Public Speaking and Responsibility in a Changing World

Edition: 2

Copyright: 2013

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ISBN 9781465237064

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We live in an exciting, yet complicated information age. Our era calls for critical thinkers who are willing and able to communicate well toward the twin goals of human survival and career thriving on a connected globe. Thus, public speaking skills are important.

Critical thinking and communication competencies are twin necessities for today’s world. Public Speaking and Responsibility in a Changing World serves as a springboard to help students excel in public speaking. Learners are asked to seriously consider using their rhetorical (speaking) skills in an artful and excellent manner, to be the ethical and positive connection they seek for the common good of society.

Available in print and electronic formats, Public Speaking and Responsibility in a Changing World:

  • Is peppered with compelling and practical examples to help students relate solid theory and practice in the classroom to the real world
  • All-in-one textbook, workbook, and manual with assignments
  • Every chapter highlights six core themes: rhetorical excellence, a multi-cultural perspective, high ethics, satisfying careers, choice of community engagement responsibility for others and the environment, and the astute use of constantly merging presentation technologies
  • Electronic code access to the video library of speeches, such as those delivered by Barbara Bush, Cesar Chavez, Al Gore, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., Ronald Reagan, Babe Ruth, and many others
  • Excellent speech examples within chapter text provided from Mary Fisher, Robert Kennedy, Barack Obama, and many others

Part I: You Can Speak Effectively in a Changing, Multicultural World

Chapter 1: Public Speaking Should Engage Us

Section One Public Speaking and Discussion Serve Important Roles in Our Society
Public Speaking and Discussion Assist in Our Critical Thinking and Give Shape to Our Experiences
Public Speaking and Discussion Help Define Our Communities, Our Societies, and Our World
Public Speaking and Discussion Allow Us to Participate and Be Heard
Public Speaking and Discussion Allow Us to Share and Debate Differing Points of View
Communication Effectiveness Is Related to Oral Tradition
The Canons of Rhetoric Greatly Influence Speech Making
Ethos, Logos, and Pathos Are Hallmarks of Effective Rhetoric
Section Two Understanding the Process of Communication Is Important in Public Speaking
Definition of Communication
Communication Models and the Communication Process
Levels of Communication
Traditional and Convergence Media Have Changed the Public Speaking Arenas
Moving Through the Information Age
Chapter Summary
Print and Web Resources

Chapter 2: Embrace Your Ethical Multicultural Approach
Recognize and Embrace Your Public Communication Approach Multiculturally
Principles of Multiculturalism
Eastern Philosophy Influences Public Speaking
Western Philosophy Influences Public Speaking
Other Cultural Variables Exist
Culture, Perception and the Practice of Communicating Bravely in a Multicultural World
Explore Multicultural Points of View
Chapter Summary
Print and Web Resources

Chapter 3: Enhance Your Critical Listening and Group Communication Effectiveness
Hearing Is Passive; Listening Is Active
Listening and Perception
Different Types of Listening Apply to Different Circumstances
Listening and Group Communication Dynamics
Types of Presentation Groups
Group Formats for Presentations
Group Leadership and Roles
Problem Solving in Group Presentations
Avoid Roadblocks to Effective Listening
Select Speaker Strategies to Target Your Listeners
Apply Effective Strategies as a Message Receiver
Chapter Summary
Print and Web Resources

Part II: Create Your Speech with Commitment and Vision

Chapter 4: Select a Topic and Relevant Material to Engage Your Audience

Select Meaningful Topics
Meet the Objectives of the Speaking Event
Find the Speaker Inside You
Generate Topic Ideas from Outside Sources
Consider the Audience in Your Topic Choice
Collect Relevant Material to Support Your Ideas
Consider Various Forms of Support
Select Forms of Support That Enhance Your Speech
Conduct Research to Determine the Reliability and Effectiveness of Your Support
Chapter Summary
List of Possible Topics to Generate Ideas
Print and Web Resources

Chapter 5: Outline Your Speech Purpose and Speech Body with Commitment and Vision
Define Your Purpose for Different Types of Speeches
Write Your Central Idea Statement
Build Your Research Outline in an Organized and Visionary Way
Use an Organizational Pattern to Highlight Your Main Points
Logical or Topical
Chronological or Temporal
Geographical or Spatial
Monroe’s Motivated Sequence
Sample Outline
Prepare Your Presentation Notes
Chapter Summary
Print and Web Resources

Chapter 6: Put Your Audience at the Center
Why Put the Audience at the Center?
Conduct a Demographic Audience Analysis
Conduct a Situational Analysis
Select Speech Making Strategies to Meet Your Audience’s Needs and Desires
Identify Themes That Touch the Lives of Your Audience
Identify the Specific Needs of Your Audience
Refer to Your Audience Specifically
Chapter Summary
Print and Web Resources

Chapter 7: Develop Your Effective Introduction and Conclusion
Gain Attention with a Powerful Introduction
Select Attention-Getting Strategies
Relate to Your Audience
Identify Your Topic
Preview the Body of Your Speech
Create a Memorable Conclusion
Summarize Your Speech Body
Select Strategies to Reinforce Your Message
Conclude with a Lasting Impression
Provide Continuity in Your Presentation
Begin and End in an Ethical Manner
Chapter Summary
Print and Web Resources

Part III: Present Your Speech with Passion

Chapter 8: Develop Your Effective Nonverbal Delivery

Recognize the Different Types of Delivery
Use Communication Anxiety to Your Advantage
There Are Many Reasons Why Communication Anxiety Occurs
There Are Psychological Ways to Reduce Anxiety
There Are Physical Ways to Reduce Anxiety
Use Nonverbal Communication Strategically
Physical Appearance
Vocalics or Paralinguistics
Auditory Cues
Chapter Summary
Print and Web Resources

Chapter 9: Use Your Verbal Language Strategically
Understand Verbal Language
Language Is Symbolic in Oral and Written Form
Language Has Multiple Meanings
Language Is Abstract
Language Has Multiple Styles
Oral and Written Styles Differ
Your Language Use Should Be Clear and Accurate
Have a Clarity of Purpose
Make Logical Arguments With Words
Increase Your Vocabulary and Structure Sentences Effectively
Prepare and Document Effectively
Use Concrete Language
Your Use of Stylistic Language Should Add Interest
Your Language Use Should Be Dynamic
Your Language Use Can Be Rhythmic and Poetic
Your Language Use Can Compare and Contrast Effectively
Your Language Style Can Aid Speech Organization
Language Is Continually Changing
Language Is Cultural
Use Inclusive Language
Avoid Stereotypical Language
Your Language Can Empower and Help Create New Realities
Avoid Problematic Language
Watch Out for Trigger Words
Use Acronyms, Jargon, and Technical Terms Cautiously
Avoid Language That Results in Poor Outcomes
Use Language Ethically
Chapter Summary
Print and Web Resources

Chapter 10: Use Quality Audio/Visual/Technology Aids in Your Presentation
Section One
Traditional Audio/Visual/Technology Aids Serve as a Cornerstone to New Media
Embrace New Media Audio/Visual/Technology Aids and Use Them With Care
Listeners Can Speak as Powerfully with Hand-Held Devices as Speakers Can with Words
Consider the Many Types and Uses of Audio/Visual/Technology Aids
Section Two
Select and Use Audio/Visual/Technology Aids That Enhance Your Message
Sources for Finding Audio/Visual/Technology Aids
Preparing for Audio/Visual/Technology Aid Use
Presenting with Audio/Visual/Technology Aids
Ideas for Using Handouts and Objects
Avoid Audio/Visual/Technology Aid Use That Can Harm Your Message
Chapter Summary
Print and Web Resources

Part IV: Select Your Specific Speech Type and Strategies to Make a Difference

Chapter 11: Public Speaking to Inform

Determine Your Organizing Principles
Select from the Different Types of Informative Speeches
Speeches About Objects or Places
Speeches About People or Events
Speeches About Ideas and Concepts
Speeches That Demonstrate Skills
Choose Successful Informative Strategies
Select Speaking Strategies to Make Ideas Clear
Select Speaking Strategies to Arouse Audience Interest
Select Speaking Strategies That Use Language to Your Advantage
Select Speaking Strategies to Enhance Visual Imagery
Select Speaking Strategies to Arouse Curiosity
Chapter Summary
Informative Speech Assignments
Sample Informative Speech Outline
Sample Informative Speech
Print and Web Sources

Chapter 12: Use Effective Public Speaking to Persuade
Section One
Understand Your Role in Ethical Persuasion Through Public Speaking
Persuasion, Culture, and Technology
Recognize the Different Types of Persuasive Speeches
Speaking to Reinforce
Speech Analysis: President Kennedy’s Cuban Missile Crisis
Speaking to Motivate or Stimulate to Action
Know and Respect Your Audience
Use Cognitive Dissonance and Rebalancing
Section Two
Apply Effective Reasoning and Persuasive Strategies for Your Public Speaking Success
Ethical Appeal
Have High Character, Worthy Motives, and a Credible Message
Emotional Appeal
Balance Overstating Vs. Understating Emotional Appeals
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Logical Appeal
Message Organization
Monroe’s Motivated Sequence as Logical Appeal
Sample Persuasive Speech Outline
Issues of Fact, Policy, and Value
Reasoning: Inductive, Deductive, Inferences, Analogies, Factual and Numerical Data, Cause/Effect
Toulmin’s Analysis of an Argument
Burke’s Pentad
Specific Persuasive Techniques
Avoid Illogical Reasoning
Chapter Summary
Persuasive Speech Assignment
Print and Web Resources

Chapter 13: Public Speaking on Special Occasions
Recognize the Different Types and Purposes of Special-Occasion Speeches
Awards Presentations—Accepting Awards
Awards Presentations—Giving Awards
Commemorative Speeches
Speeches That Entertain
After-Dinner Speeches
Combination Speeches
Use Strategies That Work
Use the Grand Style of Language
Emphasize Shared Objectives and Values
Personalize Your Subject
Use Visual Aids or Other Technologies When Appropriate
Be Dynamic and Appropriate to the Occasion
Chapter Summary
Special Occasion or Ceremonial Speech Assignment
Entertainment Speech Assignments
Entertainment Speech Topics List
Sample Special-Occasion Eulogy Speech Outline
Sample Special-Occasion Speech
Print and Web Resources

Chapter 14: You Have Rights and Responsibilities as a Speaker
Use Speaking as a Rite of Passage
Speak with Courage
Take Risks with Responsibilities
Embrace Lifelong Learning and Make a Difference
Chapter Summary
Print and Web Resources



Appendix A: Sample Speeches for Analysis

Bush, George W. (2011, September 11). 9/11 Address to the Nation: “A Great People Has Been Moved to Defend a Great Nation”
Clinton, Hillary. (2010, March 12). Address to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (Speech).
King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1963, August 28). I Have a Dream (Speech).
“Obama, Barack. (2013, January 2013). “Second Presidential Inaugural Address (Speech).”
Truth, Sojourner. (1851). Ain’t I a Woman? (Speech).

Appendix B: Sample Speech Critique Forms

Appendix C: Application Exercises

Dorothy W. K. Ige
Dorothy (Dee Dee) W. K. Ige is Professor and Chair of the Department of Communication at Indiana University Northwest. She has a Ph.D. in Speech Education from The Ohio State University. Ige is the winner of several teaching awards. She is a keynoter and trainer at numerous presentation events and has published 25 scholarly articles and book chapters in communication education, diversity, and business communication.
Lori L. Montalbano
Lori L. Montalbano is Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at Governors State University. She has a Ph.D. in Speech Communication from Southern Illinois University. Prior to her tenure at Governors State University, Montalbano taught at Indiana University Northwest.  She is the winner of numerous teaching awards, and has published articles, book chapters, and a book entitled Taking Narrative Risk: The Empowerment of Abuse Survivors.

Public Speaking and Responsibility in a Changing World fills a void in the literature of public speaking and our ongoing efforts to achieve constructive, effective and powerful expression with clear, concise and definitive examples of excellent speaking styles and successful practitioners of the art...I believe that students using this textbook will not only become capable public speakers, but better human beings! The true genius of this book is that it successfully consolidates the technical aspects of excellent public speaking, with the duty we all share, to push humankind ‘a league further’.
- Richard Gordon Hatcher, Former Mayor, Gary, IN

More than just another ‘how-to’ book, Public Speaking and Responsibility in a Changing World answers the question ‘what for’—why public speaking is not only relevant but essential in a cross-cultural society where effective communication matters more than ever.
- Minnie Phillips, Ed. D., Webster University-St. Louis; English-Secondary Education

Public Speaking and Responsibility in a Changing World is a great textbook for students. I like that is has lots of pictures and examples to keep your attention. It’s a fun read!
- C. Abrons (Student)

Public Speaking and Responsibility in a Changing World features helpful exercises and is very informational.
- M. Velez (Student)

We live in an exciting, yet complicated information age. Our era calls for critical thinkers who are willing and able to communicate well toward the twin goals of human survival and career thriving on a connected globe. Thus, public speaking skills are important.

Critical thinking and communication competencies are twin necessities for today’s world. Public Speaking and Responsibility in a Changing World serves as a springboard to help students excel in public speaking. Learners are asked to seriously consider using their rhetorical (speaking) skills in an artful and excellent manner, to be the ethical and positive connection they seek for the common good of society.

Available in print and electronic formats, Public Speaking and Responsibility in a Changing World:

  • Is peppered with compelling and practical examples to help students relate solid theory and practice in the classroom to the real world
  • All-in-one textbook, workbook, and manual with assignments
  • Every chapter highlights six core themes: rhetorical excellence, a multi-cultural perspective, high ethics, satisfying careers, choice of community engagement responsibility for others and the environment, and the astute use of constantly merging presentation technologies
  • Electronic code access to the video library of speeches, such as those delivered by Barbara Bush, Cesar Chavez, Al Gore, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., Ronald Reagan, Babe Ruth, and many others
  • Excellent speech examples within chapter text provided from Mary Fisher, Robert Kennedy, Barack Obama, and many others

Part I: You Can Speak Effectively in a Changing, Multicultural World

Chapter 1: Public Speaking Should Engage Us

Section One Public Speaking and Discussion Serve Important Roles in Our Society
Public Speaking and Discussion Assist in Our Critical Thinking and Give Shape to Our Experiences
Public Speaking and Discussion Help Define Our Communities, Our Societies, and Our World
Public Speaking and Discussion Allow Us to Participate and Be Heard
Public Speaking and Discussion Allow Us to Share and Debate Differing Points of View
Communication Effectiveness Is Related to Oral Tradition
The Canons of Rhetoric Greatly Influence Speech Making
Ethos, Logos, and Pathos Are Hallmarks of Effective Rhetoric
Section Two Understanding the Process of Communication Is Important in Public Speaking
Definition of Communication
Communication Models and the Communication Process
Levels of Communication
Traditional and Convergence Media Have Changed the Public Speaking Arenas
Moving Through the Information Age
Chapter Summary
Print and Web Resources

Chapter 2: Embrace Your Ethical Multicultural Approach
Recognize and Embrace Your Public Communication Approach Multiculturally
Principles of Multiculturalism
Eastern Philosophy Influences Public Speaking
Western Philosophy Influences Public Speaking
Other Cultural Variables Exist
Culture, Perception and the Practice of Communicating Bravely in a Multicultural World
Explore Multicultural Points of View
Chapter Summary
Print and Web Resources

Chapter 3: Enhance Your Critical Listening and Group Communication Effectiveness
Hearing Is Passive; Listening Is Active
Listening and Perception
Different Types of Listening Apply to Different Circumstances
Listening and Group Communication Dynamics
Types of Presentation Groups
Group Formats for Presentations
Group Leadership and Roles
Problem Solving in Group Presentations
Avoid Roadblocks to Effective Listening
Select Speaker Strategies to Target Your Listeners
Apply Effective Strategies as a Message Receiver
Chapter Summary
Print and Web Resources

Part II: Create Your Speech with Commitment and Vision

Chapter 4: Select a Topic and Relevant Material to Engage Your Audience

Select Meaningful Topics
Meet the Objectives of the Speaking Event
Find the Speaker Inside You
Generate Topic Ideas from Outside Sources
Consider the Audience in Your Topic Choice
Collect Relevant Material to Support Your Ideas
Consider Various Forms of Support
Select Forms of Support That Enhance Your Speech
Conduct Research to Determine the Reliability and Effectiveness of Your Support
Chapter Summary
List of Possible Topics to Generate Ideas
Print and Web Resources

Chapter 5: Outline Your Speech Purpose and Speech Body with Commitment and Vision
Define Your Purpose for Different Types of Speeches
Write Your Central Idea Statement
Build Your Research Outline in an Organized and Visionary Way
Use an Organizational Pattern to Highlight Your Main Points
Logical or Topical
Chronological or Temporal
Geographical or Spatial
Monroe’s Motivated Sequence
Sample Outline
Prepare Your Presentation Notes
Chapter Summary
Print and Web Resources

Chapter 6: Put Your Audience at the Center
Why Put the Audience at the Center?
Conduct a Demographic Audience Analysis
Conduct a Situational Analysis
Select Speech Making Strategies to Meet Your Audience’s Needs and Desires
Identify Themes That Touch the Lives of Your Audience
Identify the Specific Needs of Your Audience
Refer to Your Audience Specifically
Chapter Summary
Print and Web Resources

Chapter 7: Develop Your Effective Introduction and Conclusion
Gain Attention with a Powerful Introduction
Select Attention-Getting Strategies
Relate to Your Audience
Identify Your Topic
Preview the Body of Your Speech
Create a Memorable Conclusion
Summarize Your Speech Body
Select Strategies to Reinforce Your Message
Conclude with a Lasting Impression
Provide Continuity in Your Presentation
Begin and End in an Ethical Manner
Chapter Summary
Print and Web Resources

Part III: Present Your Speech with Passion

Chapter 8: Develop Your Effective Nonverbal Delivery

Recognize the Different Types of Delivery
Use Communication Anxiety to Your Advantage
There Are Many Reasons Why Communication Anxiety Occurs
There Are Psychological Ways to Reduce Anxiety
There Are Physical Ways to Reduce Anxiety
Use Nonverbal Communication Strategically
Physical Appearance
Vocalics or Paralinguistics
Auditory Cues
Chapter Summary
Print and Web Resources

Chapter 9: Use Your Verbal Language Strategically
Understand Verbal Language
Language Is Symbolic in Oral and Written Form
Language Has Multiple Meanings
Language Is Abstract
Language Has Multiple Styles
Oral and Written Styles Differ
Your Language Use Should Be Clear and Accurate
Have a Clarity of Purpose
Make Logical Arguments With Words
Increase Your Vocabulary and Structure Sentences Effectively
Prepare and Document Effectively
Use Concrete Language
Your Use of Stylistic Language Should Add Interest
Your Language Use Should Be Dynamic
Your Language Use Can Be Rhythmic and Poetic
Your Language Use Can Compare and Contrast Effectively
Your Language Style Can Aid Speech Organization
Language Is Continually Changing
Language Is Cultural
Use Inclusive Language
Avoid Stereotypical Language
Your Language Can Empower and Help Create New Realities
Avoid Problematic Language
Watch Out for Trigger Words
Use Acronyms, Jargon, and Technical Terms Cautiously
Avoid Language That Results in Poor Outcomes
Use Language Ethically
Chapter Summary
Print and Web Resources

Chapter 10: Use Quality Audio/Visual/Technology Aids in Your Presentation
Section One
Traditional Audio/Visual/Technology Aids Serve as a Cornerstone to New Media
Embrace New Media Audio/Visual/Technology Aids and Use Them With Care
Listeners Can Speak as Powerfully with Hand-Held Devices as Speakers Can with Words
Consider the Many Types and Uses of Audio/Visual/Technology Aids
Section Two
Select and Use Audio/Visual/Technology Aids That Enhance Your Message
Sources for Finding Audio/Visual/Technology Aids
Preparing for Audio/Visual/Technology Aid Use
Presenting with Audio/Visual/Technology Aids
Ideas for Using Handouts and Objects
Avoid Audio/Visual/Technology Aid Use That Can Harm Your Message
Chapter Summary
Print and Web Resources

Part IV: Select Your Specific Speech Type and Strategies to Make a Difference

Chapter 11: Public Speaking to Inform

Determine Your Organizing Principles
Select from the Different Types of Informative Speeches
Speeches About Objects or Places
Speeches About People or Events
Speeches About Ideas and Concepts
Speeches That Demonstrate Skills
Choose Successful Informative Strategies
Select Speaking Strategies to Make Ideas Clear
Select Speaking Strategies to Arouse Audience Interest
Select Speaking Strategies That Use Language to Your Advantage
Select Speaking Strategies to Enhance Visual Imagery
Select Speaking Strategies to Arouse Curiosity
Chapter Summary
Informative Speech Assignments
Sample Informative Speech Outline
Sample Informative Speech
Print and Web Sources

Chapter 12: Use Effective Public Speaking to Persuade
Section One
Understand Your Role in Ethical Persuasion Through Public Speaking
Persuasion, Culture, and Technology
Recognize the Different Types of Persuasive Speeches
Speaking to Reinforce
Speech Analysis: President Kennedy’s Cuban Missile Crisis
Speaking to Motivate or Stimulate to Action
Know and Respect Your Audience
Use Cognitive Dissonance and Rebalancing
Section Two
Apply Effective Reasoning and Persuasive Strategies for Your Public Speaking Success
Ethical Appeal
Have High Character, Worthy Motives, and a Credible Message
Emotional Appeal
Balance Overstating Vs. Understating Emotional Appeals
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Logical Appeal
Message Organization
Monroe’s Motivated Sequence as Logical Appeal
Sample Persuasive Speech Outline
Issues of Fact, Policy, and Value
Reasoning: Inductive, Deductive, Inferences, Analogies, Factual and Numerical Data, Cause/Effect
Toulmin’s Analysis of an Argument
Burke’s Pentad
Specific Persuasive Techniques
Avoid Illogical Reasoning
Chapter Summary
Persuasive Speech Assignment
Print and Web Resources

Chapter 13: Public Speaking on Special Occasions
Recognize the Different Types and Purposes of Special-Occasion Speeches
Awards Presentations—Accepting Awards
Awards Presentations—Giving Awards
Commemorative Speeches
Speeches That Entertain
After-Dinner Speeches
Combination Speeches
Use Strategies That Work
Use the Grand Style of Language
Emphasize Shared Objectives and Values
Personalize Your Subject
Use Visual Aids or Other Technologies When Appropriate
Be Dynamic and Appropriate to the Occasion
Chapter Summary
Special Occasion or Ceremonial Speech Assignment
Entertainment Speech Assignments
Entertainment Speech Topics List
Sample Special-Occasion Eulogy Speech Outline
Sample Special-Occasion Speech
Print and Web Resources

Chapter 14: You Have Rights and Responsibilities as a Speaker
Use Speaking as a Rite of Passage
Speak with Courage
Take Risks with Responsibilities
Embrace Lifelong Learning and Make a Difference
Chapter Summary
Print and Web Resources



Appendix A: Sample Speeches for Analysis

Bush, George W. (2011, September 11). 9/11 Address to the Nation: “A Great People Has Been Moved to Defend a Great Nation”
Clinton, Hillary. (2010, March 12). Address to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (Speech).
King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1963, August 28). I Have a Dream (Speech).
“Obama, Barack. (2013, January 2013). “Second Presidential Inaugural Address (Speech).”
Truth, Sojourner. (1851). Ain’t I a Woman? (Speech).

Appendix B: Sample Speech Critique Forms

Appendix C: Application Exercises

Dorothy W. K. Ige
Dorothy (Dee Dee) W. K. Ige is Professor and Chair of the Department of Communication at Indiana University Northwest. She has a Ph.D. in Speech Education from The Ohio State University. Ige is the winner of several teaching awards. She is a keynoter and trainer at numerous presentation events and has published 25 scholarly articles and book chapters in communication education, diversity, and business communication.
Lori L. Montalbano
Lori L. Montalbano is Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at Governors State University. She has a Ph.D. in Speech Communication from Southern Illinois University. Prior to her tenure at Governors State University, Montalbano taught at Indiana University Northwest.  She is the winner of numerous teaching awards, and has published articles, book chapters, and a book entitled Taking Narrative Risk: The Empowerment of Abuse Survivors.

Public Speaking and Responsibility in a Changing World fills a void in the literature of public speaking and our ongoing efforts to achieve constructive, effective and powerful expression with clear, concise and definitive examples of excellent speaking styles and successful practitioners of the art...I believe that students using this textbook will not only become capable public speakers, but better human beings! The true genius of this book is that it successfully consolidates the technical aspects of excellent public speaking, with the duty we all share, to push humankind ‘a league further’.
- Richard Gordon Hatcher, Former Mayor, Gary, IN

More than just another ‘how-to’ book, Public Speaking and Responsibility in a Changing World answers the question ‘what for’—why public speaking is not only relevant but essential in a cross-cultural society where effective communication matters more than ever.
- Minnie Phillips, Ed. D., Webster University-St. Louis; English-Secondary Education

Public Speaking and Responsibility in a Changing World is a great textbook for students. I like that is has lots of pictures and examples to keep your attention. It’s a fun read!
- C. Abrons (Student)

Public Speaking and Responsibility in a Changing World features helpful exercises and is very informational.
- M. Velez (Student)