has served on several editorial boards and has been an executive editor for ReVision (a journal of consciousness and transformation) since 1994.

Jurgen Kremer has created a remarkable psychology text, one that is original, comprehensive, and reader-friendly.  Its cross-cultural orientation veers away from the customary texts that are oriented to a Western white male readership.  This text informs its readers of the contributions to psychological knowledge made by women, people of color, and indigenous traditions.  I can think of no better invitation to students who are eager to learn about psychology, its domain, and its relevance in today's world.
Stanley Krippner, PhD (Author, Personal Mythology & Posttraumatic Stress Disorder)

To make sense of a world too restless to abide faithfully to the boundaries modernity etched out for it, we need to take big risks and make bold gestures. We need to lose our way in order to find the territory. Gratefully, Jurgen Kremer takes such risks with this book in reintroducing psychology to a new generation of learners. Gone are the old borders and Eurocentric commitments. Kremer updates the trans-discipline to account for new scientific and philosophical conversations, borrows responsibly from indigenous knowledges with cross-cultural insights, and offers a gift of a book that rethinks human behaviour in a time when anthropocentricity is being called into question. We need this.
Bayo Akomolafe, PhD (Author, The Wilds Beyond Our Fences; Chief Curator, The Emergence Network)

In this remarkable textbook, Jurgen Kremer provides a comprehensive integration of current psychological knowledge that acknowledges the complexity of this field and the mystery of the psyche. He integrates multiple perspectives into a cohesive framework, and presents the ideas in straightforward, accessible language. Unlike many introductory psychology texts, which tend to be overly reductionistic, this book will benefit students by introducing them to a coherent and meaningful view of the human mind from the outset.
Mary Gomes, PhD (Author & Co-editor, Ecopsychology: Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind)

Jűrgen Kremer is out to save psychology — and it needs it! In Psychology in Diversity, Diversity in Psychology  Kremer frees the field from being stuck in a 19th century model of science that both ignores the profound implications of quantum physics and dismisses the vast wisdom that indigenous peoples have accumulated over thousands of years. Kremer thoughtfully draws from a variety of disciplines, as well as cultures other than the WEIRD (White, Educated, Industrial, Rich and Democratic), to bring fresh perspectives that enliven and edify, making psychology far more relevant to today’s students. And he does it all in an engaging and accessible style that makes this unique Introduction a pleasure to read.
Allen D. Kanner, Ph.D. (Co-editor of Ecopsychology, and Psychology and Consumer Culture)