The book is a compilation of poems, self-reflection, and instant poetry inspired by life. At any moment where we reflect on the good and bad, the love and hate, the success and disappointment of daily experiences that make us human beings. This bilingual wisdom, in English and Spanish, hopes to inspire the reader to dwell in a silent place where you can meet yourself, your heart, and your deepest thoughts and find a guiding light to propel you forward with hope and serenity. The writer’s inspirations are her family, students, colleagues, and friends. Her surroundings have provided the guidance, the fuel, and the strength to create this collection of work. The author hopes this book will inspire you to live positively in this evolving, diverse world.
I would like to publish this book because people need to know that we all share the same struggles, dreams, and aspirations. Despite Covid-19 and all the pain we experienced, we are blessed to be alive today. I want my readers to be grateful for their lives and their surroundings. It is possible to survive a crisis and move forward. We have the strength and the resilience to find and create a new version of ourselves and become a light to others.
El libro es una recopilación de poemas, autorreflexiones y poesía instantánea inspirado por la vida. En cualquier momento donde reflexionamos sobre lo bueno y lo malo, el amor y el odio, el éxito y la decepción de las experiencias cotidianas que nos hacen seres humanos. Esta publicación bilingüe (en inglés y español) espera inspirar al lector a que halle un lugar silencioso donde pueda encontrarse consigo mismo, con su corazón y sus pensamientos más profundos, y vislumbrar una luz que lo guíe para impulsarlo a seguir adelante con esperanza y serenidad. Las inspiraciones de la escritora son su familia, estudiantes, colegas y amigos. Su entorno le ha proporcionado la guía, el combustible y la fuerza para crear esta serie de textos. La autora espera que este libro lo inspire a vivir positivamente en este mundo diverso y en constante evolución.
Me gustaría publicar este libro porque las personas necesitan saber que todos compartimos las mismas luchas, sueños y aspiraciones. A pesar del Covid-19 y de todo el dolor que experimentamos, tenemos la bendición de estar vivos hoy. Quiero que mis lectores estén agradecidos por sus vidas y su entorno. Es posible sobrevivir a una crisis y seguir adelante. Tenemos la fuerza, la resiliencia para encontrar y crear una nueva versión de nosotros mismos y convertirnos en una luz para los demás.

Infidelity of the soul
A good man
A couple’s love
Thank you note
Infidelidad del alma
Un buen hombre
Los padres
El amor de pareja
Nota de agradecimiento
Old hands
Ode to the Uniform
Sin nombre
Manos viejas
Oda al uniforme
Dear Francesco
My lovely New York
We are what we are!
M. A. R. C.
Instant Poetry
Poesía instantánea
“Dear Catalina,
I am reminded by your personal reflection, “A Good Man", of a book written by Robin Wall Kimmerer the title of which is "Braiding Sweetgrass – Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teaching of Plants" which has been described as "a hymn of love to the world". Robin Wall Kimmerer has an understanding of the natural world and our relationship to it and in it and with it which, unfortunately, has been lost or is completely unknown by many of us. Her writings are gentle and kind, a wealth of profound knowledge and personal experience, exacting and inescapable and valuable to all who will take the time to listen.
"A Good Man" reminds me of all of this.
Well done.”
Bob Hutchings