Author(s): Julia H Cothron , Richard J Rezba , Ronald N Giese
Edition: 3
Copyright: 2009
Pages: 218
Science Experiments by the Hundreds develops inquiry skills of beginning researchers. Students can turn their interests into their own original experiments. This book stresses that learning to experiment is an important part of knowing science, as well as a useful strategy for solving everyday problems.
The new edition includes nanotechnology experiments for every chapter. Students will be introduced to and develop an understanding for this revolutionary science used in many of today's products.
Through numerous experiments using materials commonly found within homes, students learn the basic parts of an experiment, strategies for writing safe procedures, methods for analyzing data, and effective ways to write about and present experimental results. Practice problems and methods of self-assessment are found throughout the book.
Science Experiments by the Hundreds is recommended for upper-elementary advanced learners and middle school students. It is effective in classrooms, home-schools, or informal science settings.
Teacher's Guide also available, click here.
Review copies are available as 60-day review only.
Letter to Students
Chapter 1 Conducting Experiments
Variables, Constants, and Hypotheses
Chapter 2 Refining Experiments
Controls, Data, and Repeated Trials
Chapter 3 Analyzing Experiments
Diagrams, Flaws, and Improvements
Chapter 4 Finding Project Ideas
Interests, Labs, Books, and Magazines
Chapter 5 Brainstorming Project Ideas
Four Question Strategy
Chapter 6 Exploring a Project Idea
Libraries, Note Cards, and Interviews
Chapter 7 Writing Procedures
Materials, Steps, and Paragraphs
Chapter 8 Experimenting Safely
Organisms, Chemicals, Shocks, and Radiation
Chapter 9 Recording Data
Tables and Data Summaries
Chapter 10 Constructing Bar Graphs
Axes, Bars, Distributions, and Sentences
Chapter 11 Constructing Line Graphs Plots, Lines, and Trends
Chapter 12 Writing an Experimental Report
From Introduction to Conclusion
Chapter 13 Making Stem-and-Leaf Plots
Data Displays and Distribution Patterns
Chapter 14 Making Boxplots or Box and Whisker Diagrams
Graphic Displays, Quartiles, and Data Spread
Chapter 15 Presenting Your ExperimentRules, Displays, Posters, and Presentations
Appendix A: Using Style Manuals
Appendix B: Conducting Interviews
Appendix C: Expanding an Introduction
Science Experiments by the Hundreds develops inquiry skills of beginning researchers. Students can turn their interests into their own original experiments. This book stresses that learning to experiment is an important part of knowing science, as well as a useful strategy for solving everyday problems.
The new edition includes nanotechnology experiments for every chapter. Students will be introduced to and develop an understanding for this revolutionary science used in many of today's products.
Through numerous experiments using materials commonly found within homes, students learn the basic parts of an experiment, strategies for writing safe procedures, methods for analyzing data, and effective ways to write about and present experimental results. Practice problems and methods of self-assessment are found throughout the book.
Science Experiments by the Hundreds is recommended for upper-elementary advanced learners and middle school students. It is effective in classrooms, home-schools, or informal science settings.
Teacher's Guide also available, click here.
Review copies are available as 60-day review only.
Letter to Students
Chapter 1 Conducting Experiments
Variables, Constants, and Hypotheses
Chapter 2 Refining Experiments
Controls, Data, and Repeated Trials
Chapter 3 Analyzing Experiments
Diagrams, Flaws, and Improvements
Chapter 4 Finding Project Ideas
Interests, Labs, Books, and Magazines
Chapter 5 Brainstorming Project Ideas
Four Question Strategy
Chapter 6 Exploring a Project Idea
Libraries, Note Cards, and Interviews
Chapter 7 Writing Procedures
Materials, Steps, and Paragraphs
Chapter 8 Experimenting Safely
Organisms, Chemicals, Shocks, and Radiation
Chapter 9 Recording Data
Tables and Data Summaries
Chapter 10 Constructing Bar Graphs
Axes, Bars, Distributions, and Sentences
Chapter 11 Constructing Line Graphs Plots, Lines, and Trends
Chapter 12 Writing an Experimental Report
From Introduction to Conclusion
Chapter 13 Making Stem-and-Leaf Plots
Data Displays and Distribution Patterns
Chapter 14 Making Boxplots or Box and Whisker Diagrams
Graphic Displays, Quartiles, and Data Spread
Chapter 15 Presenting Your ExperimentRules, Displays, Posters, and Presentations
Appendix A: Using Style Manuals
Appendix B: Conducting Interviews
Appendix C: Expanding an Introduction