In a world where fitting in is the norm, one sock named Ben and his band of rebellious friends embark on a journey to discover the true meaning of belonging. Ben, feeling out of place, finds comfort in the unlikeliest of companions, a colorful crew of mismatched socks!
Together, they explore a magical world, facing whimsical challenges and uncovering hidden truths. Can they unravel the age-old mystery of what it means to truly be a match?
Dive into this heartwarming tale of friendship, magic, and the undeniable power of being unique!
Daniel Ringenberg, author
Michael Kassis, author
Chris Anderson, individual contributor
Meet Daniel Ringenberg, or simply Dan, a daydreamer originally from just south of Chicago, who now resides in the sunshine of Southern California. From the moment he first touched a pencil, Dan's life has been a whirlwind of cartoons and colors.
This journey whisked him from graphic design classes in college to a dynamic role in sales and marketing at a global energy company. Despite this professional path, Dan's heart has always been anchored in storytelling and infusing life into the inanimate, inspired by the magic of Disney movies like 'Toy Story'.
Now, Dan is fulfilling a childhood dream: crafting his own children's book! He invites you into a wacky, whimsical world where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary. Join him on this fun-filled journey of imagination and laughter as he turns the page into a new creative chapter.
Mick Kassis is a sales manager from Huntington Beach, CA, but his passion has always been for writing and creativity. With multiple creative writing credits from Penn State University, Mick moved to California to pursue outdoor adventure and explore his creative outlets. He has created several characters and stories throughout the years, but no story has captivated him as much as 'The Secret Sockciety.'
He has a two and a three-year-old niece and nephew whom he loves telling stories to, and they inspire him to bring new stories to life that so they can be enjoyed by as many people as possible.
When he's not writing, Mick is creating and playing music, taking photos and videos of America's wild outdoor landscapes, and chasing waves, hikes, or climbs, and whatever next adventure awaits.
Chris Anderson has a BA from the University of Northern Colorado and an MBA from the University of Chicago. He worked in corporate banking for thirty years. Chris teaches college Economics, and he also authors helpful and entertaining academic books.