Part I Types of Reasons
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Giving Reasons
1.2 What Is Logical Reasoning?
1.3 Arguments
1.4 Types of Propositions or Statements
1.5 Enthymemes and Other Oddities
1.6 Models and Graphical Methods
Chapter 2 Informal Reasoning
2.1 Argument from Authority
2.2 Argument from Analogy
2.3 Propositional Enumerative Induction
2.4 Introduction to Causal Reasoning: Mill’s Methods
Chapter 3 Fallacies
3.1 Formal and Relevance Fallacies
3.2 Source
3.3 Causal Fallacies
3.4 Cognitive Biases
Part II Introduction to Formal Deduction
Chapter 4 Categorical Logic
4.1 Categorical Propositions
4.2 Venn Diagrams for Categorical Propositions
4.3 Categorical Propositions
4.4 Immediate Inference
4.5 Categorical Syllogisms
Chapter 5 Propositional Logic I
5.1 Formation Rules
5.2 Rules of Semantic Inference
Chapter 6 Proofs: Rules of Syntactic Inference
6.1 Conjunction Rules
Chapter 7 Quantified Propositional Logic
7.1 Formation Rules
7.2 Rules of Syntactic Inference: Proofs
Chapter 8 Formal Induction
8.1 Probability
8.2 Bayesian Arguments