Randy Rattlesnake is an educational and entertaining tale that follows the journey of Randy, a landowner faced with a big decision when an oil company expresses interest in drilling on his land. Set against the backdrop of a west Texas town, the story introduces young readers to the world of energy exploration. This book also introduces readers to various careers in the oil field, shedding light on the diverse roles and responsibilities within the industry.
Tara Wilson is a professor of reading at The University of Texas - Permian Basin. She teaches literacy courses for undergraduate and master's students. Prior to working in higher education, Tara taught in Texas public education for 11 years. Tara presents at the local, state, regional, national and international levels, as well as publishes in literacy and early childhood journals. Tara received her Doctorate of Education in Literacy from Sam Houston State University. In her "free" time she likes to read, and spend time with her fur babies and husband.
Ms. Solis’s 1st grade class gives Randy Rattlesnake 5 stars!
“My students fell in love with Randy and his story!”
Ms. King,1st grade teacher
“I did rely rely like the snake. It was the best book ever”
Jimmy, 2nd grader
“My favourite part is ol uf it”
Mila, 1st grader
“I love the character”
Michelle, 2nd grader
“The details yall put in the book were fascinating!”
Natalie, 2nd grader
“Your book Randy Rattlesnake was amazing!"
Maddox, 2nd grader
“I give it 10 out of 10. My favorite part was when they built stuff”
Emma, 1st grader