This book will help you understand how to use the knowledge, skills, and characteristics you develop in your psychology classes to become the person you want to become. Here are some of the specific ways in which this transformation will happen:
- You will learn what a savvy psychology major is and how to become one.
- You will learn about the skills that will enable you to perform well in academic settings (e.g., active learning and critical thinking) and how these skills will also benefit you in your post-baccalaureate future (e.g., in graduate school and in your career).
- You will learn about the four stages in your undergraduate career and how to succeed in all of them.
- You will learn about knowledge that will help you make important career decisions (e.g., what areas of specialization exist in psychology, what psychologists in these areas do, and how much they earn).
- You will learn the types of skills and characteristics most valued by potential employers and graduate school admissions committees.
- You will learn about the covert curriculum and how to take advantage of its lifelong benefits.
- You will learn strategies that will enable you to maximize the probability of obtaining the job to which you aspire or being accepted by the graduate school of your choice.
- You will become familiar with the ethical principles that psychologists use to guide their professional behaviors.
The Author's Autobiography
Chapter 1: Undergraduate Psychology
What Is Psychology?
The Skills and Characteristics of a Critical Thinker
Your Curriculum
Your Four-Year Plan
Chapter 2: Your Future and How to Prepare for It
What Does Your Transcript Say about You, and What Can You Do If It Says Things You Do Not Like?
Skills for Success in Psychology
Looking Ahead . . .
Choosing a Mentor
Chapter 3: Three Degrees of Separation from Original Knowledge That Challenge
Psychology Majors as They Enter and Progress Through Their Undergraduate Programs
Stage One: The Third Degree of Separation
Stage Two: The Second Degree of Separation
Stage Three: The First Degree of Separation
Stage Four: No Separation
Concluding Remarks and Personal Advice
Chapter 4: Preparing for Graduate School
What Do Psychologists Do?
Areas of Specialization in Psychology That Require Graduate School
Alternatives to Clinical Psychology for Those Interested in Human Services
What Graduate Degrees Do Psychology Majors Earn?
Preparing for Graduate School
Applicant Characteristics Valued by Graduate Programs
Getting into Graduate School: Secrets of Standing Out in the Pile
Graduate School Superstars
A Sample Schedule for Graduate School Admission
Applying to Graduate School
The Personal Statement
The Curriculum Vitae
Letters of Recommendation
The Kisses of Death in the Graduate School Application Process
Chapter 5: Getting a Job
Employment Opportunities
130 Occupations of Interest to Psychology Majors from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles
Job Skills Possessed by Psychology Majors
What Do Employers Look for in the Psychology Majors They Interview?
Making Decisions about Your Career
A Four-Year Strategy to Gain Employment with a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology
The Job Search Process
Your Resume
Your Job Interview
How to Prepare for a Job Fair
Chapter 6: The Covert Curriculum
Reading with Comprehension and Identifying Major Points
Communicating in a Clear, Organized, and Persuasive Manner
Writing in a Particular Style
Listening Attentively
Taking Accurate Notes
Performing Mathematical Operations
Utilizing Technology
Mastering Efficient Memory Strategies
Demonstrating Critical-Thinking Skills
Submitting Assignments on Time and in Acceptable Form
Behaving in a Responsible, Punctual, Mature, and Respectful Manner
Managing Stress and Conflict Successfully
Organizing the Physical Environment to Maximize Efficiency
Observing and Evaluating the Attitudes and Behaviors of Role Models
Maintaining an Accurate Planner or Calendar
Working as a Productive Member of a Team
Interacting Successfully with a Wide Variety of People
Seeking Feedback about Performance and Using It to Improve Future Performance
Accepting Responsibility for Your Own Behavior and Attitudes
Chapter 7: Ethics and Psychology Preamble to Ethical Principles of PsychologistsGeneral Ethical Principles of Psychologists
Specific Principles to Be Followed in Research with Human and Animal Participants
The Rights and Responsibilities of Human Research Participants
Academic Integrity